124 OFFICE OF ‘THE ATX-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorablr Ralph 4!sen CouAty Irttolmy Tom Orson County 8en 1~ps.10,Tuas tter of March2, lQ40, in which you subznit thir departlmnt ?“OlY OUX OQbliOtU y the rsslcjnatian lb such truatoe ep- tern of the resign- t regular eleatlon intod trlistee~ up fur eguler el8etlon data, w0u.U on to 8CbnrOSOT the *unoxpirbd 11 iour gear ter5%7 II1s t&s r1nal date for rllfng, an6 necobsery rbquimmmnt~ to somire e Trustee in the ballot for tiiohool San Airg*loIndependentBob001 Dirtriot?* The Ban Anne.10Indqmident tsahooloirtr ot ir govern- ed in pert Tyler the provlaio5s or Artlolo l378S(a f , VOr5o5'8 Texas Cirll Matutes b@ing Chepter i303, gaga 674, &%a 19e9, 418t ts&lature, ~1 it we8 ruled in our Oplnlon No1 0448, I.25 Honol'sblsRslph Logan, tige 2 dated %reh 27, 1939 that provisions In said statute oontrol Independent sohool d&lots ionn~d unCer the authority of that Aat when its prorI8ions dltrar from those or the general laws. Section 6 of Article 2783(b) providoo In ;lart as fol1owsr I Qr~V$dad further, t&t $1 case of a vamno; k~rebignstlon of a amber of tha board of txustoes the rsoanay aball bs filled :or the unerplred tera Ey sppol~tolsat made by the board of tn15t%b5.w MO questton $8 nissd as to the alearnses of the lsn- guege used in this statute, but it La suegeoted that thr above quoteu pxorl~lon mxy be ln violntlon or the la6t eeutence of Seotlon 18 of &tIole 4 of the Tsxa8 ConStltutIon. This see- tIca of ths Conrtltutlon$5 found under the Artlcrleentltlsd nZxsautlve Depnrtmintn 2nd rends sa follows: "Section 12. All vscanolos io Sttte OF dfs- triot oifioes, except mubere of C,heLo~;lelnturs, ebnll be filled unlwe othanvlsa provided by law, by a>;,po$ntxeat of the ~%wurnor, w,k.loh n;goI~tmnt, IS mde &win;; its seasIo:1,shnll be witt tns sd- ~10s and eonsent of two-thirds of UN tienatepre- sent. If made durfag the xeoesa OS the &anste, the eald ``pOillt30, Or 502lO Other PyYCOil t0 ill]. mob wesnop shall be n;znIaa%d t..: the Yenate during the first ten cays of its 55ssIo5. If re- jccted, said orflee shall ImmIIately bacoznsva- east, and the Governor shall, without Qalay xake further nomlnatlons, untfl a conffrxat~oh takes islaoe. But ohould there be M c:.nf$ms- tlon \tu?Inethe rsessIo?l of the Sen8tb, the Gov- ernor ah611 mt thereafterappoint any prraon to fill much reoenoy who be8 bean rejected by the Senate; but may appoint mns other persol to fill ths vaoanoy until the next 5es5loa of the Seaate or until the regular eleatlon to aald OffhO, ShOP1d it SGGAQT OCOUX. Appointoonts to veoanoies IA off$oac eleotlv,eby the R60916 ahsl~ only oontlnue until the flr6t ,gsheraleleo- tlon thereafter.* Ah eremlaetion of the verlous oodlftoatlon8or the laws of Texea dl~o1oses that slailar provisionswere oontained la statute8 re&tlq to riu.hg teoenolsr in elsotlre sshool board8 la the Revised Statutes of 1895 ahd 1911. L;snyof the present sahool statutes Ia the Hevloed Civil &atutes 1925, ns azaended, aonteln euch provlslolu. Artiolaa 274O(bf, Seo- tlon 4; 2745; 2774, Sections 3 and 4; 2777; 2777(e); and 2779(b). 1.26 Snorablo BalJh Logan, Yase 3 %S last EsntenOo of aOtf6Ll 12 Artlole 4 Of the Texas ConstItuti;a if aegregqted aad eonsI- ~orod saparsto cndqert from the acocqwnyi~, context in X:?~CAit Is round, mI.@t be re53:nably coasfdersd 1s a; llcsblc t.3 any ahd ersry typ and dharaoter or offiaa w Jtate whioh -8 thin this is fillbd by the QSOQl4 in an deOtfon. lf Oon6fds:ed, bwever, In oomeotloc zIth the remainder of hotion U, zuch omazuotion does not neoasanrlly follow and it uay reesnnablybe oonatrued .?ahsvin!:rcieronco ta tha kind of oflIce th?::ci3a’mve ~r.eutl:lnod, ad a::% lntonded to apply to sobs01 trust.668 who have bean held t: bc aounty oftiesrr, Xn re6:wme to a request by Uoon.L. A. tiooda, 3tdtb 3uprlntendeat of Pub110 Inrtruotlon this ~departo9nt z.eadarod an o~Anion Liaroh 9, 1939 e-graved by Bmoe V. Bryant, First Asal~tant Attorney General, Letter CcInIon Book 344, pa :o 303, 13 which it Wa6 held that ibotion 12 ol Article 4 doe6 cot sggly ts vaoaaoi9R in mlectivs et!mol bonds and t&t a provision slnllar to that ccntnined In Article 2763(b) war not in omtravsntitn of Secticn 12, Artiola 4 cI” the Ccx3tItutlzn of Texas. its t5ve hareto- Core formrded y::u e cozy ol’ thst opinlsn. We do not find my provision In Artiole 2783(b) wtiic!! spaolfis6 the date for filing ati the proaoCur4 to be follmed In >lnoing a nruro upon the ballot for eohool trustee 12 sohcol dlstriots sf the ;xrtioular olesa aIPoot- ad by aald 6tc tub. Xe amum thmt the can &l~::610 Indegen- drurt Yohool District hsa e aoholeatlo?o3;ile’:fon 1~ 0x006s of 500 and mu14 therel‘ore not be tintrolled by Artfale 2746 (a j , Varnan’6 Taxas CIvZl Statutes. :stic1e ‘776, a’-lc!i grovldae ch=t the board ol truacees ~>f a~1 :ncle>eudeht sohool district stall order the elsotion and w:iich provide6 r0r the lulttar or holding PWh aleotIon,doea no’t UQnft&A an7 provie doei!3n3tIng the final riihz,. Cab0 cP‘my artloular roq~irmeat ior imtlng e nem ;laosd ujwn the i: allot. 3 have al6o exet3i.neU the general aleotlon lam and find no provision rrhIob would appear to be applicable. ~30are InSomod by t%o De artzont of Eduoation that It Is a ocnstruotion and preot P 08 of 10% atandlzg 15 these lcrger lnde~ecdent school distrfatn, far cscCIdates to file their mr~35 v:lth the Sooretery of the sohool board, requesting that they~be ,;laced Q;on t%o ballot an8 that t&o aohool board under the @mere1 >orors vestsd in said board, entara an e~grogria t,e order ?IxIn: the final date 1.21 Bouorable Ralph Logan, Pwe 4 within nhieh flllnga my ba mds. irbare of the opinion that this authority may be reaasnably isglled fros the %eneral pabr vestbd in the board. Yours very truly