DocketNumber: O-2485
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GERALDc. MANW AnO”*~.G**‘“IL Yourrequert to crb~rfU4 oomlderd by t reqwlrt 88 fOllw8l tWO~ditb8V8,ifh,V8lvtOU8. hi8 OVU 08C tlI8tMbd Of tb8 OUO iurni8h.d (u 8bOYO bJ the. OOUdy?" Hoaorabk 2. A. Oourtwy, Page 2 sOtiM 5 Or &tiOie 3gu0, maOa' kUIO~t# 98X88 ciril butUt88 FM68 U fOlbV8 I "It 8hd.l k the duty Of all otiloe?~ to Ohargo bad oolleot la the nawr mithorlrredw law all hO8 U'd 068810li8 vhioh M'o prmritted by lbv to be M808sOd and oolbeted for 8ll offi- oibl 8ervloe pUfOllwd by thea. A8 8ad whea ruoh f.08 M8 0OlbOt.d th.y 8k&1bO dopoelted in th8 OiflO@rt' 86bq hItdOE hmdr prO'fidOdinthi8 lot. Iaeveattho0onml88lorm`` Oourttlnd8 that the trllure to oolkot uiy fee or ooml68loa vlb due to aegl0ot 00 tbr part of the offlyoehl;fhtbd vlth the reapoaalbillty of oolleot @mount Ot 8uoh f98 or OOti8BiOA rh i"t be bated nMll thOtr~Of8UOhOfflOO~, Bef~?Ourpm~h doduotloa 18 made, th8 @xmIIi88ioner8~ Oourt rlaall furni8h 8uoh oiiioer vith UI 1Wr.d lktenwat of the UnOOl.l8OtOd fO88 vlth vhloh hir WOOt'nt 18 to be ohm ed, aad rbll notify ruoh off’ loer of the tlms bad p& co tar 8 burlng on 8amD to drtwmlae whether ruob offloer VM guilty of aegllptaoe, vbioh tlu iOr hearing 8ball be lt lwrt tea ~AJI, rub8equeat to th8 d&e Of aotioe. MO88 an offl- 08s18 Oh6r&Odb~ b'ftith tit8N8 poaribllitr OS OOll0Otia6f'HI,tbO 0aaai881OUP8 OOUl't8hrl1Wt la uy lveat nk8 mj deduotloM Sr08 the ruth0rirod Scrbry Of 8~34 Orfi08rFa 8eutloa 60oa, *it18 28, Vol. ,28, 0.6.OqA., l'Wd8 u foll0v81 , "mat juror8 and vltae88e8 (other thaa vlt- a08808 V~O mu 8al.UiOd ml0YO88 Of the 80Y8rmMatr uad detaltmd Wittl.8808)b th8 tbit8d 8kt88 OOtU't8, iaoludlag the dl8triot oourt of mlmll, the dlrtrlot oourt of Puerto Rioo, &ad the dirtslot oOurt oi the -tad Stbkl ocmal88lon8ro,8b11 bo ontitled to l per dlc~nfor eaoh day of lotual attrntlanoewad for uoh day neoerurll~ oooupled in tmvaling to rttend Court, or upon the oomul~mlono~, arxl return horn, -de in addltioa, mllukge u provldad la 8eotloa8 6oOb to boo6 ot thi8 title.” 8eotloa 6OOe, Title 28, Vol. 28, U.b.O.A., reads u rollw8t "Vltneauo rtteatlltgin woh oourta, oc bo- POT such 001&8810``~ 8kl.l r8colv8 for mob a7’8 4tModaMe WX? iOr th8 tia, ~#Oe888~uy ocoupbtd la going to ud returnlqg ti the awe W, aad 5 oent8 per 11510'for2oI4 Prom 4l.8or her place or rc8Mwice to t&8 plms or trW or hew- aad 5 oat8 per rile ior ~o$ur&ing: Aad pro- VI % d further, Ttsatrlfaors,r (War th&i vItaerror VhO -0 Sd.UPied 8mp1OpO8 Of th# 6WMMOat Wd d8tdMd VitnU808) in the Utit& stitO8 OOtit8, inolud~ the Di8triOt Court Of &Mli, th8 !&I- trlct Court of Puerto RIoo, md the dirtrlct court Of th@ utited Std.88 $0~ th8 m4wiCt Of cOfvorbi& UhO rttb& OOU3t Ol’ 8ttOnd bOfOrV tlalted8trtO8 OOlIEd810S~OM,~ti~OiAt8 80 trz,l’UOWd traatbir, re8poctiVe ZWSIdoI4oe888 to proh%blt return there- to fPON d&J t.0&r, 8h611, VhbJh -18 fWt I# OOF- tiri04 t0 ia *be order or the 00-t 0r tb OW)- 8ti8~Io~r for pa,*wmt bc ontitled, In rddltlon to the compensation so dsd by exItrtInglav ae modI- Pied by 8eotloa8 P 001 to 6006 of thi8 t&8, to b par diem of 3 fo rlx p nms o fo ub sfsb ~o Sor e each day of aotue1 &ttewlano8 and for ea8h day moe881~- ``~pltdlnt``Ungtort``ourtudre- . Ijeotlon601, 41tle PO, Vol. 28, U.B.O.A., reada u rO110V81 "The rollovingmdaoOthwoompeluatlon @hall be taxed ti rlloved to vItne8eer in the 88-M 2aate8 bad Terrltorl88, ezcept in ea808 ot4erwl8e expre8alf pMlid*d W lkv. lbr mob dOr’8 atten- dance in BOUH,or beroromay 0rr10er purruaat to hV, 81.50, Ukd 5 08lIta * sib for,g0 -hi8 placr or rO8ldOnOO to f&e pub. or trla9 or hear-, and 5 008-m A sib rw mw832ug. yhon 8 ~a3088 l6 8ubpomUd in more thsn oae em80 b+tV8en the UAtaS paFtlO8,&tth8~8UBO OOUl’t,OD%~OJ%O tl’W.l Pee andme perdldieaO``atl~8~llbs allWed II-blo R. A. Oourtuy, Pw 4 forrtten6uwe. Bothrhallbe tuedinthe 0-e PLntbi8por8doP,Ut~vhiohtb# pwdlomattm- d&Me peealone 8b;ltk taxedlJLt& otbrauer b the order la rhioh th8y UW dhW8.d Of. Vhea 4 Vib888 for 18 deala la p?i8O@% vlntOi~OU?lt~ iOF bi8ap&WUWM 8, b@ 8h11 k ultitbd, %lirdditi- t0 hl8 8Ub8iltOM0, t0 & 0oqHnutIfbn of 41 l day.' T48 abov8quoted ?e&anl Stat&or provldm foe the ru%ym&at Of VitnO88 Ud ri 0 fW8 fol! ritM88e8 in -1 . %%08a fU8 MO “DOl’803S3.” f-8 t0 th. VitMBM8 YOU W thOF@fO~ l’@8WOtfkdl7 dri8d tht It l8 the opinion of thlr departam& that the ~ltno88 and rileago So88 d88orlb8din few lottorbre aot "Pee8of offloon of the &erlPP, cad should not be a’opo&ed 8.8 8UO&, aor be placed ia th. Off1OW8’ llabl7 f&d, tPlW8&WM3tiV@Of tb Ylt~8808’ method8 of tramporutloa. Ac-Lg ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS COMMIREL