DocketNumber: O-2388A
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable Roy S. Loventhal, Chairman Livestock Sanitary Commission W. ,T. Waggoner Building ~FortWorth, Texas Opinion No.@2388-A Re: Reconsideration of Opinion No.O-2388 Dear Sir: This department has received your request for a o-2388. reopnsideration or modification of 'Opinion,No.' we set out below the applicable portion of your letter of original request. "Will you please.advise whether or not 'gectionB under head of 'Salaries and Other: Provisions', page 146 Senate.Journal, Rouse ,Bill 427, Acts of the Regular Session of the 46th Legislature, forbids cooperative agencies such as the Federal Government or .County C,om- missioners' Courts of this State, supplement- ing the salary of a gtate paid employee. "The Livestock Sanitary Commission of Texas has employees in the office of the Pre- datory Animal Division, Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of the In- terior, in San Antonio, that are doing work identical to Federal employees In that office. "The Federal employees compensation is somewhat larger, and the Government or other agencies referred to above agree to supplement the State paid employees salary in order that all those doing the same work in the same of- fice will receive the same compensation." Departmental Opinion No.@2388 held as follows'. ~"Thiswill acknowledge receipt of your request for an opinion on the question of whether .ornot certain employees of the Live- stock Sanitary Commission of Texas working in . e.. Honorable Roy S. Loventhal, Page 2 the office of the Predatory Animal Division, Bureau of Biological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, may have their salaries supplemented either by the Federal government or by the commissioners' courts. "We assume for the purpose of this opinion. that the employees referred to are provided for and their salaries fixed b the Departmental Appropriation Bill of the 1 6th Legislature of the,State of'Texas. "The ,following pertinent provisions are contained in Senate Bill 427, Acts of the 46th :..eglslature: "'The appropriations herein provided are to be construed as the maximum sums to,be ap- propriated to and for the several purposes ~named herein, and the amounts are intended to cover and shall cover the entire cost of the respective items and the same shall not be sup- '~ plemented from any other source; and, except was~otherwiseprovided, no other expenditures shall be made, nor shall any other obligations be incurred by any department of.this State, provided however that nothing herein shall prevent any department head from paying less than the,maximum amount set forth herein for any salaried position. "'Limitation of Payments. Except as other- wise provided, whenever, by virtue of the pro- visions of this Act, items are to be paid out of fees, receipts, special funds or out of other funds available for use by a department,~ it is the intention of the Legislature to limit expenditures out of said fees, receipts, special funds or other available funds to the purposes and in the amounts itemized herein, and it is so ,provided. "'It is provided that any ,,nurse employed by the State Health Department not receiving $125.00 per month under this Act may have her Honorable Roy S. Loventhal, page 3 salary supplemented from Federal funds in the sum of $12.50 per month upon approval of the proper Federal authorities.' "The Legislature, in providing that the salaries of nurses employed by the State Health Department might be supplemented out of Federal funds upon approval by the proper Federal authorities,.,manifestsa legislative Intent to prohibit the supplementing of the salaryof' any,~other-stateemployee. "It is the opinion of this department ~' therefore that the salaries of the employees involved in your inquiry cannot be supplemented, either by the F~ederalgovernment or the com- mlssloners'~courts of this State;" On September 19, we wrote you as follows: "This 'departmentis in receipt of~your letter of September 12th wherein you request a modification'or reconsideration of the above opsnion. "This has been assigned to.the writer for attention. .Formy information, please send me ~' a c~opyof the cooperative agreement entered Into pursuant to the 'statutoryauthority granted by t;t;.lz;;, 41st Legislature, FirstCalled Session, . Also, I should appreciate knowing then exact procedure whereby the Federal Government or agency would make federal funds available and how it would be .dlsbursed." In respons~eto our inquiry~Mr.