OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAR AUWIN Honorabh EnaiD Rurkott County Attora4y Cmtro Coulltf Dbnnltt, Tmrpr D4arSira oplnlon No. beeSI RI! Conetruoti &ml1 11,3940, la whibh.JOU nrat on ths qu4rtlonthanln oi fcur 14ttey -4) "I droir4 your trsarursr 04~ 00114 four 1ett.r oonmtitut4m 4 r4~wat that.thir tIeput- aaat oon4tru4 tha abot4 quot0Q oldor paw04 bt the oomni44inn- arr' oourtr Honorablr -In Burkett, P4g4 Z Article6941.ofthe B4vi44tl Civil Statute8of T4144, 1985, prOvi444that the oommla81tmers* courtmy fir a ret@ ~&o~penratIon for a county treamrer~on ~0n4~4 r4041~44 by “....llot4IC444lIl& tro an4 one-half p4r 44nt, 4n4 not 4xo444Ing tuo and ens-half per 44nt for peyln.: out the same ....y.. ArtielrSOIS, Rsrieed Civil Statute8of T4x4s l~tabllshes a maJam that may b4 pai4 him. Th above quote4 order must be construedas meaning th6t the aompensatlonprovidedior thereinIs to b4 oaloulatsd at tho rate OS thre+iourths of one per oat on ill money m- tmlved, or pal4 out with an establIshed~rImum of SIX Hundred ($600)Dollar8per year. The hat sentcnoeof snob order read- Ing1 That he presentbflla each month showinghis earningsand that said #600 bs paid to him at the rate o? $60 per month.a Ir neoersarllymade aantingentupon the proposition that thrso- Sou$ho of on4 par cant of the msney handled will 441x1 th4 month- ly paymntnt. Th4 uorde, Qot to 4xcc4d $600 p4r annum” appearing 'in the SIrBt bar&en44 or the ord4r 0re necos8arIlyword6 of llmitetlonupon the trsasurw*s earningpuaor an4 h4 would be limItedt$auOh atlount 4v4n thoughthree-royrthr 0f one per dent of the money handledbight 'farexdeed nuoh SIX Eundr44 ($600) IMllara. TrustLngthat ne have 8atlrfaotorIly anerrred your Inquiry,we ar4 ~ Your6.vary truly APPRCVEDAPR 23, 1940 ATTOm ~ENFiRALOF TEXAS