DocketNumber: O-1927
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
585 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN Bonor6ble fohti A. .E6ml1twt Dirtriot kttorney &dahor , T6mir Darr blrt lrtter or J U 6@6k QU' OQinlOn otate4 ClVll in Lfotley~Ootmty 586 in COunQCtiOn cith the fOr4gOiag qqqst~Oa8, YOU 6th6h a 1stt5 ;r to you from zon. R. A. Seay, County Clerk, Lotley CollntY.Texas, stating oertain fact6 in oonneotlon with th18 trM6ihOn. Lowever, lnaaffiuah a6 thl6 oplnlon wl,ll turn squarely upon a oonstructfon of the above mentioned lnatrumont, oOnSidar46 rrom it8 row corner6, and the materlal fcOt8 appear In said instrument, we quote same in heeo rerba, omitting iomal parts: "EE5ZhS, Cn Octot.er1, 1909, iuanah, ho& & Paoiflo Railway Conqany, a corporation organized and OXlStilI& under the laws or the State of Texa6, exeauted and de- livered to Coxconwealth Trust Colepeny,a corporation organized and exlatlng under the law6 or the State 0r k'issouri,SE ~rue.tee,,(St.km16 union Trust Company; a corporation or the etafe or ~laooflri,Suco4611or Trustee) a oertain mortgage and deed ai trust covering and lmluding.the 11li8ot Tt%ib’Oad of the mortgagor 0xtt3neing rrom amiuh, Enrdeesn County, 9ku.66,in a rresterlyand southm-eater1 direction through the C6uutle6 or Ifardemsn and E ottle ln the State of %x46 to the Southwest line of seld,Cottle County, and from Aaae, Eardemen County, Texas, In 6 northwesterly dir- eotion to the Red River, together rith oertaia other property in said lg6tlrmnnt deioribed, r4tar4nC4 bore being tade to 6aid mortgage und deed of trqt an4,to the reoord tharaor ror 6 full aad complate description of the propCrt)rcovered thereby, 46 ~411 c6 the te%-6@;, aondltlona and aOVi6iOlIP of 6aid mortgage atiddeed of trust; and ViEsBIPAS,the 66ld mortgwe Wa6 ereautcd tq aeoure (~0authorized issue of bond8 in the 6166ot $SO,OoO per mile or oo6!pletedroad, or 60 muoh thereof a6 the Bail- road Commission of the State of %exae may ironitfrmoto tima authorits ana al&w, to be known as its First Mortgage 81x Per Gent Gold Cougwn Bonds, to bear bate the 1st day of October, 1900, and to be payable the 1st day or Gctobar, 1939, with interest at the rate of ti p4r acnum and pursuant to th6.t4l7&6Of mid mOZt#Ja&4 end deed it tru6t bonda eggregetlng t&e prlnclpal cum or fji%,B15,~000~00 have been 4~13'i66U4d and are now cr\rt- 8tiUtding and are held by Ce&tr&cial ?ianowr &z&k and Trust Company, a owpgration arganised aed existing under the &rue of the State of ktw York, aa Trustss under the Prior Lien Zortgage 0r St. %oul8-&n F-01640 Ralluray ccmpany, dated July 1, 1916. tori. Jobn 2’. imt<on, page 3 wEci:,fi-li.iiXFORF., ror vnlusble aonaidoration to It paid , &a&ah, Aem k.PaaIfIe kallwsy Coa;panyhereby de- alar08 tht said b0Ad6, aggra$atIAg the priAeipa1 8rta or 92,91~,000.00, aonetltuts a Yalld~,Unp‘aldand sub- elating indebtedness or the said Bai2way Campany and the principal of Said indebtedness, toeeth6r rith iAt0reSt theraon accrued end to aaarue, shall be pay- able on the demand or said Central &mover Bank emd Trust Company, 86 ~rustse as aror06eId, Or Its SUc- aessor8 IA truet, and/or It8 or their aSSI~ee~, and the debt and lien evidenced or areatsd by said bond8 and mid mortp,agaand deed of trU6t are hereby renewed