DocketNumber: O-2048
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THEATCORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS HonorableMcrtimsrBroun, opinion Isa.O-2048 Executive Secretary Re: fffect of .a villwhich devises Teacher Retirement System all of deceased's property of Austin, Texas all kinds to a third party up- on the payment of the nCCulml- lnted contributions under the Tescher Retiremnt SJrstemto the person nsnmxlIn the System Dear Sir: by the deceased to collect such ccmtrlbutione. Uetne.inrecelpt of you~letter ofMarch 5,19@, invhichyou r~uastanoplnicnofthis departmantes tothwmmer of paymantofthe scclllailst~ccmtrlbutiw8 fnthe umepresentedinyonr latteras follow: Yh JEUUR~ 26, ig40, M~S. zylpae K%O``MJSO ma, s.mnhr of theTeacherRetiremnt6y8tem~died. Ona form held in this office end deted April 19, 1938, she had dtalgrafdl her dnapfikr, Virginia Meney Kiolbesao, a mlnc~, to receive the return of her ficwmnlatea con- tributions in case of her death befcre retlrenmt. At- tached hereto ~ouwill find an exact copy of this deslg- natlm of beneficiary form. 71e are also enclosing a corn of a certified copy of~e vill thet was executed by Nrs. Zylpba Kiolbaoso Heale lnJammryoflg40. Pouwillnotein tblsrill she stetes that *all~propzrty of rhats~ Wad, reel, per~o~8lorniedof~wbl~b I smy dle``ssesaed' i8 be- ~thedtOberf&hertmdlUOther,~dhe``i8 appobrbdesee~t0r oftbeestatevitheut ha. We have in this office letters testamentary of his appointment as executor. "Inviewqf the feCt8 in this ~pertlculm ease, what steps shoulabe takenbyt&eTeacherRetiremwtSystem tc settle this case? "1. Should themmeybe paid to the executor for themtherandfatherZ - . &xmreb~&wtimer &own, page2 (o-2048) 9. Should the aoaey b8 paid to the executor for the &nor dau@itert “3.sblld thu w4luy b8 pill lllreo%4 totlm fethur and iwther bemuse of the faut thet the *rimmSuted cmtribu- ticas of a deceased msmbsr aennot ba oodddmed liabb for the debts of the estate (if uu interpret the law .wrreotly)? “4. Should thmncney be .psid directly to thu dau@er ii her disabilltiea -fnmrbeea z-amved or to the CouatyClerk if there is no lsgbl ~gmmdian appuiuted``andif her disabllitles hsvenotbeenrenlbmdl (The amunttoba refunded is less than $25lLeo). “5.Should the Tmeher BetQyswnt System py ths money to the executor and leavethemtter antirely inhis hSll&!S?" % 8in8werto this qwStim, ii the dste of the viUi8 subsaquenttotha &k &~thadeaig&&I3 of thewmb8r18 bsneffciary, I thlnkycm sbouldrCaulre anadJudioation of the rlghts d the &mie~eeIn the will end the beneficiery aaaad-‘bgthe .mYmberwcr8 psylng the eccumclaW ccatributi8 ix any perscm.” This depwtmantdoesnotagreewithtbe conclusionreaohedby inanswer to this questiun,anbto this extent his opinion is hereby expressly cverrnld. Ii``Sbk?Mort%IBsr Browqpege 3 (O-348) Our opti* Eo. O-129 contained the~folloving statement: "As to such appointee the title to such residue doesnotve8tsbaolutelymrtiltha deathofthemern- bsr. If such en eppointnunt la ,wde, hcntever,an6 it 3.8,not 8ubsepruentlyrevoked by the membur, it uoula entit%~th uppointee to receive such re85due of the ``'S-b``fit~ for the reasmthat thi~Act8p@~if- ical3.y'a0 prwi&s. In ~this respact the stbrte~ is similar to the provisions uswlly contained in ordhary life imnuamce policies, vhich authorize the insured to appoint, in uriting, e substitute beneficiary. Such an appointment, 8s provided for in this Act, it is believed, wy be recalLed or revoked by the member .” Inlineaith the abovequoted opinionwe feelthatthe aame ruleof &wwonlaepplyhere asvouldepp~toan insurancepolicywhich named e third ~prty 88 beneficiary thereunder, and in which case t&me ~813a will contqin*g the 88ms prwi8ionas~q+3.nedherein subsew3ntly executed. ,,.