369 - OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8WN courtr oup- railed to eon- 6 r0l: oalllng , raid prtltfon 0r April, 1940. orrib f8r th88b tW0 8 8806, v8MOn’8 -tat84 oiV;l Bta%UtO8, "Art1010mo6. OB th8 p0tiil;ion 0r twm (so) or t mJorltT or tho legally qualiiiod TOtOr 0r 88Oh 0r roveral @Ont16UOU8 oomwn 8OhOO1 di8triOt8, Of OOBti@UWl8 Ind8WldOBt ; maorabla EICO Walter, Page 2 8ehOOl di8trbriOt8, pl%lrIing iOr tho OonsOlidatIOn of 8uoh di8trIOt8 far 80&4001pPrPOBe8, tha CoWty sudg0 8hsLl i88ae 0B Orbr rOr an ObO- tion to be hold on tha 8ame day in eaoh suoh dlstriot. Tha CoUBty Judge 8hd.l giTe IIOtiOe of th8 date of 8Wh tiOOtiOll8by publloation of the ardor In 8OlM BeW8 P8r publiah8d in th8 008aty ror twenty (80 days prior to tho data OB rhiah 8ooh lleOtiOll8are OrdOnd, Or br pO8ting a not:00 Or 8UOh 8hCtiOM IIIe8Oh oi the dl8triot8, or by both 8uoh pUbliO8tfOB Md pO8t.d l&OtiOO8. The COd88iOEOr8' COWt aball at it8 next aoeting oaWaa8 the retQN8 ot suoh elaotlolu, and Ii the rote8 oart in oaoh aad all dirtrIot. 8hor a majority In eaoh dl8trIOt Voting IOpUTataT in raVOr Of 8R8h ooneolidation, the Court 8hall decrlere the Sahool di8ttriCt8 oonm1Idated. 'COIPPY)~ 8QhOO1 di8trIOt8 nay in likm mannor bo eonsolldatad rtth oontiguoor IBdr- pendant 8ohoo1 di8trIot8, end the dIrtrIot 80 oreated bhtlu 6. known by t ha name of the Independent ~8obool di8trIot Inoluded therein, and tha managemeat or the n* dietriot 8hdLi bo under the existing board or tro8teea or the Independent eahool dirtriot, aad all the right8 and privilege8 granted to Independent dIstrIot8 by the hW8 of thi8 State 8ha11 bo-8Irsn to tha oW8olidated Independent dI8trIat oreated under tb prorlsions 0r th18 law; provided that when two or more Independent dI8trIot8 lue oonsolldat- ed, ths Countr Board ot,Tru8teee shall designate the name by rhloh the oald dlrrtriotshall be brn, and rhall appoint a board ot,reven tru8- tee8 ror the oaid OOU8Oud8ted dirtriot, to --e until the next regular 8bOtIOn'Of tru8- t-8 a8 preaar$bed br i#enaralLaw, at whIoh time the dI8trIot 8ka.U eloot a board 0r 8even trU8te.8 whose gorer8, duties and term8 0r orri8e 8hai1 ba In aooordanoe with th0 pto- *18iOn8 oi tlm CBneral Law $avemtng Independoat dI8triOt8, aa ther now lx I 8t or mar herearter ba lna a ted;provided rurther that rhan It i8 pro- W8ed to oon8olIdate oOntI&pOU8 COttaty1-e dIS- trIOt8 the pitIt$on8 .gideleotion orders prefiorlb- M in thi8 AOt 6hal.lb0 addrO8886 to and i88Ued bt the Cow&y Sodgo or the CountI haT:BU 3Wi8- Soaorablo Eeco Walter, Page 3 diatloa over the prinolpal echool or eaoh dlstrlot and the reeulta oi the election shall be canraseed by the Commiesioners* Court Of the said oouuty. -The tern rdi8trict1 a8 used in thi8 and the succeeding nine artiolee mean8 ‘eon- solldated oonnaonsohool di8trict8,' or *eon- solidated independent sohool distriot.* (AOt8 1919, 2nd C. S., p.169, 68 amended AOt8 1923, p. 169I Act8 1931, 42nd Leg., p. 182, The terse oi Artiolo 2SOd aupra, do not deeigaate that anP partIoul.artime element shall Intervene between petition8 to oon8olidate eohool dI8tricta. NOr doe8 the ju8tiry any Lnplloatlon or 8Wh a legI8latIre lcici~u;ge,used . Yoware 8ecordInglP adri8ed. Truatlng that the above 8atIetaotorIlP answer8 Pour QUe8tiOn8, ye remain " " UWm. J. Feinnlng - &8i8tWt