and extended and continued IA full foroa and effect aooordl% to the tenor, erra and reading of 8aid bond6 and geld mortgag6 and deed of trtmt,. whlek martgage and deed or trust shall 8tand a8 #moUrlty for the payment of said debt OA the U-Ad of safd Gantral &mover Bank and Trust Company, a8 Trostse a8 afore- said, or it8 Moces8or8 IA tmt, u?d/or~Its or their e188lgntm3,aacordlng to the tern6 or said bond8 aad said gortgage and deed or tru8t and the prorielaiu of this in6tmmeUt." These yIrst Mortgage Sir Per Csnt Gold Co~poa 3ondl USE+ or%glnally lseued Oetebsr 1, 1909, by 'the ??mnah, A&me a; Pad@ Fuilway Company ia the prinalpal sum o? $2,9l@J3QO.O0, sod the kOrtga@ O? deed oi tMUt 8e8lZdZk(t thi0 bond iiX8U6U68,.,Of,GOUSW4, not atamped, as a coadItlon~prere~oleite to mgiatration,.boeaim the 8tatuta levying the excise stantp tax upon 8Uch Instfawnt bad not been -acted. In this coBAsUtioA, SUbdiYiSlOA (a) 'of IvcIolo 70470, 88 emeAdad, VerAon' knnotrtsd CLYil Statutes, contains the r0ii0uing p``ovisor " . and, providiag fktber that, 0XGept It8to’ rm&aie or 6xtsnslon6 0r aaorued iatereutt,the proV1810nS or thl8 8sctIoA shall FhOtapply tO in6tX'Q- tents given Ln renewal or cxtcnslans or Instr.UmAt8 theretolore stanipedunder the prwIa$ane of this Act or the one amended ha-by, and shall not ctpplf$0 instrmeeriteg;iY0A IA the rerunding of eztetihg bond8 or ObltgatIons Where t&O prNWdIA& IE8trPoMAt Of rreauritywas stcr~ in accordsracewith this bo% or the ona ~aerendsd hereby5 . . .(I This ?epartmaAt bad ocaasion reaantly to eomW-%ae the- lbwa pFt3Yi8t# IA Opinion X0. G-1962 to HostorableDan ri:;'&M.s#n, Ci~+tlDistrict ~ttorn6y,ioaton, lkxa8, and held that .Mt8AeIon fion.JohrzA. Eemllton, page 4 ggreem4At8, in tte form ordinarily and aosmonly t)xe~uted, sxtund- lag the refituritg~date of a aeoured Indebtedness not *theretofore stampeb under the provl6Ionr of thla AGtm roul¬ be exempted fcom the inaldenae of th16 tar. Tfiisopinion present6 a oGmp2ete antper to your rirst question, ena we, therelore, e``l06e a oopy or mm for your cxemlnatton. 16 the ln8trument dascrlbad IA your letter and attashed Gorreepondenae and reproduoed hereinabove, en lnetrummt *'given In rexmwal or extennioa" Or 4 bonded or eeaured lnaabtedn688~, %ot theretofore etaEp6d under the pmvI6iOna Or this A&," 80 as to be subject to the exciea or privilege tax lcvied by sub- division (a) of article 7047e, Vernon*e Annotated Civil Watuter, oan8idered in GOnnaatiOn dth the above tjuotd pZ’iJYf803 %9li8 i8 8ubstantiall.y ;yGUr 8GGOd GUeStion, and the one which We find thi8 Opinion till SOlOly turn upon. It oonolueIvsly appdara tram the *Wh6F6a8611mot.thl8 j.n8truaant that the original bond& indebt6dne88, aeoured by a mortgage or deed or trust upan d68Ol'lbedprOpertie or then: Quenah, Aoma k PeGifiG ~Ballwaycompany, is epah llecuredobllh- tlon a8 woald now come within the scope and purview o? sub- dlvloIoa (a) ot ArtlGle 70476. Vernon*6 motated Civl2 Btatute8, 1evyXeg en exoP86 or prirllegs tax in a graduated emeuet %n all note8 and obl+&atione 8eeured by, 6oed of trust, keohaniaY8 lien OOntraot, vMd4r*8 uea, 00n6$tiQnal 8ul68 Gen- treat sad all $nritrumentsof a 8Imllar nature rhiah arc‘-llWd or reaorded 'inthe orrloo or the aciupty dPerk sniderthe &bglitre- tion &PO 0r this %at&.a It further appears that suah iadobted- nee8 matured Octobet 1; lOSO, and the imtrument in question here was WGGUtG& Oatobsr 8, 1959. The operative portion of the instrument reolte8 that, ror a valuable oonelderatlon, the *ail- war GOS#My %ereby aea&rer that said bonds, aggregating the prinaipal sum of.