DocketNumber: O-1946
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable K. D. Ball County Attornsy R8ruglo county RcfuSio, Tax88 6, 1940, rrqucs whloh latter re FTam thr mom- laa for the Siohool %ahool Dirtrlct $5 18 now ready to tote mar mm8 bond8 and the land mmr who om8 tha 22,000 aores oi land ha8 . . . -.. .___-..-__ _-.- .1^“.._” ^_.._^.. ^_ -*--- .-..*-.U Honoreb1r.K. D. Eall, page 2 not paid all thb taxer which wa8 a88arad agalmt hlr property dnr to the above ah-a. What I want to know 18 whrthrr or not a tax now can be Lz~ally PeSSSOCd agoinot thr 22,000 aCrC8 of land tsksn frm Eohool Diatriit 84 an8 put with School Dictrict #5 during the year 1925 a8 aboya mentlonea. (1 . . . . mFor your IIUOmetlOn, ander SCHCOE, 37 T. J. F&ye 898, S8ction 38, and the oese8 aboye mentioned, are cftrd 8oae curatlyr rtetutae which 1 bclieyr ~111 make the pro- cedure ralld ii tk.6Sam ~8 illegal or lnyalld at the U-6 the ,DlstriotWe8 craetad.w The rpeolsl act ot the LeglSletUre to whloh you refer 1s Eausc Bill 363, Ch. 119, Special Law8 of Texas. 39th Leglslatare. 1925, 9. 352. Said act vidrs-I6 pert ir followi: - *sac. 1. Th,t Capon Sohool Dletrlct Ro. 5 18 hereby oreatrd end rstiblirhrb in Erryllo County, Taxea, laeludlng therrln terrltorf de8crIbd brnet88 8ad bound8 as fOiiOW8 . . . . a. . . =seo* 4. It I8 heraby rxprca6ll prO- tldad that thr outrtandlngbond8d or other yalld Indrbtsdnr88of said OOrpmon8OhOol di8triOt’sO. 5 8ha11 bcoom thr yalid and 8ublli8tIY&obligation8 Of thr OOZEIOI) school dlatrlot &o. 5, as crretrd by thlr act, end all current contraotr for the aelntenanoe of the achoo18 of the raid oo:-imon 8Ohool district MO. 5 and all &~ocaltaxaa heratororseuthorIord bf the 8aId district are hereby yalidated for the raid CopLlpon school district So. 5 in 811 lW&X.Ct8.N t-3 Honorable F. D. Hall, Pap,*3 ns 8CCspt your stetsssnt that ths purpose or l?f#Ct Of this lSgi8latiOn ~88 t0 add 8038 22,000 earsa of lsnd to 8ahool di8triSt HO. 5. Frlor to 1927, when Art10187, Esction 3, OS thr Tsx88 Conrtltutlon was amndsd, thr Lsglslaturs~68 authorlz8dto Ors8ts sohool dirtriOt by 8ptOial acts, snd In lllm mannsr to attaoh tsrritorf to 8xktlng 8ohool dlrtriats. Thi8 is too ~811 SSttlOd to rtqulrs a cltatlon o? authorItie8. Ssctlon L o? the act above quotrd, hmever, 18 olsarly uncoastltutlonalse in rloletlon o? Artlels 7 Section 3, In that it sttsnptsd to rprsad the bond.4 lndsbtsdnss8 o? old aoramonsehool blstrlct F?o.5 ovsr ths antlrs nsw dlstrlot, end ths local.aaIn- t8nanos taxes and taxes to 8srvlcs raid bond8 were attsoptsd to bs applied to th8 sntlrs territory without a tots of ths psopla In ths nswl7 anmxsd portiono? ths district to determlns whrthrr ths 6lstrlot a8 thsn conatltutsd would consmt to ruch taxatlo% Constltu- tion, Artlals 7, Ssotlon 3; Lo+* te. Rookt:allInddrpsn- dent School District (T. C. A. 1917, writ rsfursd) 194 5. E. 659: cU!l&l8 vs. Carton (T. C. A. 1908, writ rr?u8sd) 109 E. 'k'.476; Crabb va. Cslests fnaspsndant aohool Dl8trict, 105 Texas 205,.146s. F. 528;...Bati8 18. Dllley County Line IndrpsndsntSchool Di8trlat (Coa. App. 1927) 295 E. F. 109li Young va. Edns Inds- $;;dsnt sohool Dtatrlot (Co% App. 1931) 34 S. B. (26) . In km8 ~8. Dllls~ COcnty Llna Zndaprndsnt school Dlcrtrlot,8upre. the Coaalsslon o? Apps8lr not onl7 hold a provl8lon In the act, llmllsr to Ssotlon L quotrd &ore, to be unconstltu~lontl,but ?urthrirheld that ths lnoalldlty o? such rsatlon also rmdersd thr WhOlO 8Ct Void. #a do not ?lnU It ndass8srf~ however, to exprss8 an opinion on thir point In dttsr~lnlng your quastlon. l?uotrC..8 act8 o? the Ltgirlaturshad bean parssd contalnlng provl8lon8 similar to Bsctlon & quctsd above, and ln order to avoid the rtsultr Mloh might follm ?rom the ancon8tltutlonalityo? all these sctl, ths 69 lionorablsK. D. Hall, psm 4 La@3~aturs ps88sd rttsrsl ralIdatlng sots dssigasd to iu8dr thir St8 Yernon*a Texas CltIl 4irtiault~. statutse, Artlalts 28028, 26158-2, 28156-3, 2615g-6, 2815g-7, and 2el5S-8 (bsing~Act81929, &let Lagis&- tars, pegs ,666, Ch. 298; Acts 1931, L2nd Lsgl~leturs, ssoond Celled 6888ion, paEs 63, Ch. 39; Act8 1933, L3rd Laglelaturs,page 60, Ch. 31, Act8 193L. 43rd Ltglr- leturt, Third