. OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Csorze 5. She;~ord Cozigtroller sf Xblio Aoomnts mctln, T c~ x a 8 Deer Sir: G&don I?o. O-2004 al-y z7, 1940, in WhiCkl this c?opart~cnt on the ter *s Sollov~s: part CE rEollo+qr 0~ a "If t%.&perty be, sow'to any 'tax- lng unit u:~lch~.laa'party,td'the.'3ud``eent:- '~ .;. . under deoree of cart In snid suit, the title t0 said ,?rCqGrty Skall be bid &?, and held by th?s tali:ig *unit purchasing sam for the uee and benefit of itsalt and all other tazing units o%ich are gnztiws to the suit and mhioh have been adjudegd in said ault to have tax liens agaixt such property, pro rata and ti proportiozk to the amount of the tar liens in Savor of said rss~cctive taxing units as established by th8 jud.@ent in soid suit, and oosts and eX,ocnscs shall not be payable until sale by such tnxiq unit so purchasing sam, and such prop.:rty shall not bc sold by the taring LTit pur- chasir;; smz Sor less than the adjud,;ed value t!lereoS or the mount OS tho judgmmte ag:ninstthe 2ropertg in said suit, r:iAohever is lo:ier, vzithout the writtea consc;lt,of all taxing units wi:ioh in said jUdg58ti h3ve. bean Somd to have tax liens egalr?st such property; azd v&m such property is sold by the taxing unit purohasing sane, the pro- ceeds thereof shall be meceivcd by it for account of itself and all other said tming units aCjua@d in said suit to have a tex lien a&n&t siich oropeelty, snd aSter paying all costs ati eXpczses~&all be distributed mona such taxing units pro rnta aid in pro- pOrtiOn t0 th8 .5ZOURt OS their tax liens agaknnst such groDw'rty as established in said judgment. Consent in behalf of the State of Texas u;tCer th%s Sectioa of this Act imy be glvwn by thn Couztg Tax Collector of the couizty in which the property is located. Provid8d that if sale has not been md8 by such purchasing taxing unit beSore six months after the redeaption 28riOd provide& ia Section 12 hereor" has.sQired, it shall thereofter be the duty of the Zh6riSf u;;on -rrrittenraqueat Snm any taring unit who has obtaizm3 a judgimnt in said suit, to sell iIOn. George B. ShWp~6rd, 'Far;0 3 said property at >ublia ottcry to the Li.&- ost bidder for ce6h at the &noipal ontrsnce of the oourthouae is th6 county :dhsrein the land lies, after giving ~o:icc of fide ia th6 rmzner nm mascribed for sale OS real osthte under exeoution * * * n This depnrtmnt ruled in Opinion No. O-950, virittm by Eo-orablw Xruce K. Bryant, assistaot it- torawy General, and addressed. to Xcnorablc I