DocketNumber: O-2082
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE A?TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. (kargs H. Shep~aml CoBlptrollerOf Pub110 kcoounts Austin, 'bra8 opinion Ro. O-2002 met b%lximum0 ?a orricio oomp a been rsoelred and iv0quote rr0m orCollm3tor to gou rhloh you sncloss tion under o the Sheriff, l-8'court tar 68 or ad 00urt ~a1 0x-0rf i0i0 e Jaonthly Be) author- a amount wa8 paid Xn other words lowed under brt. 25891,but in figuring ths marl- mum re68 the auaitw for the county 00ntsmIs Hon. George FL L:hepperd,E'age2 distriot and county court, servlnp all eleo- tiona notices, etc. as ex officio salery and paid out of the 7snerel fund of the county should be figured in along vilth the other fees or office in oarputlng the raxlmum rees or .$3000.00rrhloh;rt. 30EZiand art. 3891 author- izes him to receive. Put the Eherllt, Tax Assessor and Collector contends thet this $1000.00 as ax olfloio salary allowed him under Art. 3934 for performing the duties speolrled under said article as sherirr should not be sdded in as a part of the fees author- ioed under art. 3883 and 3891. In other words he ccntends that he should reoelve the $1000.00 aa ex officio salary as sherlfl, since it was allcsvedby the oommiesioners court, End also the $3000.00 of raxlmum fees allowed under Artlolo 3883 icr aasesslnfi, and oolleotlng. Sheriff, Tax ~aeessor-Colleotor in surrounding counties under 25,000 populaticn aro receiving the j1000.00 ex officio, besides xmrlmum fees for collecting and assessing as ccntended by this orflce.* Seotlon I0 of krtlole 8 of the Texas Constitution reads as follovfe: "The sheriff of eaoh county, in addition to his other duties, shall be the ac6essor and collector of taxes therefor; but, in oountles having ten thousand (10,000) or more inhebl- ,tants, to be determined by the last preoeding census of the ;initedYt.ates,an assessor and collector for taxes shall be elected to hold ofrice for two (2) years, and until his suooess- or shall be elected and qualified." Article 7246, Revised Civil Statutes, reads as follows: *In eaah county having less than ten thousand (10,000) inhabitants, the sherlrf of such county shell be the assessor and collector or taxes, and shall have and exer- cise all the rights, powers snd privileges, Ron, George I?.Sheppard, Page 3 be subjeot to all the requirements and re- strictions, and perform all the duties lm- posed by law upon cIsscmmrs and collectors; and he shall also glra the same bonds re- quired of a collector of taxes elected." Artlols 3883, Revised Civil Statutes, reads In part as follonsr %xospt as otherwise provided in thle act, the annual roes that may be retained by Rrsoinot, oountg and dlstrlot orflcers mentioned in this article shall be as fol- lows: *I. xn 00~tie8 00ntddng ttdentprir68 (25,000) thousand or less lnhabltsnt8: County Judge, Mstrlot or Criminal Dlstrlot Attorney, Sherlrr, County Clerk, County Attor- ney, Mstrlat Clerk, Tax Collector, Tax AsBeseor, or the Assessor, or the Astaetmor and Gol.leotorof Taxes, Twenty-four Eundred (1)24G@.GO)Uollars eaoh; Justice or the X'eaoeand Constable, helve hundred ($12OO.OG) Dollars each." Artlole 21691,Revised Civil Statutes, reads in part a8 r0ihm: *Each uffioer named In this ahapter shall first out of the eurrent feeo of his offlae pay or be paid the mount allomsd him under the pro~lsl``~? of Artiole 3823, together with the salarlee of his assistants t nd d~pUti%8, an@ authorized expenses under Artiale 3899, and the mount necessary to aover costs of premium on whatever surety bond nay be required by law. If th4 arrant fees of euoh orrfo~ oolleoted in any yeas be more than the amount:needed to pay the amounts above speelried, same shall be deemed 8x0~1s~fees, and shall be disposed of in the manner hereinafter f;rovidsd: 390 Hon. oeorge B. Shepprd, Page 4 *Id counties oontalning twenty-five thousand (ZS,OC*O)or leas inhabitants, Ma- trict and County officers named herein shall retain one-third of such esoess tees until auoh one-third, together with the amouute apeoifled in Atilole 3883, alEountoto Three Thousand Dollars ($3000). Preainot oifioers shall retsin one-third until such one-third, together with the accountspsclfiad in Artiole 3889, amounts to fourtan Hundred Dollars ($14001. 