&,916,000.09, OOAStitUtO a valid, ti$ald and 8tlbsiatiA~iAd~btednO66 of *he said railway cgretpfmy and the prlnalpal or said Imlebtedners, together with ititerastthareon aaartaedand to eGaru8, 8hell be wable 011the demnd of said Central Eauovetr Bank and '.kst Comp~ eta. The instant further prwldee that "the rlebbcand llen erldanaed or craated by said bonds an6 said 6mtgage 6nd deed of trust are hereby r4w6w8a aud sxtended and oontlnued in rrtu roroe amd eiieat sob -to thb tenor, eirsrt and readlq or aal4 boadeW etG. The 2angOage ftl6tqu0ted, in rOZ7QOAiy~al~dwithout ~'6Qki.d to legal prlnol``.les, tend.6to Gharaet&ise tha ~isstmuaanta8 en extension or r(ms*al agreemeut, while the wards quoted prior 589 thereto Indicate only an Intent on the Oart of tbs 6iortgagor railway oompany to eclaiow1ebg4the Jnetnees aod validity of the bonded InUabte&neas and lien 604u.ring, agnolng to pay aam on dcmanb. But the zwo mp&pia, in rarerena to the bonds, of the words "are hereby renewed and extended," or t&e designation of thZ6 Instr\nnentas an extension agree- m4nt by tbs parties thereto or Interested official6 hime, till not 6&a it awh, either in sub6tance or form. It IS not WI@ t&c partis oall an Instrumnt but what it aotually Is In the eye6 of the law which till control, and we must therefore resort to the euthorltles upon this queutlon. The rule may be @morally etatad that 4~ extsrrrrlon or rineral of not46 snil the liens ssourlng 6~4, r46t6 io hontraot an& mmns that which take6 #a84 when the debtor and omlitor ~a44 an agrseamit, upon a valuable conaidaration, for the sturlty or the debt on a day subsmmmt to that provided In the 0~1ninsl 4ontraot. lratI0nslBank or ~06m4r04 ~4. Ics6.n4p, 08 '293 8S 0. g 568g'El.kHorn 3-k k !&get Co., et al ~6. $&kg&n:, 30 s. ,;. (24) 066; '&apb4llPlver Timber Go. Lttl., is. Vi~rliii, 66 ?cd. (2d) $98,108 A.L.R. 965
; sh@A,Tdon va. &la&. Cotton seed Froduat6 Co., 81 Ltea.'tE!al) 1691 O'l)anloats. WllIr, et al, l29 So. 4401 Slottow v6. Jiullfnr. Co., 129 60. 5991 84``4nS vs. Habeta, et al, 199 5, E. 284. ‘In the~oaea ot &t&ail Bank ai Comaerae tar &may, uupra, our ytrpreme Court, in upon tpe iegotirbtllty of a proadlrsorynote aontalning a prorl6lon with rerareneo to 4x- ten6Ion agreessente,6814: *It 044m6 to u6 the extension 6m6nt Is that whloh takea g3.604 when the debtor anb aradltor aeke an agree- e4nt upon 8 valuable eon6l4eIWtlti for the pryzwnt or the debt un 6m day 6tibsaqaentto that ~rerioualy 6tIpolatau.' The 04648 of Gai@b'slliiIverTImbsr Go. vs. Bierhue a&xl Ske~ldonv6. &ia6. Cotton haed Produbt6 00.~ both suprn, Involved 4 oon6trw3ti0n or the wozd +464w81* appearing IO an dot or OonSr466 levying ,an 4xalse 6tanrptax upon a0 orate ssoarItI46 gad providing that every renewal Ilpbe tax4d 46 4 new triersorahail lsbue. The instrument before the court In 4riohor th~464 Oansi. wau In the ntltm of a sup lanisntslindentur4 or mortlbageext&- it& the tLgleof the mturl ey of thtiorI&.