OFFICE OF THE Al-t-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xx. G an thr abova stated qmotlon h&s be y.- in tbia 3epl%ilmlt lMurauo0 aealtr lsorp nature my be ‘SOfindthatin at hot cubi ob*a triou to11oen8.8 0 r8Uoa) houmer, undo?a*ouqo 3 or Art1010 808 fho Le&sl8tar@hu 8tatedl "iEl: WoBoard~blln.otlsao* lloawto a oor- poratlon.! Wwwe~, mUor S~otloaU of thlr8rppo gmeral a eat8we lsoludbdtronall llrtlolo, thODroririOE6 Of f MAOt- '~O~@V%8iOXLOf tbi8rot @hallqpPl7to ... aa (Imrrd ylsnt or stute at OT bruuohmnqw representlag iua lalaitt xi aablimurd inruraaoo 00 ,a7 or aesrbr Of lumlrauoo oam$alw or 0aa WB la a '8tQNTYirO&704lD~Oit7.' "It id, thonfore,bee5the lttltu~oof thlr DepaTtment for 8QaetlBmthRt ~OllM a OOT- porotiouapplyfor liaeaaeto o-rata in tho euerullnsuranoo bu&ws ar&esmr~lagoatr Ye a & oanse rhoul6 be grantodd. vie Te8peotrall7 rukrit to you the qn#tionl XI t&e maTd of xnnsuraaor comul8rloa~ eutbQrltad Artlol*8&m, Y8raatl'S Annotated Cldl Statute8 raauala p8l-t a8 folloxllt 93m. 1. xBaurenoe agmtr, aa thrt tom ladstlnedlathela~ ofthr8tete shallto? the pUTpOSeOf thirA08 bb biV%dtih0 tU0 clasBeo;l.oQalRbQor~;goa~an4souoltor~. *so. L. 37 the tome 'Loaal3booTding a & ealat rsnnt 6p eTwoE’rilmla g a &a o 4 traurotionr whlahare lavolvd,ubo lollaot m- +lus8oarwb bmlaer8aadothsxwlr~po~orm &. 0ustouAr~dutlu Of a Uaal a.oordl.ll6 A&miltro- prematl aA xAEurukoecurlor in it8 rolatloa to f&q pa 4 110. “m tb a fUA ‘8O~Of8W’ b AM Itt l DOr r g OfflOiagtitb and l ng8&ita-in, roliolt w an00 001babld of a:LooalBOOordbg AgeA 9 # -0 do08 aotrl~andoxuutepouol# OilJuurELaca, a?& aa0 dou A& AdAttliEI oompnayrooordoac mlob traIlraotlonB. Thieshall``&brooartcoadto aaka & 8olloltor of 8 Lo-l u*oordlAgaeAt rho DhO.8 bwlneor OS a 01888rhlohthe rulesuif#a mm- p a yo r eur luroqpln to b o plaobdo nlp lloa- tion or to bs urltten in a rupenlror~offPoe. *Sea.5. Qea 8n7 pomoa or fin rhdl..tle- elr8 80 oneago in bwlwrr a8 a laOal l?eOblh% -eat for an In8uranoo Con ianyor Inauranoo cfurlbr,ho dall D&CO appPloatloafor a lloemr $0 t&O BoardOf ~1``300 ~BliOAOLT, in 8Qoh fom as the Board r e y a r e, UAa luoh liaum. bay be lnae4 b7 ax soar4la tb fora propsred b7 it nhea he shallbo fopadof ooa oharaotor and go06 zeputatlon.Thooar4Li+utholltito leruslloamor t4 firm or to iallridaalr mns ini;(18DUt2l.r~in the bIDUre!iW bUdLWWS WW Y-d- ed tbe aamssof all perronalntuestodin luoh t&man rmlab4lathouooMa,uld prori6od,tur, thor,that all lioa68d a&mts mtut be tuidrntr of Tnar. ~?roridedthat a personrhor~nf rulda in a tom tboryb &Oh tti8Stat0linev NO and uho80reeideaoeI la the t-oarin tbo a&e- lA& St&4 may be llooauod,ii &.&a8 clurl lart preo~d.lx& tuo ~08x0b8wallOmbSO4b74 h0 ``te,amllf hlr bwineu otflorbag benrnd b zmlntulaed lnthl8 Stat& Iha IWrQ rball not 7 UP. 4 liouur to 8 OorpMtlOlL. “8W. ‘ls. ~0 prwlrlo~ of thir rot 8hall app17to #mUSo Irrruranrs bwti@$aororL~ DODUtilWUt Of tba OOmwB%U lW Y *ball 1t appl7to an7 of tlk.folwlp, na34l BOA. %kUYiAHdl, Db&O 4 (d)Aa Goneral Agait or State Aqontor BranohUmagsrrbpnrbntlag UL dmltted and lloulmdIMuranooCamp or Carrlu, or In- arm00 Cerpsmlu or ,Cax us in 4 6up6nleor7 44paolt7.* Ad010 lSOZ,YWaon*0 maotated ClvllStatutes, rhioh6~oolSlee th purpo8u for whloh pritnk oorporatloat may be foraub,doornot aotlmrlu iaruranoe ageate who60 dutlu am of a 8uponleor7 nature to iooerporato. Sootloa s OfATtiOiO %mzA, lUp4 OpWifiO&di7pOTid that *thb SoaiM shall not leeuo 8 Ike* to 8 oorpor4tiona. wade2 Seotloal2 of the6~43~rtlole, gramal agrntrara exoluaed fTopPd.l tbb ~OViSiOM Of th. AOt, plWVi&i~ iA pW'trat rorlIloa or this rot elmllapply to ,., or state agent or braaob eumag8r reprosea "I lng an ail- ttod and liomml Inrruraaeo Compaayor Carrier, or nuur- anaaCompaalee or Carrlbnla a lu srvleor7 0apaolW. Borstor, aa abow rtated # :rtlol~P 3O&,lupra,dOb6 not euthorlsr generaliasuranoo qrnt.6jhoeobut108am of a eupamleor~ aaturato lnoorpowtr.vie60 not think that Seotlon12 of ~Hlolo E-06& eupra, author1544 tbb lmor- Hr6ttOA of genbml lA6Ar6Aoo 6ggsnt6 for the purposes above lncrloatbd. Although 6uoh egonteare 0xOlUdeU from all the prtielo~ of the rot undrr SOOtlOA12 of iZtlOl~-~o~2A~ lupra l In lieu of the'foregolaglta tutw, you are ro- lpeotful4 adti44d thatit ls the opinion of thl.0 4s rt- meAt.thatyOur Qtlb#tiOA riv.. Auut be anawaredlA tilelrsga ¶'rurw that tho fully fbrrgoing annuar6yoaT lAQulry,wo remalA Tour8tory truly