DocketNumber: O-1964
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. 0. H. Slaughter Comfy Attorney %rtln County Stanton,Texas Dear Sir: We are In re ccent letter re- questingthe opinion o ment touohlngthe sllgibllityOS pabl%o oiiio who will have reel eolnat or2 unlol- pallty In whlo s oandidate,#ix ensraleleotlon, ing the party.~ ed Oh11 Statutesoi Texas, be ellglbleto any ot or municipalotfice ‘unlesshe shall be ellglblo e under the Constitutionof ad unlesshe shall hare resld- State for the period ot twlre sir months in the oounty,pre- unialpallty,in whleh he offers himeelias a oandldate,next precedingany generalor speolalelection,and ahall have been an aotual bona fide citizenof said oounty,preolnot,or munlaipalltyior more than six months. Ko pereon inellglbleto hold otfioe shall ever have his na%8 placed upon the ballot at any general or speolal eleotlon,or at any primaryeleetlonwhere Hon. a. A. Slau&tsr, Page 2 oasdldatssare seleotsdunder primaryelso- tlea laws of this State) and ao such lnellgi- bls oandldateshall ever be voted upon, nor hare totes oountsd for him, at any such gen- eral, speolal,or primary sleotloa.a It Is observedthat the term *generalor sps- olal elsotlonw,only, appears In the first sentenceOS the statute;whereas,thereafterin the statutetouohlng a differentbut relatedmatter appear the terms *any snsralor spsoialeleotlon,E at any primarysleotlon*. femphasisours) Clearly,therefore,the employmentof the term wgsneralor speolal slsotlon.w,pertainingto the sir months rssldenoeand oltlsenshiprsqulrements was not intendedto lnoludeprimary elections. The generalhlsotion is held in llovanber~ sps- olal slsotlonsare suoh times and plsoes as tlx- sd by law. Article2930, Revised Cl~il Statute?,as amended. A *primaryeleotlongts one held by the mem- bers or an organizedpolltloalparty for the purpose oi for suoh party to be voted Sor nominatingthe~tiandldatss at a generalor spsolalsleotlon. Artlols5100,.Rsrlssd Civil Statutes. It has been repeatedlyhsld,bythis department that, underArticle2929, supra
, aparQ.irWI! other nsosss- ary quallfloatlons, an individual1s s.llglbleto hold a publio ofilosif he has reslded ln, and bestia bona tide sitiasnof, the county,prse%not or muniolpalitysix months prior to the generalsleotionor speolalelections fixed by law. Ths.SupremsCourts& Tsxad ii.the oass sf.Iloy vs. Sohnslder,110 Teer.S69,~2lSSW 279,221 S.W. 880
, held that the term weleotlonwae wed la the Constitutiondoes not comprehendprimarysleotions. Acoordlngly,you ars advisedthat It Is the opinion of this dspartmnt thatArt10182929, supra
, in Eon. 0. R. Slau@ter, Page 3 its six months rssldenoeand oitlzsnshlprsqulrsmsnts, refers to the generalsleotioaor speolalelsotloas fir; by law, and doss not refer to party primary eleo- . Yours very truly ATTORHEYC2ZEZAL OF TFXAS