OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ark. F. J. 11668 County AudItor Noxteeue Count y tdonteguus, resee eons:aereQby of requestam cm tblr braMet.* w or ths W.3.e exalowt7In your letter tietedabove in this opinion. *?a it iimeekra by t&e L6,sa5slstu~ro or the stnte Of Texas: sectfox1, lx all uouctie8 hev5nga poptl- latloaof not lews thannia~tem thowti, me hundmd and fifty (19,150)nQr ma% than aim- teenthousend, one humIre snd rsrsaty-five ``l-l.$)~hyo~rd~l~to the Iart prroedlnf Psdrral selnryof the c0ttnt.y cam~&saonem dull &a ZSghteenBun&& Dollem (WGGf par year,provld6~that6taoh tiara shallbe paid In twlve (121 eqael monthlyiaatallmentu, and pro- viding Zurther t&at ra#d$'-tir4 (75) pat oent of *sue. 2.~All law or pnrtr oi lawn in aal- fllotdth tbr vialanaof thlrBut am heroby ~expremlyrep63 eu to the extent I'- of su8hoonfllot. *Ge0~ 3. The faot Chat Cwaty Cos6issio54r~ in uerteltn couxtfw and tmlr are anderpslia require duties. P hl&6x salary araatssaa oaex- ~exoy and 48 $aperattve publieneceas5tythat the SQlutltutbnalRulereyah9ng~bW.sto be readon three a~vsral.dapfa eaoh Bfxw~ebewas- pendsb,and the wme is hereby8u~.endd,end tbls&at shall teica etfeatand ba L iaroe fkom aad aftair its pmmage, and it is 80 (LnaOEQb. -I =, 1939. "WQctive Agrfl 20, 1939." X0. 1122, 15cbLs&sletose of Ifouse``Bfll Texas, reedo as follcmat *Be it emsatedby the Le@Ci.afursoi ths~Stato or T-6: “saotmxl I, That Artialsl643, aeria46 Ciril Stmttea of Texas,l.925,ma am&ad by chapter95, Aata of t&a rarueti Lq&aletuxe, Flrat Called Sesafoar, a8 amrded bp Ghapta 28, Bcrb of the Port$-firstI.@alatme, First Called l3waion,as amruled by CThuptar15, Acts of the Fc?rtpwJ45awuLegialaturo,swcnd .t&lle6Baaalon~ be urd the acme ia hereby umsndedby atldhtg a&o a new meticmto bs who aballmceive ae ec8tgenaatioa for Ua aar- rlcee the 5~ of SQbtean Rundrs(x Dolliwa. ($A8GOjp66 aIlam garqabla,La &pallman iwtallmexts alatot the Oenwal Fund of "hthe ootantyupbpl or&&r o? the CcneaPiaalen~a Cornt. Hex . P. e?.mf46, Pegs t NontagaaCounty,Texea,aoeording to the 16at prepetlixg . 1pcdsral~Canaw~of 1930,-. hea 19,159inpabltanta. uxktsgue county, mxaa la ta4 any cowt~ in TUXSB 463m- ine ulth5n tha pqmldoa ?raemtsof not lossthen 19,150 Fotn;tbm& than 19,175lnhablhnta as a&-t l.nthe abate . xenarordcounty,T-8 vitha populati0n of 3,W lahabltantaawarding to thn list pmodf*pg lrsdaal wnaua, la the only oouxty In Texea ooplfaer within the popll- lstianbraokstaof not lo6 thsn 3 546 snd not mara thsn 3,548 Inhabitants, aut out la the iatta portlanof seoticm 1 ol &use Bill876, stq,wix~ At of this0 Ia%oa,1~ &rq ecw thevary c#t;set ircatud with the quaatltmof the~omatEtntIoWUty v$ the a&v4 quot4d%illa. Thu @ration ulmea as to whetha ur not ,thuas a&a ara looalan& apeeIa1lm &t-apt- to rb @slat*&he dfnlT6 of wunt1w I& rlolitlao 01 lrtlole3, 'Suatlaa of Tams.. 56 of.ths Goitgtltatlaa of the elaarIf~SoatIu23 *A ~eomsiaoratlar oreat- ab bF the a& imcQ?ctbfn the phwmtt Base In ohs t of A&iuls 3, 8eotbpl 56 uif the CmatIttttltQ, pry lY.%T$4 orrIlls for tha appllcatloaof the m&s that the Ls&latare wramt wads the prcrlllbltfon of the Conatitatianb nw ti law agpll~bleto a.pr6twQ- oilcmmx, whlaT;la, er maIftste& by ths eat,la fact,ma a&ma. Clnk vs. %alcy, 51 as 3&3*aapx6. i%xns whethera pretcrab- ef ths teatsfar dstsrmlrJIng by @n it ud Ob8S IS ~slanifaatrcl drs’IAd dam by Nu" llw aa &lnIcrlpal co*p0Tst1oM, VOll%st3 1, pages 29’, gag. $“’ v!a quotta: **me olaa~lfI~atlon 1950tad mat rest in rcy;lor substantialdfstinotiou, which renders am elaaa, in txuth, diatlnetoc dlffexwtfrom Iion.F. J. MOM,, P4&4 $ We qaota has the amrb'8 opinloaiu the saw aIs#Q``tMntholdlntt8o OPIIRQ.048 QQ throb 6, 1939, thatiArt%olaa23‘72~1 xc?&t. ;I*YbSb,Pagr7 56 of brtiole3 of the are la violsditmof seobloar Ccm8Wi~Qlono? TareaIn that maahof aaldsotaati- tonqtt tQ ragal& the aftelm cb R oounty by 10~1 and spscrlal low. !Beiotorr, eablaote4r4 tol4and hareno torasma meat. 1.~lgf.41 vaxytruly purn 6!TsTIp"AI. Al?XP?EY OP TXAS 30 b mu. J. mnaing nsslstant