DocketNumber: O-2467
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable Homer mrriron, Jr. Dlraotor, Dapartment of PublSo Saiety Auatln, Texae . Dear Sir: or other aoou- or eridonoe that ruoh ih has bean 8atlrflsd. private sale in aa- oordanoe with the term of the mortgage, and that suah Oertifloate 0r Title may not nata the ssoond or inferior llene',;whioh exl8tad against said motor vehiole p&r to the time of repossession and forealoeure of the prior li0n. Honorable Homer Harrison, Jr., Page 8 WWe now ask the tollowlng question: *Shall the Department iesue a Certifioate of Title against a mo- tor vehlole upon affidavit of repoa- session and under the olroumstanoes outlined above, when there is ot re- cord a first lien against tires, radio or other aocsssorles, without requiring from the applicant either a notation on the application of auoh first lien against tires, radio or other aooassorlss, or rvfdsnae that such first lien haa been ratis- fied?” Thie Department ruled in opinion No. O-1984 as roilowe t “By way of 8ummary, it ia the opinion of this department that where a mortgagee repoa- se~sea a motor rehfalo and sells the same at a private sale, whloh prooedurd is in aooord- anoe with the terms of the mortgage, your Ds- partment Is authorized to issue a Certifloate of Title in the name of the purohaser at suah private forooloeure aale wbioh oertitioate may not note on the same the aeoond or inrerior liens which existed againat said motor vehl- 018 prior to the time of repossession and iore- oloeure of the prior llen.w In euoh opinion this Department reoognized that the rule of law stated therein applied only to a forsolo- sure of the rirst or prior lien and.the efieot of suoh foreolosure on a second or mubsequent lien. It 1s a rule or law too well settled to nead the oltation of authority that where a eeoond or inferior lien is roreoloasd, euoh foreclosure does not prejudice the right or extinguish the lien of the first or prior nortga$e holder. Your question therefore resolves itself down to thls: Ii the lien whloh the vendor of the tires, radio and other ao- oeseories takes against euoh artioles is a first lien against euoh artioles even though they are put on to a mo- tor vehlole which bears a prior and first lien against Honorable Homer Oarrison, Jr., Page $ such motor vehicle, then the foreolosure of such lien on the motor rehiale by the mortgage holder on the came would not extinguish the first lien whioh the vendor of the tires, radio or other aooessorles had against suoh aoaesaorlee. However, on the other hand, if when suoh tire, radio or other aooessory is attaohed to the mo- tor vehiole, the party holdtng a first and prior lien against such motor vehicle gets a first lien against auoh tire, radio or other aocessory whioh Is superior to the lien held by the vendor of suoh aoaessory; then in such 0886, the rorsolosure of the lien on the entire motor ve- hicle would be a foreclosure of the tire, radio or aooes- sery also, and the rule of law announced in our opinion No.O-1984 would apply SO that pour Department could not note on the Certliioate of Title of the new applicant who purchased the motor vehicle at the foreolorure sale, the lien which the vendor of the tire, radio or other aooss- sorg held against suoh artiale. ~180 if the lien of the vendor of suoh tire, radio or other aooessory is a superior lien against suoh article over the holder of the original first mortgage on the motor vehiale, then your question would have to be answered in the affirmative and the ap- plioatfon of the party who purohased the niotor vehicle at the foreclosure sale with suoh tire, radio or other aooes- sory lnoluded thereon would have to note suoh lien of the vendor of euah aocessory on suoh applioatlon or show other etvidonosthat suoh first lien against suoh aooessory has been satisfied or extinguished. We are able to find but one ease on this point in Texas. That Is the oasb of Firestone Service Stores, Ino., vs. Darden, 98 S. W. (a) 916, San Antonio Court 0r Civil Appeale, deolded May 0, l.938. The iaots in that oass were stated by the Court as followsr '1116. w. Wrden, or Bexar Oounty, Texas, on the 7th day or July, 1934 purohasec rr00 the Motor Sales Coapny, a partnership oom- posed or Lester 0. Fox and Milton welnrield, one 19Bd Paokard Sedan, 1934, License No. 93,307, 00t0r NO. 67300-A for the sum or (b.lOS.00, paying therefor b3S.00 in oash and leaving a balanoe of #lO.OO for whloh the said Darden exeouted to the Motor Sales Oom- pany a ohattel mortgage on the automobile, complete with standard attaobmenta, aooesso- ries and equipment, The chattel mortgage was Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., page 4 duly filed of reoord with the County Clerk of Bexar County, Texafl,on the 0th day of July, 1934, a oopy of whioh mortgage ia here- to attached and marked Exhibit *A”. mlThereafter, on or about the 15th of AU- gust, 1934, K. 91.Darden drove to the Flre- stone Service Storee, Inc., In San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, and purohased three au- tomobile tlree and tubes, size 600x23, being Firestone Heavy Duty Tires and tubes, bearing serial No. L-9630054U, L-964526U, and L- 97004itJ. That at the time of the purohase of the tires and tubes and prior to the delivery or the aame to M. w. Darden, a ohattel mort- gage lien was execut6d from k. W. Darden to the Blrestone Servloe Stores, Ino., to seoure a balance of $66.00 of the purohase prloe of said tires and tubes, a copy of said mortgage 1s hereto attached, marked Exhibit eB*. That the ohattel mortgage was flied of reoord with the Oounty clerk of Dexar County, Texas, on the 27th day of August, 1934; that the tires and tubes when purchased by E. K. Dardan wers placed on the Packard Sedan above desorlbed by the employees of the Firestone Servloe Stores Inc., at the lnstanos and under the dlreotion of 1yi.w. Darden while the said Paok- ard Sedan was stl3.1on the premlsea of and at the plaoe ot buslnese of the Firestone Servlos Stores, Inc. ; that the old tire8 and tubes were taken off said Packard Sedan Automobile by Firestone Servloe Stores, Ino.*a employees and were delivered by them to X. W. Darden. . . ln In deoidlng the issue as to who had the superior lien to those tlrea and tubes in question, the Court held as r0n0w8: “It will be noted that appelleeta chattel mortgage only oovered the automobile and the standard attaahments, aooessorles, and equlp- ment dellvered to M. a. Darden, and does not have any provision that such ohattel mortgage shall include other accessories and equipment thereafter placed upon this automobile. There- fore the only theory on which appeliees 0Oui.d Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., Page % oontend that their mortgage extended to anfin- oluded the tires purchased rrom appellant by Darden would be that the tires when plaaed up- on the autokobile became a part thereof as an aoaration or aconssion thereto. These tIrea being easily Identif'iedby serial numF.ers,and being so attaohed that they are easily removed, without Injury to the automobile, do not be- oome a part of the automobile by the rule or accretion or aocession . . .* The rule of law announoed by the San Antonio Court of Civil Appeals In the Firestone oase that tires, tubes, eto., do not become part of the motor vehiole by aooeesion, is a rule of law recognized throughout the United States. See also the oasesof Rotor Credit Company VS. Smith, 24 S.W. (Sd) 974, (Sup. Ct. Ark.); Rosquet vs. kiaokMotor Truok Company,168 N.E. 800
, (sup. Jud. Ct. Ease.); Clarke v. Johnson,187 P. 510
, (Sup, Ct. Rev.)~ Meisel Tire f@ipang v. Edwards Finance Corp., 14 EJ.E.(IZ) 870; Franklin Service Station, Inc., vs. Sterling Motor Truok Company of W.E.,147 A. 754
, (Sup. Ct. R.I.). You are therefore advised that in a aase where a motor vehicle I.ssold Andya chattel mortgage taken on tha same whioh does not aontaln any provision that tha ohattel mortgage shall include other acoessorles and aquipment thereafter plaoed upon the automobile, and where later a tire, tube, radio, or other aoaessory is sold and the vendor of suoh article retains a lien upon the sama, that under the authority of the Firestone Servioa Storesoasa, supra
