OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN yionorablelred~0lmllel County AtfoTIL@y *lohita CoPnty wlohlta tallr, Texas Dear Sirs Ia your lsttrr o(Aee) 1940, the following raot81 ,~“,,8”“” 1 o&r E ew Mexlro. t &a--re&- rue that tha sport paosen- r out as 80 oa as to whether the tax1 s or lvtlole Qlla, Ye~71pon~a tiole lb9Oa, YernoDU! Penal Co&i. QOa, pexml Code, proridem a. enalty 8 Article Olla, Yeraonh ClrIp1 Btat- Qlla pro~idssrar the regulation or motion 1 (0) 0r the last aen- part aa r0u0asi Vhe trrm Wotor au8 Cornpay*when u8e6 in thla Aot (Art. Q&la1 P.C. 1bQOa) means ever oorporatlon or persona as herein derim, trl sir 108soa8, trustees, rsoelrsrs, or trurteer ap- pointed by any oourt whatsoever, owning eon- trolling, operating, or managiag an m&or pro- pelleb pasarnger rshlole, not usutzly f operated 61: Ban. Bed MoDnnl~, PW' 8 oD or Oyer taller and enmgtu¶ in the bualnesa of tranqort~ pereone tor oompcnoatlon or h-s over the ublloh%hwaya withinthe Btate of TOX~S,whetEor operating over rlxedroutes or rlxed eoheduler, or otherwlee~ . . .* Scotion Z of raid ArtioleQllaprotlUeethat1 *ill a6 deilaed motor-buscoxapenlee, hem&n, are herebydeolaredto be *oonmon oarrlere* and eubjeotto raplatlon by the State oi'Texa8, and shall not o mate any motor propelled paeeengerrehlc Pe ror the rcg- UhPfr8MDOrtatiOn Or D81110M a8 D888eDK8C8 fir hire over sly publl6-bigh- ror oompen'iatlon w4 in Wale Stateesoeptln aooordanoe with the provlelon0r thl8 Aot . . .a otherpartsof ArtlclcQllaproridefor the lseuanoeor certi~loateo and pcrmlt8umler proper olroum- StanBee i xn the base 0r ii0rm w. state, 20 S..s. (24%) 1057? it wao hclU thatthislaw lo mot tiolat+&byen agent or a ooeepany-_- hire! a eervloe ear one tlmcto who Waneport over a publle hl@way or thle state paseengers who had been broughtto otlfetate line upon a vehicle ogyrated oateldethe etatcby euohcompany. m the oaee or c0111~1~0ies mbit CO~PCUI~W. csroeeoloee, bb 8. F. (Sd) t09;the El Paso Court of Clrll~ mpeale heldthat krtiols1bQOaoi the PenalCodewas not violated bJ a personwho, ln makingan isolated trip from IL peso to Blg sprln&,aooeptti eompenaatloa from a person who aooompanled him on the trip. Under the fact8 eubmltted b7 you, the above quee- tlon 18 answered in the negatire. yourIBtefJtN1~ APPROVEDFEB 14, 1940 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS