DocketNumber: O-1991
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF WE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable MurDhYCole County Auditor Liberty County Liberty, Teras Dear Sir: 4lDpetW r0r the collecting taxes, omobile owners appiiOati0n r0r of their vebl- time and plaoe? part, es follows: -se em also aware .or the ract that prop- ertyerzlto taxpayers, poll taxpayers, and owners .of ea*/a’/2 i lea are required to pay their tares and oY?t 2 2 their automobile license registrations in tSr;r urn CountYe Honorable Murphy Cole, Page 2 *Nevertheleee there is a problem involv- ed due to *he iaot that the Tax Colieotor Is deslroue or complying with the proviaione set out, under Article 7255 RCS 1925 whloh provides that the Tar Collector or hi8 deputy shall attend end remain at least two days in each voting or jastioe preclnot ror the purpose 0r collecting such tares as may be paid, after ~;~r~nnotlce of the time and place required . Vurthermore, highway patrolmen very often stop trucks and other vehicles on State aighvmy No. 35 in Liberty County, whioh hlgh- way runs through the town of Cleveland; for violations or the weight and length laws es well es ror violations suah as railure to bavo proper permit& from the Raflroad conunis- slon; end the lack of drivers having ohaurfeurs lioenees . Ii it were possible to issue addltlon- al license receipts, ahaurreurs lioenses, etc. when such violations ocaur on State Highway No. S5 in the County or Liberty, such reoelpts to. be issued by a deputy in Cleveland then the revenue rrom such work would or course jastlry the ‘fax Collector in giving notice and sending a deputy to that town, let us say one day in eeeh week. -Heretofore Liberty County hae attempted to C)et U$Ia branch oifloe In the town of Cleveland, and to appoint a deputy to work out of that or- floe ror the purpose or issuing tar (property and poll) and automobile lfcense receipts; and to take.renditions of property. “Your department has already ruled that the establishment of a branch office in a town or less than 7,000 population was Illegal sinae It does not conform to the provisions or Art. 7256 RCS 1925. I have your opinions No. O-243 dated February 20, 1939 and No. O-697 dated May 2, 1939, both of which are addressed to Thos. A. Wheat, County Attorney, before me and fully understand and appreciate the able way in which you have handled the subjeot. As a matter of faat I had never believed that we could maintain a branch of Honorable Murphy Cole, Page 3 the Tex Collectors orrice in the town or .Cleveland. ‘However, I believe I have a solution to the problem, whloh if legal, would be to the mutual benefit and Satisfaction of all oonoerned. WTheplan is: ‘That the Tax ‘Colleotor post notices rrom month to month If necessary stating time and dates that he will appear in Cleveland (or any other voting or justice preclnot) for the purpose of collecting tares, as provided by Art. 7255; that the dates of appearance vi11 coincide as nearly as possible with the probable dates when taxpayers will most likely pay their taxes. ‘That the Tar Coll’ector or hls deputy appear et the plaoes end on the dates es set out’in his notice; properly equipped with books or receipts for the purpose of collect- ;y;y taxes which the taxpayer might wish .- nrticle V255, es amended by the 46th Legislature, reads as folJows: *Each tax ooileotor shall begin the col- leotion of taxes annually on the first of October, or so soon thereafter as he may be able to obtain the proper assessment rolls, books, or date upon which to proceed with the business; and, when so ordered by the commis- sioners* court in his county, he may post up notices c not less than three, at public plaoes in each voting or district precinct in his county, at least twenty days previous to the day said taxpayers are required to meet him for the purpose of paying their taxes, stating in said notice times and plaoes the same are required to be paid; and said collec- tor or his deputy shall attend at suoh .tlmes and pl’aces for the purposes aforesaid, and shall remain at each place at least two dayo. if the collector for any cause shall fail to 894 Jonoreble Murphy Cole, Page 4 meet the taxpayers at the time and at the place epecirfed in the first notice h. shall in like manner give second notloe.n Artiole 7256, Revised Civil Statutes, reads, in pati, a0 r0ii0w8: Wash essessor and colleotor of taxes shall keep his office at the county seat Of his oounty; and It shall be the duty or every person who railed to attend and to pay his taxes at the time and places in hla precinct named by the assessor, and collector of taxes, as provided in the preceding article, to call et the office of the assessor and collector or taxes and pay the same before the first day or December or the si$n$ gzar tar which ‘the assessment is made; Artlole 6675a,’ section 3; pertaining to appllae- tion tar reglstratfon or motor vebloles, reads, in part: “The year for the purpose or registra- .tion of motor vehicles shall be April 1st to arch 31st (both inolusive) of the next sua- oeeding calender year, and may be r&erred to es the Wotor Vehlole Reg:.stratlon Yeer”, and ourrent year where used in the statutes relating to payment 0r regist :etlon rees shall mean that motor vehicle registration yeer. Application ror the renewal 0r regis- tretiOn.Oi a vehicle and for eeoh ohauifeur’s license for any motor vehiole registration year shall be made not later than April lst, or suoh year.* It will be noted that Article7255, supra
, pro- Eonorable Murphy Cole, Page 5 Artloid section 66X&,3, supra
. pertaining to lpplioation ror registratton 0r motor .vehjoles, provides that Wotor Vehicle Registration Year”~ shall be f&m Anti1 1st to March 31st (both inclusive‘) or the next suo- ceeding year. l’he Legislature, in enactir&Articfes 7255 and 7256, was referring to the collection or and payment or ad valorem taxes, and not the collect&n of and payment or ‘automobile license fees. It being apparent that Artl- ale7255, supra
, refers to the collection of ad valorem taxes, the tax assessor-oollector oennot use this same article as a method for the collection of automobile li- cense reeg. Your inquiry is thererora answered in the ne,gative. Poora very truly APPRovEDMAR. 15, 1940 ATToRNEx- OF TEXAS / -- Gerald C. Mann *y t413&l& ATTCRNEY &NERALOF ‘pEx89 161 D:. +~s``;t DDD:Ak AFPROVED OPINIONCWTE BY WE cm