~:;_ ~, ,.,. -'~'; S.F It itt'~k %ull est8bliehed &.lerof'i& in this Ststu t&t the proceeds of an insurance policywhi~namme-thir&gaty,ao beneflclary is nut b prt of the estste uP which a perem. dies possessed of. ,The Court of Civil Appeals of Texas, in the case of White, et al. v. White, 32 8.w. 48, St&& US fOti: "A8i&~fYom thi6, it is vail 8ettled4amtaldfel%``en insurence policynews e benefbiury, whc survfvus the in- sured,andubohus an insurable~interest,the proceeds of the policy form no psrt of his estate, end neither his executor nor &Is cruditor"h?lve any 'clJ!lt78qon such pro- O%St¶S. l3 Am. & m. Eao. Iar, p.,@2;,B'hLl%ins V. Thoap- son~51Tex. 7. Asthewaeycollecte~byvbtueofthe certKb&e const%tuted no -pwt of the cr-kateof S. J. whfta, sr., it,WW not SUb$eCt t0 wdminf8fra~tiw`` Snd it 'me ~parfortheprol&e courttoordersnadditimal inventory to bs mrde byMrs.White, and require bar to..give btma." Th8 semarule of lmrwas recognisedby tbcSuprew CourtofTaxm3 in the case of InternationalTrevelers* Ass%. v. Battis, 35 6X. (24 1040. %ieccurtatstedesfollwRs: "In our opinicsi,thure Is e) cleur ~di8ttnct+m In thwarthaylfies k&uean~policies of ~iasurame~ble toe de8ignakdbeneficiary8ndtho8erm~ payable to the 'a8ministratcr or executor' of the insured as yB8 Honorebl8krtimer &wwn, page $(0-2&8) dQm inthh.hstmlciE. 'Iha~prweedf~obthspoli01es cfth8l&terolssrbscc4``aafoftheestateofths tameed .8this damth. nutaur v. uillm (Tux. civ. App.)66 S.W. 860
(writ refused); rolumm 4, Coolaj'r Briefs csltlwsawcf Insw8nee ; p. 3743.” In ltnu v-itlrat w .%eeu mous4 ,uwmd, it is the opiaicm of tM.s``~thut .ln ale msswhere the uw5eluted lx&ribut~ sre desi~td in.the !PeRChM RctlrepaptSystemtokpeidtcatM.rd ~parto t&2 88~8honldba 8opufdregndless of the fact t&at in a subse- q~twilltb deceesed ldtsll ofkerprcperty; bctkresland persmsl, to sm else. ?5eqtxst*~hereWoUlCbemeh~mcre difficult if the Will ,whteh bed be&n epcFlted’8ubs8!qwnt’to ee OrQiwl desiga8ticn la the T~chcrBctircPnt````hrrd,provfded.s~K~oally````;:a`` cc8ltr~butiw8 sholiwkppeidto sm other than the~psrson desisted in thc'form ril&vlth ~an?~Te8ckr Rettreamtsystum. ~xwever, this 18 not the CUM. l5u~devhn~hsrc~ws of~the prcperty~belcingingtethe only of .e~l!l. &cmsed. T%erefcre In this sese~we feel~that~the~ccrrect~pmcedure is to *y~tiwmopey~to thcperscm desiepated io~the Teacher Retircmmt SyeW and not to thendevisee-In the will. In ytmr lettur~oa wre also ccnetith tbmethod~cf pay- -t. of the sccwulated wntrtbutbm8 tothe purseaxtwshos~the~mw~ I8 entitled. In om~ oplnicn no. o-2009-w maud t&t thesQeuwAutud ccQ+xi- b&l- w-not mlb$wt tm-ticn. In opblicn Bo. o-1439 this de- partmentEaPYliderd~qacsticP.rbBayarnfoi~toa &or under the !kacher Retfxement System~umd statud 8s folloU8: HcuorablcMortiPrerBrown,page5(0-2048) Pomare~tkeref~e``~dvised t%t In this uese the mc%ey should ba~dtotAwdmw@ter KherdisaMlities~vebaanremved, or to the Comfy Clark if her disabilities have not been removed, and K there lx48 baenno legalgmrdisnappointed for her. Yonre very-truly 8s /s/ Blur Qoldkrg Silly Qoldberg Assi6tant BG:JkpC /El/Qerclld' AllDRiIXOLAEIULLOFTES6