, the lien of the vendor of the aaoessory is superior against suoh article to the 1%~ placed on the motor vehiole upon its original sale. we oall to your attention, however, the faot that the San Antonio Court of Civil Appeals did not pass on this question if the original mortga:199 S.E. 775 , November 10, 1938, stated aa rollowe In this oonnsotionr “The oontraot which retained tho title to the truok upon which the tires sued for were subsequently placed, provided that ad- ditions to the truok ehould become a part or the truok and be oovered by the oontraot. . . *Every one who buys a truok knows that the replaoement of tires and tubes 1s~Inevit- able rrom a standpoInt of keeping the vehi- cle in service and from a standpoint of pro- teotion of life and tha property itself. Eenoe the ease with whmiahthey are removable. . . . *The title to the tiree never did pass to the owner of the truok, and we can think of no reason why the seller or the tires and tubes would be estopped to alaim title to them unless there was rraud praatioed ,In the replacement. Surely the eellsr would not be estopped because he mada traveling sarer for the truok and Its drivers and mada IWO of the truok sure and aontinuoue at least for a time. The seller’s aotion oan not reasonably be aaid to have oaused the party holding the oontraot on the truok to have acted to his Injury. So, W@ conclude that the seller of the tires and tubes has the superior title and that the judg- ment of the court below was oorrect. Goodrioh Silvertown Stores v. Caesar,214 N.C. 85, 197 5.2. 698; 2 Berry on Automobiles, 6th Ed. SlSO6; Linooln Road Equipment Co. v. Bolton,127 Neb. 224,864 N.W. 884; Goodrich SilVertovPnStOrQn V. A. h A. credit 8ystem, Ino., 200 Idinn.866, Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., page V874 N.W. 178rFirestone Servioa Stores, Ino., v. Darden, Tax. cit. App.,90 S.W. 86313; Goodrioh Silvertown Storea v. Pratt Motor CO.,198 Minn. 8bO,869 N.W. 464; Ksirsl Tire (lo. v. Ear-Be1 Trading co., 155 Miso. 664, 2SO x?. Y.S. 335, and cit.;98 A.L.R. 427, and cit.’ The 8ame faot aituatloa oonfrontsd the Supreme Court of Rhode Island in the ease or Franklin Servloa Station, Inc., va. Sterling Motor Truak clompany of N.X.147 A. 764, deoided November IS, 1929. The original chattel mortgage in that oese oontalnad an after-aoqulred property olaure. The vendor of the tires sold the same under a oonditlonal sale oontraot, In which ease title reaained in the vendor. The 00urt held the righta of the oonditlonal vendor ot the tires superior to that of the original ohattsl mortgagee and stated as follower WTha automobile to-day is orten assem- bled with parts bought iron dirreront dealera, which are separable and replaceable. Thlr praotloe and oourae or the business met be considered on the questfon at aooession us ap- plied ta automobllsr . *we are or the op%nion, as,alrsady es- pressed, that the mortgage@ did not have title to the tires in que~tlon.* The same rule or law was announoed by the supreme court 0r in the ease or D. Q. ssnios calirornia tMrpora- tion vs. Seourities Loan and Dlsoount Ooapany,292 P. 497. Tha rule or law announoed above in a ease where the original ohattel mortgage contained an a?ter-aoqulred property olauae and the vendor of the tire or other aoo8s- eory retained title to suoh aoorasory under a aonditional sales oontraot has also been extended to oases where the vendor 0r the tire or aocessory retained only a lion against suoh aooessory, The rule has been established that the original mortgagee Mdar the after-a@gUimd pTOp@Sty tthUSe has his mortgage attached against suoh after-adquired tir6 or other aocessory only to the extent of the title of the purohaser in said artiole. The Supreme court 0r Errors or 315 Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., page