OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN m6orabla~E. Is. r30066 cuunty :,fAorney $hersmanCounty Zjtratrord, Trra6 riear sir: We aolmowl.6tY letter of ~Jenuary ae,l94o,reatin~t your tupplsrarat~ 1 lsttor of 3mmry EE paHimmt UgQrt the f or a - eta%6 wbloh ident owner or 8 acmeer- 6t6)r(ldta (L 6trlrtS Wki.ah th Wmas urid6r Est. 13 of oause suoh vehlolr to be ap*r- the purr of hauliryhwm-, lae v&l. are boa&at by aad be- r &ma 6U6k rehioh i8 dri*aa erator, \pithouE b6iz# r6&6t6red in 422 EQr!.2. z. COOI18, psge 2 in Texas (tither driven by hZ.nselX or by a hired operator) 6uah a vchfele Sor t&a pur- ~086 of haul- g00d6, war88 Or anrchaadise owned by the owner of the vehlole and bought outside. of Teo, without baing reglstoratl in Taxa8? u’4. ?.!a~any of the vehlole6 a8 usntion- ed in the thrse preoedln& qU86tiO66 obtain a *temporary rt@stratlon,* a6 provide4 in at. 827b ) F. C.? The rbet three questloss presantcrdare orsrned i~XOhl6iV8~ by Article S27b, v6I'AOfl'8P%5ndm COOS of 3'6236. That POrtiOn of s%OtiQn 2 OS hrtiole 027b t&d& 16 perti- nent to this opinion, reads as Sol&wat: ‘580 tion 2. k non-resident tuner of a 6t0tm vehfclt, trallox or eozii-trniler whloh ha6 beem duly registered ior the ourrent yeax in tho state or country ot wkieh the owner is a resldtmt rrnd in aawmtante with the law6 thdreoi, may, in lieu 0r regiritFri6g such ve- his10 a8 OthonriSS rtpqufred by law, apply t0 fheStat;sRtghrayDapa~sntthFo~haoo~ty tax uol.laotor for the registrationtheraol as provldbd by law, ekcept thut the prltLlsgie6 gr6llt,ted~rs Ottl6rri66 grQvided for in thi6 a0t shall not apply to any m&Or vehiiole, tsailfm, or oeti-trailer opsratsd within thir 6tette for ths tmm6portstion oi persons or proparty for oQslpensation or hire,* Seotlon 8 or mtlols 829b, read8 a6 Tollam: ~SeQtion 8. w3 5oa=mf3i&mt owner of a motor vehlola, trailer CUT 8ami-tztil6r CBull oparat~e any swh vehlde or oau~b OT peait it to be Operated ugoa the publio~hlghneyb Of t&i6 6tat6. elthsr before OF whtle it ie rsgistored. under this 8e0tion, ualess there 6hul.l at all t&686 be dieplaycd thersoa the rsgistratilan mmber plate6 smsigarad to said VhiUle for the uwrent oalsndar year bythst aouritxy Or 6tate 423 of wbloh 8uub owner is a re8ides%t, zwr u6less the certiiloato of teaporaxyregistration, when iosrued thareto aa is in this 6eOtion provide6 ahall be plmed oa eeid aotor whiole in the wanner to be 6peciBed by the departmmt . . . Frovidod that nothing lnth26 ,iotshell prevent a 5en4.%8idont ovaoF of a lmtox vokiole from operatw at till &t&ah vehicle ln tkis 6tate adjoiaiaf~ state or oountr; iron operate a privs;toly owned end Culy re iotered vehlole, nor o arated Sor hire in tk f8 stats st till, t0r & e purpose or goi56 ti0 rraarron hia pluae di re&.ar ecnployiueatend the mokirrg of txipn for the purpo6e of purchasing &ood6, wares mnd nrcrohandioe. md prwided further, thst any ROR-ZW6id6Rt @WUBT Of a p&at&y 06R66 R6tOr vehicle ma~g be pernrltte.dto make 6n oooclefati tXip bto this state uith 6Uoh Yahiote U6da the priVile&e6 or thi8 Aot without obtaining uuah temporary re@tratian certitiaate . . .* Uhih your aeaond quastion da66 not 6t6t6 t&at the QXZ'66, War%6 Of mrn?O)rrradi80 aCC JWobaSab %R '&X66, We a888661 that thi6 wa6 the eltuation pa istandsd to pro6ont and that the first ati remrd 9l66tbXI6 afe azaatly the 6m* axaopt that is one %a6e the YehMle is driven by it6 owmx and in the otker it 16 driven by CL hired o rator. A66stnL6@ that we have plaoed the pr6per oo6stm6 er cm OR there twa quwstion6 we agrse with lroor om3luefaa tkat fhey m63t be mmimred in the aiiirrmat,lwr. You stats in your let- ter rrt Januey 22, in crfracf, that the tema *5ck5ewsidsntc a6 o.sploye~ fn your rirst Wo que6time refers to rQsidfukt6 in oelrgli~lacawith the restriotive la+ the pertine5t prwisba6 ai seotion 5 ot wt. . ulA&x thlbse 6ixoua6tanae6 ths pm#YiE1@6 ef s%stion 5 aath@riaS and pamit Wm Q, r&IQ5 at dll in the State or Texa6 Of a0t.w Yehlole6 &km tkey be p&i666R@N' OaPs or ConePibrclal 8wi.w vebiolrr*~ gr0viUedof ocm8e that $im PxOYiPiOR6with rwpeot to r4@stxatZoa in the 00 state oi *Web the owner 16 a re6id6&thtrorpbe011 001~ -3 ied OF dth. Wile there.16 RO p&%vl#lon I.6 u-tiols S?b ukiah 424 EmI. E. E. 