. pi w,$ : Honcmbte E, 8. Formen, pace 2 , 1 1937, 45th Lo '.,p. 559, ch. 301), which amnded&ous~ itlpartioulersnot,nuterial to,thiti'opin- Bill Xo. 596 "i ion), pr#vidanr H.B. so. 970; W3ctlon I. In fill&unties in this state having a ?opuLation of nore than ofiohundrsd thousand (100,000)inhabitantsand ides thm one hundred,fifty.thoussnd(150,000)inhabitants,aa, 8hown by th% IRtost Unitad Staten Conaua, and containing two (2) oitica of fifty thousand (5O;OOO) inhnbitazzts, or more, each, as shorn by the lntoat Unit&d StrderiCensus, thenComissZ.oners ., Court of such county shall appoint a ouitabl.o gorso~ who a``311aot as Couhty Purchasing &ont for ouch county;v~o'ohall hold his offioe at ths ploaeure 01 the Comiosionars Ccurt or e pi- jority thorcpf; it chalh be the duty of such ~. agent to.rtikaall purchases fox such oounty of all oupplios,mtgrinls, and aquipm3nt re+irad~ or used by such county or by.n subAivieSon,CC- ricer or s:z~glofeo thareot sxecpti~zq~;uch,purohnsea.~ as nay by lm bo rtiquirudto be lradaby oozpoti- tive bid?,and to.contractfor al1 rapnlsto prop- erty usad by such county, its sqbdirisiortc, ofTiccre, and WI``O~O~S, Ct!rcapt FjUCh RS by 1W are &c;~ired- to bo contiwotcd for by ocmpstitivabi&, All purohaoes n&de by such agmt shall bo puiclfox by aarrents draw by tho Cmuty Auditor cjnthe County Trcxmsrer of such c~ountyus in the ~?.mmr now provided by lau. ,5t aball be unlawful for tmy pornon, fim, 01'cor>orction,0th~ tbtm such: purohosing nzont, to purcbacs any supplies,m- turinls, cmcl o;;ulpmnt for, or to contrmt for any repairs to grogorty UEG~ by such county 03' any sdaivisi02., 0fmor, 022 e~.gi~po tmaor, end no wmrant chall.be drawn by tbo County kxdi- tor or honored by the County 'Zmosursr of my si~chcounty for CAY purchcses except by such nccnt nx~dtboae mdo by cozpetitivobid as now proviaeclby ~llw;'Cn the 1st day of Suly of oath year such p``sc!:uoin`` qr;nt ahcll.file v!S.th ~Ll:s co,-~lssi.oIlbri3 court of such county on inventory Of all pro*+rty offIhe oou3ty and of ozch suxiivi- ,’ . 862. Honorable E.S.,Foremn, page 5 classificotioamast bo based qon a real GJstino- tier.,nnd xust not be orbitrary or c devica to give nbat is in sabstanoe a local or special QY!' the Tom of c gm3x;11 law. It is ml1 reco&%ed that *in detorming whxAber a Iar;is pblic, Zen- eral',cpoci.jl. or local the wwrt3 will look to, it6 substmca cad ?recticel o?erution rather than to its titlo, form and phraaeolo~y,bocaune other- wise prohibitions of the fundmental law a&net specicl legislationmuld be mptory.' 25 E.C.L., 215, and'auth~ritietcited, ::'e need not.so into a lonsthy discussinn of what Is a ;;roperbasis of' clnca~ficatlon~in a nattor of this kind. rt is 8ao0ro appopriate to otnte in ,gecoralterm what must bo peseat to justify tho plscin~ of om cwnty3.z a vory lircitednrd,rcatrictodclansif%- cwtioc, on 3.nthi3 insta?oc. This has been con- cisaly slxtsd in numrous caaes~in lan5uqo qmtcd with approval in the cne~ of Lsonnrd v. Road WA- tenonco Dintrlct Xo. I, I.57,Zrk,,'599, Cl S.V.