Celled c688100~ Vl3gt 9'0, Ch. 45: Acts 1935, 44th Ltglslaturs,pa&s 530 .Ct. 221; Acts 1535, 44th Ltglrlsturt,First cdl86 &88iO!l, PScS 1555, Ch. 380.) One Of the86 etatut@s, Article 2802a, wae aon8ldsrs~and applied by ths Co&niesIon of Appeals in Young vs. Edna Independent School District, u S. OF. (24) 857, under feats 8Isoet ldentlcal to those prsssntsd in your latter. In that case the 39th Ltglslatarrhad attach$rd tsrrltor~ to the Edna &dspsndsnt School District, and the plalntl?r had brotlghtan action to rtrtimln the col- lsctlon OS any taxes alleging that the act? attsxptsd to pl808 upon the newly added territory both bialntsnanos rmd bond tSXS8 0s the old Edna DletrlCt without a tots a? the new dlrtrlct, fin rlolatlon of Section 3, Article 7 o? the Stats Canstltutl~, and that the 081s dist?iat was 8ttsspting to 1st~ and aollaat raid~taxe8 Fjthout bsting held 8.D Sl8OtiOn for 8uOh pUZ’pO8s. ft xb8 al80 Sllsgrd that the nsw dl8triot was about to issue bond8 in the 8\ta0s @65,000 and leerye tax on the property 0s 8sld dlstrlot to par the lntrrs8t and crtats a proper 8bklug ?und thers?or, '8atd bond8 aud thXS8 having bran duly authorl8sdbr an slsatlon held in 8ald nap dl8trlCt 8ftsr the $m8ags o? the.1925 act.- The court did Ku4 pas8 upon tha qucstlon of *mether the uucon8tltatlonal pcrtioq.or the act destroyed the ralldlty of that part ortatl%g the dIstrict,.butheld 88 tollow8: nUnder authority of Lyford Indspsn-.. dsqqtSchool District 18. 1ClllaaerIntlapsn- dent $ohool District, 34 S. a. (26) 854, this d#l dscldsd by thi8~csctlon 0s tlIr eomaieslon,we hold that the vslidatlu& act parsed by the regular s68sion of ths Clst Lcgl8lsturs or Texas, being 6. P. 3%. ch. 298, p. 666 (vtmOn'8 kmOtSt@d ClTu Statutes, Artlcli 2802a) iullf 8et out In ths abota asntlonod opinion, has .effact Eatwrabla K. D. Bell, pa&a 5 to valldata and meka legal thr now Edna ind~D.Dd~t school dietriot. tORdthW rlth-e&1 tsxaa and bond8 roiad 6 the new district, lla that ragarYIAi?- rhrtbrr luoh district wee valid at tha tlinr of lta crtrtloa or no t, l quaatlon wo do not now pas8 on. (UnCcraaoring OUT81 I). . . . . follw?e iron what ws here lald *it the t ellof the t pnrt or TOUGHS pation mLloh arsks to enJoin . .the leeuaocs -. .mand eel8 ot the bon88 of tn6 neu EQ~ lnarprn- dent aohool, dletrlct in the aus of $65.000. an4 the l~rylne end oall.ootion of ttiiax - duly rotod for euoh mmowae, atataa - no caaaa of ectlon.* (Undaraoorlng owe) Tha oourt than held that although the orsatloE or tha dsstrlct hcd bean rall4ated and ,that bonds and .tarea tbuaafttr rotad mldht be lrvld and oollectod; bond and malnteneaoa tares or the old dletrlct whloh bed mtor haan aaaumod or authorins by en alootion hold for that porpoao after the lttaohmuit of tarrltory to thr old dlatrlot, OOPld not be larlaa end oollaoted WithOKt a rota aa required br Ssctlon 3, Article7 of thr state Conatltutlon. Ea do not conalder It nrcrsaary to set out Art1010 2802e at langth, but not.0 that by lta cxpraaa torma, it elao appllra to eomon aehool dlatrlcta. hour oitatlon of thr io r a g o lng lota of the Laglelatara and the application of Artlclr 2802a aa validating the orcatlol: 0r thla dlatrlot ~4th ita addrd trrrltory, and prnalttlrrg the laauanc6 of bond8 and 14~7 of taxer properly eubmlttrd .to a rota or the poop10 thareaftsr, ahould h& be conatruad 88 aaggsat- lng that ruoh prorlalona es err contelned in Seotlon 2 or Artlolo 2815g-7 are themkslrea conetitutlonel, elncr th8 Ltdlaleturus does not hate thi poier to ralidet8 that whlah it la ulthoat oonatltutlonel power to uathorlze. Ronorablo K. D. Ball, pado 6 Johnson Y. Lln&ay (T. C. A. 1930, writ dl8mfaaed) 30 s. w. (24) 655; Olobr Indcmlt~ Co. vs. Barnes (T. C. A. 1926) 280 8. V. 275. It la our opinion that aohool district No. 5 ot RrftigloCount7 mar now lsgelly lr+y an4 oolleot taxer on tba 22,000 aorea of land 64684 to raid 4latrlot by &use fill1363, Ch, 219, Acts 39th Leglalaturr,Radular Saaalon,.for thr purpose or aanlolng bonds whloh it now propoata to 16~0; prorldad, howmar, that auoh bonds and tnrra ara prop6rly authorlmd at an elaotion held fir that porpoar. Yours itr~ truly AT’ERREY CERZRAL OF TEKM haelatant