S CoMaatiaut aMoUW3ed this rule or law In the aaLseof Tire Shop Y. Peat,161 A. 96, June 21, 1932. The Court stated as r0li0w88 *While the authorltiee are not in harmony, we regard the weight of reason to be with those who hold, at least in the abeenae of express provision oonoernlng after-aoquired equipment, that the conditional vendor of a car, on repos- sessing it, takes only suah title as the pur- chaser had in parts or equipment sold to him under a oonditlonal bill of sale, which are as easily and readily detaoheble as tires and tubes . . . nThe defendant makea a broader claim, that, by the terms 0r the sale 0r the automobile to Carney, the tirea and tubas baoeuna subjeot to the provfelon that ad&~& or eubatituted parts or aqulpaent plaood upon 6he ear are to beoome a oomponent part of it and are lnoludad in the term *oar* as used fn the bill of sale, and that therefore the pleintiff, when the tires and tubes were attaohed to the oar, lost all right or intareat in them. But while the dsiandant and Carney were tree to make thie agreement be- tween themselves, they oould not by its terms bind third persons not parties to it. Davis Y. Blies , supra. Title to the tires and tuber oould pass to the derendant only through carney, and he oould pass only ruoh title as he aoqulred in them by their purohaae. Wood Y, Holly Mfg. Co., suprat United State8 y. New CMeans k 0. R. Do., suprat Ho&es y.Mooney, supra. But Carney never did aopuire any property in them which waa not subordinate to the piaintiwa rights. It neaes- sarily rollows that the derendant oould only ao- quire a property in them subjaot to those rights. The doatrine of title by aaoeasion doee not ap- ply to the -equipment oi a oar whioh the buyer and seller do not intend to be merged into its struature and whioh is olaarly df8tlnguishable, and as readily detaohable from lt as are tires and tubes. Franklin SerYiOe StattOM, InO., Y. Sterling Motor Truok Co., SO R.S. 336,147 A. 734; BouSquet Y, Maok k?otor Truak Co.,869 Mass. 800, 160 N.E. 000, . .* Honorable Homer Oarrison, Jr., ~6s g An exarupleof a aasa where the vendor of the tires took only a chattel mortgage on #al& tires and was held to hare a prior lien over and agalnst the original ohsttel mortgagee of the motor vahiola whloh ahattel mortgage oontained an after-aoquired property olause wue the Ooodrioh Silvertown Stores Y. Caesar, 197 S.E. $98, ;&he Supreme Court of Worth Carolina, deaided JUIO 82, The question before the court was atated as fol- low& "The question presanted for deoialon is: Where the seller of automobile tires in6 tubas, at the tIma of the sale, takes a ohattal mort- gage on the tires and tubas, and also on a truok, to seaure the balanoa of the purohaeo price of the tires and tubes, and tharaafter the tire8 and tubes are placed on the truck, is the seller of the tires and tubas, upon derault in tha pay- ma&s, entitled to recover them, or their value, from the seller or tha truok who has repossessed It, with the tires and tubas on It, undsr a prior aonditional sales oontraot on the truck whloh oontains an after-acquired property olause? In answer to the question, the court etatad an r0u0ws : “The dootrine of aoaarsion is inapplloa- ble in oases where personal property Is plaoed upon other personal property ii the property so plaoed had not become an Integral .part Or the property to which it was attaahed and oould be oonvenlently detaahed. . . “The oonditional sales agreement was be- tween the defendant Paul BeMutt Motor (fompny, as seller, and (juittle C. Caesar, aa buyer, and the agreement by the buyer *that any equipment, repairs, replacements or accessories plaaed up- on said oar shall be at the buyer’s expense and shall become a component part thereof and in- oludad In the terma of this agreement’ inured to the benerlt of the xotor Company only to the extent of’whatever property Caesar may have had in any aoaessories, lnaluding tires and tubas, plaoad upon the truak, and Caesar never had any property In the tires and tubes not subjeot to the purchase priae ohattel mortgage exeauted by Honorable Homer Oarriaon, Jr., age 10 him to the plaintiff. Therefore, the plaintirf, as holder of a past due ohattel mortgage thereon, had a right to the posseesion of the tires and tubes, unless they had become so attaohed to the automobile so as to become suoh an integral part thereof'aa not to be removable without detriment to the automobile. . .