(2d) 70, by the Sqm~e Coax% of Arka~ses. **The ml0 is that a clssnifisntioncannot be adsgted clrbltrarily up011a r,rouod\-l:;ich ban 20 foundtitio3 in df~f$ro.rcoof cituotion or cirouz- stances of ths municipalitiesgluced in the diffw- ent clss~o3. Those ,I;ust bu soxe rc3so:zubl.e mlation bot:;eenthe situatio.n-ol"munioigGi:.i*3cl:Ics%Eied on8 obj'ectoto 'beattained. Th~3ro and the p.~T.:asnc, mUF,t be so:.:et?,i`` e * * wbioh in ao:~erensomble dspee occo~un"u8 for~tha division into clmses. f Whoa vselook to tbe~prscticnl 3przition ol the Act in cpntion 130 ara led to the co:~c&usioa that t!:?ntto.zDtcdclassificnti,on is umo(:sonabl.o' end arbitrary to 3uch degree as to indiszte beyond doubt t:lattho ~;>urgosecl't-x,La&slstu~*~x::sto single out ona'coiintyn:idto attc+ to logisleto ugou the-quastion of the coz:)enoation CC it3 olfi- cex3, aridnot a>o:lttm subjact 5esemlly, md theroforc:t,hakct was void nc bcinc a o;~oclullav~.n A lexvMilichagDlio3 onlyto ap'artofn nr&sl clrib~of. ~Iionorabj.e ‘Em 9. FoW&n, pago 6 . .. . persbna or thinga nust predicate its lncluaion of a pert and fpolusi~n of tb balance upon oharacteriatlcspecu- liar to the part which, c~nsidaringthe obJaots and pgr- pooes of the law, afford reasonable ground for restric&g. the apglicatlonof the law to the jmrt. Clas3l?lo~ation‘ mitWba reasonableand natural, not arbitrnrp nnd osgri- ArbitrarydeslCcstion is hot classification.The vice Af .lccal~orspecie1 1%~ is that they rest oh.arbi- trary deoiEhatlon;that they do not mbmca an4 affect all .of.the class to which they ara acturally related, 25 R.C.L., p.p, 01%BlG; 12 Xa, Jr., p. 140; s:tJTLI v, sTATT, (Ct. Cr. App,), 49 S.F. (2d) 73Q; RAXCCLFTIY. @‘fATR,(Ct. Cr. kpp,) 30 6.a. (26) 484; CXTY CS BORT ‘?.ORTIfVI 5GBBXT, 121 To+. 14,~38 8.M. (2d) 470, 41 D.%. (2a) 22.S. ThQ hot ucdor conaldo~otionreRrssents arbitrary . dosi&hatiou,ratherthan val.idclassification, It attmpts 30 roglllctetha affair’sof counties Fitkin a fixed popula- .’ tion bracket which csn only ep,plyto Jofferaon Cour,ty. The nuziberof inhabitantsrasidingeiihin a cmnty, unl the population of Wo cities within suoh county, dcca not, in any reascnabloon?imtursl tuner, indicate the necessity, pro- pkioty, or desirabilityof ro.gJlating the affairs of such : county iiithe mnner attcaptea by this Act. The pur:~ooe of Article 3, Seation 56 of our Constitutton,.in part, is to secure unifomlty In our systoa of County Sovcriment,in- aofrara~ poosihlo; to prevoat the onactmnt. or enforccznnt of lam which dlscrininetebetween ths cour?tioaof this State wittcut aao-i_uiJte em? substautialdifferonoes which w0uia rationallyiudicato the necesolty for suob classifi- cation. The Act under cons~dorationcUarly violates the Quoted provisionsof Article 9, Section 56, of our constltu- tion,.and it is therefore ucconstitutlonslar.dvoid. The Aot under considerationbsing s mllity, au opinion~fron this dspe.rtmnt cmstrulng 1 ts yroviaions Wuld serve no useful piirgoso. Very truly yours