OFFICE OFTHEAmORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Box% Pord, AdminirrtraEor, Page 5 Act), reads, in pcrtr *It shall be wzlawful for any stamfmt- urar or distributor diraotly a.r indlreotly or thrlro;l@a eubrrldiary or affiliata,aay ag%nt or any employee, or by any oiiioer, director or f ira member: + * l to f’uralah, give or land any mo5oy or other thing of value, oxco& algns, Or to 6xtsnd unusual credit tems, to any petrson %ngc&ed in call- fng brewary produots for aonswaption on or off the prepisas ahers eold + l * * WU note from the copy Of your adrdnlstraEl9r of various proriafonr at the Taxes intarpratc~ticxama Liquor Control Aat, that you hare haldr *The followiag item ham mse atll%t,ar- Iti V~UO, but whw b~ariag pr&%Alf dim- played, the adrartlsossnt of the buainase or brand nese or any sanufaotaare~ w dlatri- butor or bear, are aon8ldared by the Been3 a6 advartimiug noraltioe and not aa aq~ip- &wit g viz: Beer drinking: glasses, tabla baer Eats, asp reaovar~, amm oard8, paper napklnn, aah tray8, marrice traya. The roli0ain~ items when bmrlng~prominentl~ diaplapd the advertisement .of the bnd.naer or brand mum or ariyxmaufachrer dr d~atrlbutox of boar, and when of a value not arorodlng (16. eaah, are oorraidered by the Board to be aignrr parzaiatribleund%r t&o law, t1~1 Thor- momtars, bnrometera, oalmdar8, alooks, lrasnuor ltctnso fmmr, mirror6 harlng 8 suriace not exceeding 300 8pusrs inches, outside boneha(l.a Clearly, t&e darha under oansfderation La not a piece 0r squuijmmntnaeaesary in tba operatiion of a retail boar buuiaeen,~ ox soothing ordlmrily used in auoh buainasa. ,Itr outstanding wrgosa ia to advertise, and to suggefsta aertain type 0r bear Hon. Bert Ford, A&iiniatr‘ator, Pago S 8810, the derloe ltoelf bainS ln no mumnor esaen- tie1 to the faeilltation of such sale. It a2pticl to be maraly another method oonasived by the BIMU- lecturer to advertise his produot and enoourage the sale tharaof. It is our opinion thet the bevia% may be proparly classittd as an adwwtlslng sign and its usa fa not prohibited by the Tam18 Liquor Con- trol Aot. Accordingly, you are advlwd that it ts Oh% opielon of this department, under thr faots as stated above, that the display bear sign under considara- tion may la@tllp ba uaad in the mannerdescribed. Yours vary truly ATTORNEY GXaNERAL OF T=S