”.-”508 ’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 1 I \ -- Prairie View Ctate Normal a%d Industrial 9o;bL+egs Prairie View, Texas ,, ', G&ntleBlen: Attention:,``.B+>I,V&&IS Opinion M&&g512 R8l cO``letiO~.-``~-ssd;rrea COuT88B d&r88 (3) S8lWSt8r #by oorreapondenae as stated .in the law.* *S8C. 4. !fOperson h8r8aft8r shall be OOrtii fiad to teach in the public schools of th8 State or Texas Util h8 has SSCurSd oredlt for the course in both Federal and Stat8 Constitutione or the @ade of inetruotitinUgOn whioh he i0 apply- I.nc For the oertifioate, that is either of the subcollege or of the college work; or in lieu thereof shall have passed an 8XaminatiOn Bet by prairie View State IIormal and Industrial COlleg8, Page 2 th8 Stat8 Suparintandant Of Zublio InstrUOtiOn on the Constitutiona of the United States and Texas; provided, that any person who has to his Oredit in anI7 standard college or unisersity of Texas as r.uch a6 six (0) hours of American Cov- ernment shall be deemed to have mat the reauirc- It is apparent that under Article 2603b-1, afa emended in 1939, no etudent may b8 o8rtLiied for graduation with the award of a co118ge d8gr88 until he shall have Oooipl8tOQ at least eix hour8 for oredit in the govarnm8nta of the Stat8 of Texas or of the united Stat86 of America, or the equiva- lent of both; or until he shall have OO?@let8Q at lea& three hours of said oredit in government and at leaet three hours of credit in 3 aour in Military Scienoa as provided for in an approved senior R. 0. T. C. unit. Thie the stu- dent m8ntiOn8d in your letter of &III8 29, 1940, hae failed to do. It is therefore the opinion of.thia department and YOU are respeotiullV advised that under Section 4 ot Article 2663b-1, VernOnis Annotated Civil StatUt8a, a stu- dent who &EM conplated only three hours in Constitutional History by correspondonce from the Frairie View State lyorntal and Industrial Colleg8 is not 8ntitl8d to his IJester of 8ctenes degree until he shall have completed three additional hours for credit in the i-overhment of the State of Texan or of the United Metea oi America; or shall have Completed at least three additional hours of aredit in a course in Military Science aa provided in an approved senior I?. 0. T. C. Unit. Very truly yL;ura