DocketNumber: O-2283
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorable J. B, IdsDonald Commlesl.onerof Agriculture Au&in, Tens W3 era in reo ueat far an opilllon upon the following oertifioate per;dttin& then t,Gebi;,rturserg stock izto this atete. Xt red.9 ae.followas Q3 person, partnershiD,of wr~ratlon outside the State shall be perd.tted to Ship nursery stook into t&is State without having ::iretfiled with the Ctxnmiapianerof Agrioul~- ture a oertlfica8copy ef his or thsit asrttfl- Honorabls 3. IL HoDonald, Page 8 oate of inapeotionissued by the proper authorl- ties in the Stats from whioh the shipment ori- ginates. Suoh oertifloatenust 8hor that the stook to be shipped ha6 been srszilnsd by the proper officers of inopeotion In auoh State, and that it ia a>garantlyfree from all dangerous ia- mot pests or ooatagiouadieeasea and when fuai- gation 18 required by the Corsmisaloner of Aqri- oulturo, that ths stoc.4ham bsen propsrly iti- irated. ,_1 Upon receipt of iu4t: csrtifioate, the Comulisalon4r shall make CnJc;? inlWSti&AtiOll as TV r:oralstanding and integrity as will satisfy him that the amlioant Is entitled tu rooeive %aoh box, bole or paoka;se of nureary staok Srom outside the Stats shall beer a tag on which le printed a oo:?y of the oertifioatsof this State, and alao a oopy of ths sertifiaeteof the state in which it originetQ8.* (UWktrS4Or- ing our41 Artlale .193deals with *inspsotionfeee*t “!t%Q &UWSi85~0`` @i-&l fir aIU!OOllQ4t rsaronablefsee for the lnspeoblonherein pro- vided for, 9f not &QSU than two dollars aad fttts cent6 nor mm thsn ftftesn dollars fer eeoh inaDeOtion.* lUnder6coringOUTB1 The rrgeoialrider to the Itemhad Agrloultural pertmnt appropriationin the Oeaeral %psrt;nsntalAppn, tlon Bill, Senate Bill 487, Aotisof the 40th Le@lsletum;~ “appro~riatea*oertain f ee6 and/or balanoee for the we of tie Depsrtmnt of Agriaulture for activitiss “as hsreinabovo speoiflosllyttw&zed.” This rider reads ae ~tol.``o~ ” all fees and/or tinexpended balances WLiCh &Gs*been reoeived an8 WtdCh may be re- oeived b;+virtue of Chapter%7,Artfcls X%3, Ee- vised Ctvil Gtatutss, 182A . . . 379 iktnorable S. 2:.&Donald, Page 3 It will be noted that all fees which have been re? ceived and which may be rsoeived "by virtiisof Chapter 9, Artlcls 153, Revised Gfvil Statutea, 1925* are among those fees agrcprlated to the use of the Department of Agrioul- tur83. iieoall attentionto the faot thritChapter 9 does not Oontain an "Article 153". Cbqter 7 Title 4, the Nur- sery Inspeoticn Law, ooipriscasArticle6 ilQ-135. Article0 125 end 133 provide for the oolleation of fees. In the Co~sral De~art~snta.1 Bill, agrloulturalrider, h;,pro;Iriation sk.ovequoted, t:~ereis no lnolusicn of Artlole 128 presorib- in:;A five dollar fee for a cortifioetefor cut-of-state nurserymen,on& Article 133, tLe _:enerelinrrpeotion fee stntute, is referred tc as Article 153. There is no doubt in our minds that in enaoting the speoial r5Aer above referred to the h&.aLature intendedto appropriatefor the use of the Drpartrnsnt of Agric3ulture es outlined in the iteaieed seotion of the bill all the nursery inspeotionfees collootedunder Chapter 7, inoludlng the fees provfded for in Article 128 ea well as Artiale 133. Further- ~:ore,we think it is a:pparentthat failure to mention Article 12j w0.san ove;a%ghtand reference to 153 - a non-existent statute In Chagter 7 - an error. Iri nedthor instame, however, IB the intsntion of the Legislature olroumvented. Sn the first plaoe, the Legislature appropriated all fees received or receivable under Chapter 7, the Rtrsery InapeotionLaw. It is true that only one fee article of tilestatute is referred to, but even hare a aerioua error is costi:.tted. The e:‘feetof the error is to nedesaltatea construotlonwhloh will aarry out the intention of the Le$is- lature. It WHB obviouslynot the plan of the laumakingbody to inolude feee oollected from intrastatenurserymen,end to exclude without mention the inspection fees of out-of-state nurserymen. The very next rcfertmco II:the rider is to "ahag- tcr 3 of Title 4, Reds& Civil s&r:tutes, 1823." T&la incli- cates thittt.:ie Legislature intaniec;that all the fues re- ceived ,317 receivableunder Chapter 7 were a?Dropriated. ,T:23 canon5 oi Lstntatory COllSLZXCtiO9 support the yxltic-r, vie hvc taken. ‘38( Ronorable J. E. UoDonald, Rage 4 The section of t.herider with whioh we are oonoern- ed is erroneous and anzbiuof.18. It ie subjeot to oomstruo- tion. While es a genera !frule legislativeerror8, nilstakw or otisgions oannot be oorreoted u,nlessby the Legislature still obvious error8 or uLietakesof a olerioal ````%tioal or tgographloal nature my be dleregarded: Rlllere* mutual Fire Insurance00. v. city or Aurtin, 210 s. 1. 825 Cernooll v. Colorado County, 48 s. w. (2d) 47Q Frasa v. Darrouzett IndependentSohool Dlstriot, 227 s. IV.751 State v. Cunter, 81 9. w. lC2S =Thue it is settled that the intention of the Legislature controls the language used by it, and in construing a etatute the oourt ie not neoeeearily oonfined to the literal meanfng oi the word8 wed, especially in rerpeat of lrolated or prtioular ;rovieions;the intent rathar than t.h:6 rtrldt letter of the aot will be re- .garded.* 39 Tex. JUr. 181 The intent or the Lagl8lature m8 undoubtedly to appropriate ell the fees oolle0ted under Chapter 7 to the of Agrioulture. Sin00 Departrtient there ir no Artlole 155, the reasonable constructionie to inolude all fees rsoeired or recetveble under fee articles, i.e. Artioleo 12S and 133, within the rider appropriation. It 1s our opinion that the five dollar rees oolleot- .ed rrom out-or-state nureerymen under Arbicle MS, Revised Civil Statutes, 1926, are ‘fees . . . whloh have been received and whloh may be received by vlrt:.le of Chapter 7, Article 153, Revised Civil Stat:,.tee, 1926* within the purvfew of the rider t.2the agriculturalappropriationof Senate Bil.14M, the General Degartaentel Ar;:proprietlon Bill, and as suoh are asproprlatedto the Department of Agriculture to be used for HOnOrable 3. E. KoDoneld, Page 6 the purposes and in the manner provided in said rider. Trusting that we have rullg answered your inquiry, we are Your31very truly ATTORNEY GZNERAL OF TEMS