OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Debr Sirr latter of rroent date in which f thir department are taking the repuert.letter to p3u th Oiitoor,lttaohd to aa follanra ma Diririon of IndumtrlalEyggie* 0r tha Texar 8tata Daprrtmnt oi 8081th Ooogdrrtitag with the United Statea Publio Health Senloe oi ths Podoral &ourlty Mm.lnirtrrtlonuader Tltla Elx or ths Soohl Seo;lrltrAot ir lnd~evo ?lato initiata ad oarry o ut l rogram 0r health promot fon aad health oonrrrtat Pon mong lndurtrid grc``pa--a Hon. Orrlllo a. Carpntrr, Da&@ t duty with whloh thlr doputziiont i8 ohmgod under stat0 Law. To oonduot ruoh eotlrityit booomer tow lonntlel first of lll to dotmzalno thr 8oopo OS the problem. Tar thl8 purporo lp 18 ~0x7 lsnn- tlal to heto a 111% of lndurtrlor opsrrting in T4Xl38. Suoh l li8t w find lrelleblo only In ycur otiloo. ‘370would like, thor*roro, to rrk you to 8uUpplrU8 with l llot of omDlo~r8 giving U8 onl~l 1. Tho AUMI a ndlddrerr e. Froduottamamritoturod uador your Cobo (lb.0 her. born 8UDpli.d with Cod0 Id8r by the Social Geourlty Boerd: 3. Tho approxlmto numbor of l .loyoorla opdh plant, If euoh inform&4 'onoen bo obtalnod without l g r ea t doal of troublr. Vhl8 iniormetlon 18 to'bo 11804rololt ior 8oloatiflo~JrrposorIiiardor to srelueto oafiron- no&al working condition8 and to aer~lrt indurt In tho location and aontrol of occupationalhoa7 ,th herard8, e8 wall a8 In tho prOmOtiOn ot adult hoalth prograqr.a wo ai80 quota aa r0iia*8 rroln8 odo8tion to our drpertsrntfrcm Dr. Cox, UndOr drto oi SUna 7, 1940, portalnlngto tb repuortmado OS your dopirtmont in tho lbor, mennor& l l * o Vi0era ett4mptlng not only to oell tho lttontlonof lmploprr to potrntlel oooupatlon- ll hoelth hezardn,but else to mxpherlm thr gen- orallzod program of honlth ooneorvetlon en4 hoelth promotion ?or la;h end ororp plant. Thlr program 18 mooting with the l??rc?al oi orgenlzo4 labor, rteto end local mnufaoturlng aoroelatlon8,ohem- berm of oommereo, end with the pub110 In general. 8 l l The lnrormetlonn geitherla to bo urea for the benofltof lnployer end lxplafoo and il.not to bo 13004In ocurt aotlon or an7 ciennu tc teto ml8underrtendlngr btweon lmplopr aniyD!:;O.. It 18 rtrlotlye oooporatlrr, rogru dorlgna to . pranotatha health of our l6uPt working population. Hon. Orrlllo 9. Cerpmtor, ;agm 3 Tha lniorm8tlonwhloh wa era rOqU48tlng wo-l1d.b. of t~8ndOU8 bonoflt in our dopertunt in the pu- suit of our objootitoa. * l 4 ” Sootion 9 (o of rrtlolr bg21-b Vernon@6 ~rmo- tatea Olvll statutoo, 1s40. 11 (0) in o??foIel oopr), r8CI48, in pert, a8 r0ih8t Qooordr 1n4 report81 Zaoh Omplofing unit, #hall keep truI end eoourete Waphymmt r4OOrd8, oontalnlng ruoh ln?ormetlon 68 the CCQSII~SIO~may p!w#oribO and whloh 18 da-4 n44488U7 to th8 p r o p er ldmlnlrtratioa of fhi.8Aot. 6uoh rooord8 rhall bo open to inrpotfon and subjoot to bolng ooplod by tho Cmnlr8lon or Ito luthorlrmd repro,- 8OntetivO8 at a nyreeronrbh tin6 lnd a8 0rt.a a8 may bo necerjsary. Tho Commlselon nsy require tram any mploylne unit any sworn or ua8waa report*, with r48D4Ot to D4rSOn8 Wp103'44 by it, whloh thS canmissiondoom8 n40488arf for tbq 4rre4tiv4 admin- lstrotion o? thfs Mt. In?ormatIon thus obtained shall not be pzbllahed or bo 0~0s to publlo la- Emotion (other th::nto xmbllb lnBloYee# in tb per?crzzancoo? thair xbllo dutisr) In ens Rennsr r4roelInn the lmlo3Ina unit'0 IdmititY~ l l + m mpti818 our8). Uador thir 8tatuU the T4X48 vneaglo~nt am-n- ration CakmIseion 18 euthoriud to eXemin4 rsd tO.inspaot nOOrd8 Or WT#iOYi~ Unit8, end to require mi!IhZbporta 08 40~104 by the 001t~d08IOn tWO488Ii~ SCT th 8 l~?Oofl+@ abin- lstratlonof the Aot. Th. OOnaiS8ion 18, how#VW, •X&Wa881~ prohibit04 fraa publlehla roT4eli4 oi di#olo#ing to th8 public in my manner the fniOXmetion @ thU8 8OOUT46. EiXO4~tod, only, 18 that tlw InronuatIon ray be rstowi~a bo jwbllo 4laDlO~OO8in tho por?oTmancW Of their Dub110 dUth8 - must thrrororo 64trrminm if tho roquort at hand iali8 within thl8 lXOO~tIOn. The 4utiO8 of the State Do utaent 0r Hmlth ar8 variOU#ly dofined and lndlcato4 Pn th0 #tatUto# of ToSB, 4roorgtr frat whioh wo quot. eo followrt '~ptlclo4414a, V*A.UrS. +-To bettor protoot ea4 pramotr th4 health of the geoplo o? Tox08, Ulu 18 horrbr l8tabliOhO4 th8 Ho;?.Orrlll4 S. hr34nter, pags 4 State Dspartmnt of l!eelth,wkioh hapertnent 8hal1 coaslst 0r a State 3o.:rd0r Health l St&to 581th C;'floernnd hlr admlnirtrat~ve start shall hare the generel powus end &ut?d and w;-.loh eut!iorIzedsnd ka>osed by the prorlslonr or tlilr not .* ArtIOle 4419, V.A.C.S: *The Ot?itaBoas4 or Heelth #hell hero @mu- al supurislon and ooctrol of all matter8 pertain- ing to tho health or oltlzonr 0r thlr State, a8 provided herein. + + * . Article 4420, V.A.C.St "The mmbore of the State 3``4 of Heaith or any parson duly autLorIz.adby, upon prasenta- tion of proper authority :n wrltlng, era hsraby empowsrsd, w!mnever they m6y dealt It necaesery in pursuanc4 0r their dutler, to Juter into,, lnveetlgnts , insj%ct and via-u any gmund, gublia builbing, factory, 8laughtar house, +ioking PIJL~S, ebbattolr, dairy, bakery, mnutactG?y, hotel, ras- taurant and any other i~UbllOglace and ;UblIo bullb- ing nhera they deem it 2ropar to enter ?or tha dis- covery aad sa2;rzsrlan cl'4itec;aeand fGr the 4n- forcecent of th rulea af