* The aame rule of law was aMounaed by the Suprw Court of Yinneaota, in the case of Goodrich Silvertom Stores of B. 8. Ooodrioh Co. V, A. & A. Credit System, IRO.,274 N.W. 172, decided June 11, 1937. The oourt 8tated the rule as hollows: "It is the rule in this state that, oom- plianoe with registry lawe aside, artlolee at- taohed to an automobile or other prinoipal artiole oi personal property, when easily de- taohable without injury to either, do not parr by aoosrrrion to the one having a prior mortgage or lien on the prinoipal artiole, ae against the conditional vendor of the aoceasoriea, even if the lien inetrument on the principal article has an after-aoquired property olause. 000&- rioh Bilvertown Btorea v. Pratt Motor Co.,198 Minn. 269,269 N.W. 464. Thfs la on the theory that a mortgage or other lien reaohing aiter- aoquired property can only attaah to euah prop- erty in the oondition as to title in which it comes into the hands of the mortgagor. St. Paul Xleo. Co. v. Baldwin Engineering Co.,~l29 Nina. 221,199 N.W. 9; Sohnirring v. Stubbe, lT7 Minn. 441,225 N.W. 989. Since Vader got only a quali- tied title, whioh oould not beoome more without payment of the full purohaee prioe, defendant could take no greater right than Vader." This rule of law applicable in a oase where the vendor of a tire or acoeaeory passea title to the purohaeer and retains only a lien was perhaps best stated by the Su- preme Court of South Carolina in the case of Qooarioh Sil- vertown, Ino., vs. Rogers, et al,200 S.W. 91, Deoeaber 9, 19328. The oourt stated as f'ollowst *The rf20t that the mortgage or the de- fendant Rotor Company contained a olause oov- ering after aoquired property is not oontrol- ling. Before the sale of the tirea to Rogera, Honorable Homer Garrison, Jr., Page 11 title thereto was in the plaintltf, It passed to Rogers simultaneously with the taking ef- fect of the mortgage to the plaintiff, it be- ing in eff'eata single transaction and Rogera only aoquired title subject to the title re- tention contract, this being the true inten- tion of ths parties. He was never, therefore, able at any time, either prior or subsequent to the purchase, to pass any grehter rights than he had . . . Yonder the rule in the Cash X;illsCase, a mortgage intended to cover after aoquired prop- erty can only attach itaelr to euoh property in the oondition in which it oomes into the mortgagor's hands. In the oase at bar, the tires were subleot to the interest of the seller. who by virtue & its sales oontraot retained a ' epeozfio lien thereon. . ." (Underscoring ours) Our Oonol~sion based on the above disoussed oases is as r0il0ws: The lien of the vendor of the tire, tube, or other aoceesory is a first lien against suoh artiole and is eu- perior to the lien of original vendor of the motor vehiole YO which eaid accessory is attached. This is true even though the original mortgage on the motor vehiole oontalns an wafter-aaquired property" clause. It la the opinion:of this Department, therefore; that the Department of F%blio Safety may not issue a oer- tirioate of title on a motor vehicle upon aff+idavltof repossession without noting on said Certificate of Title the rirst lien or the vendor of the tire, radio, or other accessory whioh la attached to the motor vahiale unle8s the applloant ror the new certifioate of title who is the pur- abaser at the foreolosure sale produces evidence betore your department that auoh rlrst lien against suoh sutomo- bile aooessory has been satisfied. Yo,urs very truly AFFF.C)VEGJUL 2, 1940 ATMRNBY GEMShAL OF TPrXAS BY