DocketNumber: O-1975
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN fion. H. c. \oilmon county Alat or oroy county I)ampa, T6xaU the gemml ae8um.p ens, mJor apalru mamnt partltlonr, lro to hea)ing md yrt0ar, roaring, erg68 agatnut thh Iqrorement ?un48. !fFe a8w that thi8 Dl-0. htbitian would al.80 b8 qpli88bl8 to nfri&ar- dlon or oth8r equipment not 6 part 0r ths building. un4erroore4 date 10 an error) Hon. R. c. wuwn, Peg8 a ‘mm14 paymnt of ~ZWI~WM~OZ intWtIIO8 on tho oourthouae be 8 proper ohsrge lg in8t thir fuod?" 15 tbi8 a9:5%a5 Te &rs 5Ot &tempting t0 pl88 upon or 8et out all th8 lxpon8s8 that lpag pmpsrl~ be pi4 rrom the penmn85t Improvemnt run4 or those ex- pen888 *hiOh arrmot be pal4 from suah fund. We are only ana8ring your tp00iri0 queetlon aontained la your in- WrY. HoweTq, In oompllanee rltb your requert we am enoloeing aopier or our opintonr Hoe. O-1649, 0-1069, o-108&3, O-98, O-37, O-1810 and o-499, regarding Ollpelme8 whIeh mey or uey not be properly paid frora the penwiaent lnpravment tuna. Xi the tnolost4 aopite of the abGv6 titntioned opInio5s sn4 this opI5Inn 40 n6t answer sny opaalflo qwstlona you have 15 mind, we ulll be glad to render an opinion on any epeaiflo question you desire to dlmat to this department. Section 9 or ArtIole 8 or the Texa8 c&aatitutIon reads a8 rOliOU8t “i’h0 Stat8 tU On p?Opt~TtY, UOhIUiVO Of the tex Issae888ry to pay the public debt, end of the texe8 prcwlded for the bemilt of the pub110 rree sohools, 8h4ll rievtr exoeed thirty- tire aentt on the on8 huzklred dollars ~alua- tion; a54 A0 6OUAtt, aity or tarn 8hAll levy more them tweafipfire oeat8 rm elty or county puxpauer, an4 not 8xas8alng rirtttttn oente r0r roads aad brldge8, ad not exaeealng rfrteen aents to pay furoru, on the one hundred 4010 larr ralustlon, exoept tortht payntnt of debt8 inaurred prior to the adoption of the eme&ea& Septembtr w&h, l&335; a54 r0r the sreatlon 0r pub110 buIld:ngr, streets, dtWOBr8,water work8 and other permanent improYemnt8, sot to exaeed twenty-rive oentr on the one hundred &Alar8 TalUktiO5, i5 any one yttr, tIId tXOtp%a8 It in this Conetitutioa otherwlw prgvided; sod tha Lsglslaturs may also authorize an addltlon- a% annual ed valoren tax to be leritd aad aol- leotea ror the rurther mslntenanoe of the public Boa. R. C. WIllon, Pace S road8~ prOYid8d, thOt 0 MjOritY Or th0 prUli- rle4 prop8rty tax-payl8~ voter8 oi the oountr toting nt an llaetlo8 to ba held r0r thet pur- pore rball tote rush tax, wt to lxo8e4 fir- teen aeatr on th8 on8 hundred ~ollut valU8tIOn Or tb p?OpUty 8!lbjtOt tO tUwOA iA 8U8h 0wAty. JUta, th8 hgi8iatUre MY ~88 lOOa laws ror tht 8dntennnae or the pub110 2Wd8 and hlghwa 8, without the lOOal Aotiae rtquirtd rot 8ptoIaI or loos1 lan8.' The above qUot8b provlalon or tht conrtitutlon pre8aribed tht raaxlmm rate 0r tax*8 ror gtwral pufpo888, for roe48 and bridee8, rot juror8, and for pemanent im- provaaenta, respectively, Tht aonitt mooruing rrox ttxat levied a54 00116ate4 rot raoh or tht enuxentea purpores are 0056titUtiOMl rWd8; 42id th0 OOti88105eT8 OOUTt ha8 no power or authorIt to tre58fer xonet b%op! one fuad to anothsr 0: to expand r0r one ~qorra tax wionef raised 080 eentibly r0r another purp088. Tht lmtdiate purpore ot the above mmtloatd pX%Vl8lOA or tht Constitution 18 to lmt the m0uAt 0r taxer that MJ bt raised for the88 8ever81 pUrpoae8, rt- apeotlvelyt but It I8 tlto intenatd to Inhibit lxaesrlve txpeadlturea rot a57 ruoh pur&o8e, an4 to require that any aa all mocaltt ralted b7 taxation ror t partloolar purpote shell be IQplIed to thnt purpote and to no other. Ault 18. Hal.8 Cowty,116 S.W. 3591
Eondemon County vt. Nrke, &W 88 94. Th6 oa8e 0r Carroll ~8. Wllllamr, s?oa SW 504, hol48,amoA.g othtr thlAg8, that the CcA8tltuticn oontem- plait08 that, a8 a matter or ocmnon honesty and rair deal- init,, tax mone7 takw rrtm the people 08ttntIbl7 ror 0~8 pUrpOtt shall be OXpoAdOd ior that pUrrO8a alone, l8 well as the tu rata, ror that particular alats, thall not ex- osed tht presarlbed max5.m~. Tn view of the lbregolag authorltler, 70~ are respeatruu7 advised that it 18 the oplnlon or th18 da- Boa. R. C. Wllwn, Pa60 4 p4rtntnt that the p8pmnt o? prenlo8 ror 1~ura1~* on the oourthoime o&mot be Imall paid STCQ the PemaaeILt tiprot08ient ana. The pagmsnt of prwIua8 ror la8uranoe oa a oourthouse would be an expenditure ror a gewral purpose of the county ad, ther8fcue. 8uoh expenditure 8hOUld bt paid out of the QtRtln1 fund. True:lng that the fOrtgOIAg itilf aA8wer8 your iaqupf, W8 remflIA AW:AW