~l bon4 I~IIM),but a4t being a rsnswal thersor, in the a,ea64.taata new Indantaw 'ordeed or trust eat areout6d In lieu of the orlslnal. It was he16 that the inatrumeats fnvolved rrems"r4imw&6* beoeuea they ron?i8slne& the es6entiaZ ooadltIoa6 of ab artenrlon OS tkrsmaatn&tp aat.4of -, th4 orlgUa1 Ias+Puaent. 590 eon. John a. k%c.Ilton,pa.4 0 It will thus be 604n frO&s the ndjudieatad ces4a In thla 8nd other jU~f6di4tiO66 thet 4Xt4~sfOU Or payment of en obllga- tIon rents In agreement or parties, by which, for a cohnldera- fioc, the obllgee p2’&1u448 himcalf from takInpSe&ion Ugain68 &U&r during the period or 4Xt4liEfOli; the tI6Nior paymant Is po6tp0n4d and'e new en6 dirrerent maturity urto is rIx4d than the orIgiMl .inatrPrcent b4sr6. The eontut or the prorlro under 4~6id4?6tiOn here do46 not S4QUil'4any other Or diffter45t ~onrtruction to be phacd upon the words %m4wnl or ertsnaion of iM8XWEtn86* than that acaordsd it, not only by the above d&4I61066 but by the ordinary ocoeptatlon OC the terms. The tnstrumnt under examination here 16 not either a renew61 sgSO4&4lit, an sxten6Ion agreement, or a ranewel and sxt4n6lon 6ggry)4mnt,In the @On84 .whIoh the tsglslature must h4va Intended, b&U64 am4 I6 not 8 r4nnewnl or the origin81 Isdenture or deed Q$ tI'llEt, LLOr iS th4 lSC&tUSity date Or the bond6 seOur4d theruby ~wtendad rmm October 1, 19Sb, to any future date. Will4 the purpoesa __ _ which promsted .. t.he~ exsautlon _ -. Of thl6 ~PstlTWL46~al-0 606l4WMt ODEOPT4, mere om 44 no aout that Its only 4fr44t Is to aaknowladge the ju6ta486 or the orI.glnal bonded Ind4btednsS6 and to 40nrmith4 *slIdlty 0r the 114x&664- .eUriBg66S4, 60 66 to toll the Statute ot LltitatI&s lor the rled 0r on4 day, under Art&314 W59, Vernon*6 knnotntsd Civil &8it46. It I8 appar4ntly an atbempt to ooaply'wIth the term6 or Art1014 bb?%?, ``Z’J.XOXI’S AnnotSt4d. CiVil %i!BtUt46, being 4x4- d&e& and 44kn0vf14di344 with the 6t6tuto'ryroim6lltlea, but that Et&U84 el4arly eOn8~p~f46 the r4gI6tmtIOn Qf inEtrtznsnt64x- t4lMffmgth4 date Of IEiitUTit~ Or the drigiaal fXld4bt8d&l866, and, In raot, I6 ths typ4 0r renew61 or art4riaion Instr654nt 406t46k p&&d by the proviso h4r4 oonaldered. spite tru6 the inatrum4nt here 4X84tIdE the period of llmltatIon during vrhloh malt rpaybe broryht by on4 day, and to that extsat and ror th6t purpose, may be aaid,,by irclplieatfoa of law, to extaad th4 deed of trust or Indenturs seourlng 6~. Cherry VS. Corbnn, et al, 119 1. V. (ed) 111. But th16 n?arslygo46 to the zem4dy and Is a pelts 4 dlirsrent thlaa,irum an lnot~rumentwhleh r4rlWis s oontraat between the partIe to altsr their substentfoe rlg&ta, bg 6iwi6g go;& the, fate when the rlpkt or the oblige4 te am firet . The toregoihg eE6wer to your 644ond qtm6tZon render6 un- 6404666~ a?3r 8REWer to DUS- thi@ QU40ti~. YOU ain ae~ordlaglg ed*l44d.that the inatrw646t Q4S4rlbad and df8QuU64d in this opinion i6 no8 ,euah a rensra~ or ertsn6Ion br the orIg1nal 1nd4bt4&466 an4 llsn r4r4m4d tO tberrln, 6s to be sabjeot to t&e aroise stamp tax levied by eubdirl#lon (e); mlole 7047~1,Vernon~e Annotated Cirll &atutsr, considered in connectionrlth the pro~luo tbersin, end the eueloeed opinion of thf8 Department aonstruing&am. %mting the roregolng rul3.yanewera your inc,uisy, we lr . Your8 very truly A'JTOFX.EY GFJURa OF TMAs