9 .... Vhe compensations, llmltatlons and mari- muus herein fixed in this Aot ior ottloers shall lnalude end apply to 811 otiioers men- tioned herein in aaoh and every county of thle State, and it 1s hereby declared to be the IntentIon or the Legislature that ~the provi- siona af this Aat shall apply to each or said oiiioers, aad any special or general law in- aonslstent with the provisions hereof Is hereby expressly repealed in so rar as the me my be Inconsistent with this sot, The compensation, llmltations and tvarl- mum8 herein fixed shall also apply to all fees and co=pensatlon whatsoever oolleated hy said orfieers in their orricial oapaaltp,' whether accountable as fees or orrloe under t.hepresent law, and any law, general or speofal, to the contrary is hereby expressly repealed. The only kind and aharaoter of compensation exempt from the g``~isions ol' this Act shall be rewards received by Sheriffs ror apprehension of crimluals or fugitives irolEjustlae and ror the reooverp of stolen groserty,.and ~sroneya reaelved by county judges aud justices of the peaoe tor perromlng marriage oerauionles,which sum shall not be acaountable for and not required to be reported as fees OP orrice.* 391 Hon. George H. Sheppard, Page 5 tilcle 5895, Tevlsed Civil Statutes, reads as r0il0wt3: satlon for dx orficio aenioes when, in their judgment, such aontpensatlonis neee6sary, pro- vfded. suoh oomeneatfon r0r e2 0frici0 aer- yloea~allowed a&all not Increams the owpaa- sation or the oiiiclal beyond the marlmuf# of ompenaation and exoem fee6 allowed~$o be retained by hia under tbi h pt P ~ldd however. the ex officio h% a~dorl~e~ shall ii allowed only after in op+tunltf for a public hearing and only upon the effinnatlve vote of at leaat three members of the aceale- slonere * aourt.m (undetsoorlng oura) Art&la S92%, Revised Civil Statutes, reads a8 *Sheriffa shall alrroreeelve the tollow- lag aonqmmationat *l. For all prooess iscruedfrom the Supmxw Court or dourts.oi Civil Appeals and served by theai,the same rees a8 are allowed them ror slatilarseryioe upcm prooesa issued from the dlstrlat court. "I?,For stamaoaingjurcea in district and corliit'g'eourt13, serving all deation notloea, notloee to overaeera OS roads and doing all other publio business sot otherwise provided for, not ezeeedlng one thousand dollars per annum fixed by the ocmml8elonera* oourt 392 Zen. Qeor&e R. Sheppard, Page 6 at the,sane time other ex oifiolo ealaries are fined. and to be paid out of the aenarel funds of the county: -rovided. that no such ex officio salary sha Sheriff who had reoel!~db``lary allowed by law.* [underscoring ours) This department has repeatedly held that the offioe Of Sherlfi ena Tax GoUeotor in oounties having a population of less than lO$NO Inhabitants is one ln- separable ortlce under the Constitution. See oplnlon Xo. 1715, dated Uaroh 2, 1917, written by Hon. 0. '19. Taylor and Hon. C. 1:. Cureton, Awietante dttotiey General, moorded in Vol. 49, Page 12, Reaords of the Attorney Oeneml of Texas. Thin department baa repeatedly held that In counties having a population OS less tha,n10,000 lnhabl- tents when, the offloe of Sheriff-Tax %aeeeaor-Colleotor Is combined In one offloe and held byeOne officer that said officer la entitled to retain only one marlmum salary and is not entitled to three UBX~IINUW. See opinion of thle department, dated June 29, 1956, written by Eon. Joe J. Alsup, Assistant d-ttorney General, and reoorded In Vol. 372, page 458, Letter Opinions of the Attorney General of Teras. The aase oi $errant County vs. %lth (CIT. App.- BYit or Error rerueed) ;Bl SW 26 559, holds that a eherlrr who had already earned the m.axtium oomp8n8atlon allowed by law was required to return amount aolleated as ex offlalo oapensatlon, although such ~UIQhad been ordersd paid by eontnlesloners~oovrt. Vi%qUOt8 iTOm said OaS8 as followsr "The Sheriff was paid in advknoe In 192S by the conw&ealonerat court $300 as %I 0rri0i0 reef8for summoning jurors. R.S. Al-t.3934. That year he mde h%s max5mus1 oompensation or $6000 exolu6Llveof that $800. In such event it was his duty, under suoh above statute, to return the $SOO to the county. He did not do so. This holding 393 Ron. George B. Sheppard, Page 7 does not amount to setting aside the Judg- ment Gf the oomnissioner6~ oourt whioh order- ed the $000 paid. Me a86ume that judgvient t7 be valid. By the SUb6OqUent @vents),to- wit, the collection otherwise and thereafter of the maximum pay, IQ. <h beoame obligat- ed to return that 1110ney.~ You are respeotrullg adviaed that it is the o inion of this department that the sum of Three ThoUsand (%SOOO.OO).Collars i6 the maximum amount that the Sheriff- Tax A6seSaOr~OlleCtOr or Crane County is allowed to ro- taia for the year 1939 Under the faots et&ad in your latter. The sherlfr would not be entitled to any ex affiaio salary in suoh inatande but if ft had been pald to him he would be required to rettlrnit to the oounty. Any and all 6m6 In exoess of #SOOO.OO rsosived by the 6heriff should be returned to the county. Trusting that thie sati6faatorily anBwer8 yOaUr inquiry, we are Very truly yours A!lT’OW-RAlOFTBXdS _ APPROVECMAR 22, 1340 ---+-Md ATTORNEY GEWERAL OB TEXAS