~C. R. Landon; Dis- trict Agent for the United Sta~tesDepartment of the Interior, advised us:'that they (the two clerks) each have what is known as Agent appointments under the United States Depart- ment of the Interior. These appointments state the amount of salary to be paid from Federal funds and the amount to be paid from State funds. The total,salary is based upon the Federal salary rates for the type of work required of these employees." In the light of this information, it would seem that the Federal Government pays the two clerks in con- sideration for their services rendered pursuant to their Honorable Roy S. ~Loventhal,page 4 individual capacity as agents of the United States Departme'ntof the Interior, and this being done irrespective of the fact that they incidentally occupy at the same time the position of State em- ployees. The money paid these clerks in their capac'ity as a 'Federalagent springs from a source and travels a channel s'eparateand distinct from those funds appro- priated by the State Legislature. These funds never reach the State Treasury. The point of its origin and. disbursement is the Unlted.States Treasury. (See Report of State Comptroller ~Re:FederalFunds.) Senate Bill No.~427,,Acts of the 46th .Legislature, is the .current.~Approprlation Bill. 'Certain portions of that Act which are considered as ~applicable follow: (1) ~"The appropriations herein provided are to be construed as the maximum sums to be appropriated to and for the several purposes named herein, and the amounts are intended to cover and shall~cover the entire cost of the respective Items and the same shall not be supplemented from~any.other source.“ (2) ,,?Theproperofficeror officers of ~' any State Departments, bureaus, ,ordivisions of Staae Agencies are hereby authorized to make application for and accept-any gifts, grants, or allotments of funds from the United States Government to be used on State coopera- tive and other Federal projects and programs in,Texas. . . Any of such Federal Funds as may be deposited in the State Treasury are hereby‘ appropriated to t~hespecific purpose authorlzed by the Federal~Government." '(Note: The numerical classification of these sections is ours). Acts 1929, 4lst Legislature, First Called Session, p. 235, authorizes the Livestock Sanitary Commission of Texas to enter into coop,erativeagreements with the United States Honorable Roy S. Loventhal, Page 5 Departm nt of the Interior to effect the control and eradicaeion of predatory animals. It is now~submitted that the above quoted pana- graphs of the Appropriation Bill do not apply to, and, therefore, cannot control the situation presented~here. It is to be noted that Section(l), supra
, uses the phrase "The appropriations herein provided." This language gives rise to the supposition that the Legis- lature did not intend to deal with funds extraneousto those mentioned in and specifically dealt with in the Act. In Section(2), supra
, the Legislature sought,to appropriate "any . . Federal Funds as may be deposited in the State Treasury:" The Federal Funds used to sup; plement the clerks' salaries in the instant case never reach the State Treasury; therefore, they have not been appropriated by the Legislature. Consequently no pro- vision of that Act could possibly be made applicable. The Appropriation .Bill and its provisions can exercise no Influence over the funds under consideration by reason that they are completely foreign to its @here of applicability. There is here a direct relationship between the Federal Government and certain of its agents. They perform their Federal duties for which they receive their Federal pay. There exists no Intermediary period whereby the State could claim or establish jurisdlctldn for the purpose of directing the subsequent disburse- ment. Article 16,.Section 33, of the Texas Constitution provides: "The accounting officer of this State shall neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the treasury in favor of any person, fo,r salary or compensation as agent, officer or appointee, who holds at the same time any other office or position of honor, trust or profit, under this State or the United States, except as prescribed in this Constitution. Provided that this restriction as to the draw- ing and paying of warrants upon the treasury shall not apply to officers of the ~NationalGuard of Texas, the National Guard Reserve, the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States, nor to hen- listed men of the National Guard, the National Guard Reserve, and the Organized Reserves of the United States.' Honorable Roy S. Loventhal, Page 6 The clerks are commissioned agents of the United States Department of the Interior, and, accordingly, hold Federal positions of "honor, trust, or profit" within 'the meaning of that phrase. None of the enumerated exemptions in the above quoted constitutional provisipn embraces this situation. Therefore, under the given facts, our opinion Is that no provision of the AppropriationBill would prevent the State employee's salary from being supplemented by Federal Funds; but, Section 33, Article16, supra
, would prohibit them from receiving any salary or,compensation for their services rendered the State so long as this Federal relationship continues. Any portion of departmental opinion numbered O-2388 in conflict herewith is overruled. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS BY Wm. -J. Fanning Assistant BY GW:RS Grundy Williams APPROVED Oct.,22, 1940 Gerald C. Mann Attorney General of Texas