Gerald C. Mann 3cm. ~!m:C:r &3rriSOA, are, P&IRS ? Depsrtmmt iA tt;sirrespsctlvedutiw end fAAO- tiOAS. "(3) t’I%b hreSU shall 6!8tSbitSh SAd OjMU’StS BOhoOlS.f~r the trs&niAg Of aOtiAtySA6 IiitUdOipSl pOl%Oe OffiOSr8 who hQV8 bQSA ssXaot8d ho *ttSdl such sohools by the suthoritlssof th8 Ian satoroe- AOAt e~0Ad0s by WhiOh they SW W&.o~ad.* ftsm 5 of tho X8intsAMO@ Sdl I3iSoSUSAWuS @mo- gri4StlOAgrOVidd fOP t-h8&f&A MVidOA Of the ihpSIwU&f of Publio 3sfety by 38mts Bllt.427,ALd8 0t,th0 FoHy-sixth h&i6llltUTQ, reads an followS¶~ 3. POSta@, SUJBpliSS, OqaipraSAt, Sl'M, M WJBANAiOetiOA8, WiAtia UAd OOAtiqOAt upsAM hosp%teUzetioA and iaedioalSsnioss when injar IA lbe OS dQty, anb ~u~ffsl oxp~Soo when Mued in aOfiOA; 8tudy bomls, books, an Aeo8ssar~ 4m- pSASeS at OpSZ8tfa(J S I)OuOS tXSiniA@ SOhOO~ 8t Cap Xabry for trainlag peaa* otiioers fpxmr8lly, aAd BW%QbS~S Of ttiie Ik&WtAOAt 8Ad 8w Other AAO- 6SMlT~ dS~I'tE&SAtSl OXjNAl8SS, iAOb~ inftiti QquipPsat* l l $ 37 i75Q*o O*” ft18 t& OpbiOA at th%S da~UtiWl?ithUt, Ull&Ol? ths atttherlty oordarre4 by Jar apoA .ths R*psrtaMt SQfuty W wit8Wsh clnd ?~a%. 86hot?~ f tbs. pQrs~oiail~ or %a&.apsrtabnt and the tr o2flosn OS the State, the TWmrtmnt, ii 18 A8OSSSS%=# SAt8dV18ShlQ th8tl it 8hodld do 10 WIT s the senior8 432 Qxpart8 to prepare the oarrss d study, ~llrdQI essory aufli~as, end to toaoh~saohsehtil~eobwXs 8X& pay eOr SUOh iSrrfSO8 Out Oi tiiI2 m&AmAoS 8ab %b~AdAn- sous Approprlstianabove quoted. Trust~ag that this la the 6ssiraa iAforEatiioa, we era hmmm MAR. 22, 1940 /is/cwwld 0. r&ml XF'f'OR~OBIpLcRILI. OF'i%XAfZ