OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. B. P. Jennings county Auditor Herddincounty Kount%e* Texas Dear Sir: This:will-aek of February 9, 1940, in of thle department the Peaas Preainet and 2,500 OF rndrepopu- United States Cemuu, ry Registration Die- e Board of Health may more EeegistretionDletrfote, a Primary Registration Diatclat Report, where blrthe and deaths are registered in accordanos with a City Ordlnanoe not in oonilict with this Act, the City Clerk shall be the Looal Registrar of Rlrthe and Qeaths. Yit ia hereby deolered to be the duty ot Hon. E. P. Jennings, PageI2 the JUStlC% Or.thS P%%O@!in the h3tiOt3 Or the Peace Precinct, and the Oitg Clerk or City Secretary in the oity of 2,500 or more popula- tion, to secure a ocmplete record ai eaah birth and death that occur6 within their respectlve jurlsdiotlon6, and 16 required by this A&." The firat paragraph of Rula+Sa or aeotion e5 or the same Arti provides: eaoh looal registrar is hereby charged with the etrlat aad thorough eniorce- nont or the provleiens of thfe f,ot(Rule8 %a- 55a; P. C., Art. 75la) in his regietration district, under the supervlaion and direotion of the state registrar. And he ahall make au immediate report to the state regietrar of any viOl%tion of this l&w oomiw to his kaowledge; by observation or upon oompleint of any person, or otherwi6e.R Article 781a or the Penal Code provide5 penal- tiea ror tiolatioae ot .theVital statiatios Law. It pm- vides In part: *....or (e) being a looal registati, de-'. puty registrar, or subregistrar, shall fail, neglect, or refuse to petiorm his duty as re- quired by this dot and by the 5.ustructtioa6, and direction of the atata registrar there- uad6r, shall be deemed guilty of'a misdemaaaor and upon conviction thereof shall for the l'lrst offense be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor rare than rifty dollar8 ($sO.OO), and for ench subsequent ofYen6e not less than ten dollnrn f$lO.OO) nor more than one hundred dollaro (i&100.00),or be Imprisoned in the oounty jail not more than sixty days, or be both fined and tiprieoned." It is clearly 1mc11irOB the above quoted artiale that it 16 mandatory for a ju6tlce of the pea06 to sxeoute the duties trposed by the vltol ~t%ti6tia6 hW the Sam %6 773 Hon. B. P. Jennings, Page 3 it $6 hi6 duty to 6X66Ut6 ell other law8 with which he is oharged. We think It proper to here point out that the State Board of Health is given the right and authority to ocrablnetwo or more registration districts under the above quoted Rule 366, which, if done by the Board would relieve one of the local registrar8from hi6 duties. This, howevex, 16 6 natter re6fing solely within the die- oretlon of the Board end in the absence of the earclee or euoh discretion 6 justice at the peace i6 required to 6erve. Ycur6terytrnly ATT03 o&RIu.OF'pIzXAS I.A:AW