'coc3n5, p6ge 4 425 W% are unable to ame with yoo. ln this aonclu- 4lOX. It-is_pue tJ!i+the term %ioWr r+lale- a? used in ais r,ot lnclndee both peesengsr ciira ead ao%mar416l actor yehlcleeand thet tbb La&latwe has 0mp10ydlthetew in both Beation E end Seotion 8 of AX'tlolQ 8Mb. S44tion 3 of &;cle 889b provldaefor the teet&mrerg ragletrotlonof non- ~:d#xt pmssax&er curs withlx twanty4100 day4 astax oom. wclng operatlonw%thLrr the state. Section3 doss not de~& with enp other type of motor tahlale &or ls there eny other saatlon .oS hrticle 8&7b wblch mikea pro+ialon for the ~porary POgfot~tioIA Of OernntOtWial =tOr T4hlOl4s. SeO- tfox 3 thus opereteeee a raatrlotlom, slaee by %pealryitg the oxa type of vehlalewhich IW be teegmerily ragleterad for e llmltadperiodOS time, alE other fypee of vehicles are excluded. The lequege of metion 5 la general und all l``luelve, end properly should be, aZna4 the verlow sections of &tl~la 027b oover the operation ~iafdltrerent types of motor tahlolen. It the kU@Ue&e in f3a~ti&ln %iW8a adi SUffi- alextry inclusive to protide for both paasm(;er mad coamar- alal motor ~&$oleS, separate seetlosbe umild be naa&a6 iox? eeeh epeaiile laetenee. In our opinionit is Sorthfs reams thet.thaL5gieletWe loyad the term %otor reMale- rather Bplle then the more epeelile emaa oi wpoe.eenge~ear" en& *oamaer- olal mtor vehloleLh". The raot that the broadertene he6 bean amployaadoes not neaasearllylnbio6tathut euoh rrsatenae or pxwislon of aaatioo 5 appll*b egaauJr t+ ell typee of notor ve&lolea. The Slrst santanoe of Saotl0n E Stat8% that a non- rea1b.e OWIIOXor tlmtior whm.a '*hldhti 'beenonly re&e- tare4for the ouxrantyear in the 8tate or aouxtryOS wbieh the owner le a rosldaxt may ra&.8tar SW& rShiOl4by lp ly$ag to the State 'Xl&may Wpertamnt thro~a; DonSty tax a &a- tax for raglstratl0n,lx lieu 0t X% lmthe mh%ale ~JB othandse ra*ulra6 by 3 t mio~ in 80 2~ $3 the &ratio: 0,rrt30m8sar~i~ aoiior``&lolea Is oonuarned. Fia theretore4a7is4 you, in mmmr to your faerth question,thet in the opinionof this depertment, e omeer- c$al motor rahlcle la B& strbjeet to tsglpoxary r6@%tratlon. IX regard to thheseem14 badat rhieh you present in support of your afiirmtfm QSswer to questlox lW.4, Jrou State that it fa your belleithat the tit34 to the 6wMm&a- tory set was ln6nffloiaxt to ohangrsthe prior law sxospt to Ffon.z. E. 200M, add the pro~l%lon tranaltfo~ sele, ia olawof the fast that tha tamwra- ls wad in the aaptlonai the waatndator~ ariaatln%* bill. This aaptian, as qucvtml in your letter ot Jcinlnry 28, lQ40, raaUa aa r0u0vs: "'An hot amaB&lng Yeotion 2, of Chapter 56, or the iota of the nxst Corlafl Bsseion of #a z?orty-third Laglel%tura whioh pravldes for the roglstratlon and operation ln this Dtita of motor rehlalms WA%& brrnonrasldento. and raglstara4under tha 3aw & anotherstat& or oountry& raamot asmaandprovldlng that the xmmlaLona &%d aectlon shall uot apply to the m&.or +ehlalas ba drlvan under thalr own pewor, tuwed or othakits a traasporta6 by beingattaal& or oouplad to 8onm other ve- ``o```` tkirom@ tbla State, fbr the par- . . . m w6 have alxaaUy stataU & anothax 00rmaatl0n, wa rlnu no amb ulty exists as to the alear ?aatm and lntaBtlon of t &4 Aat. In th& oonrrtrcrtlcm, we a&v ?% a ytw that all bills pammd by tha La&3slatura which tuaend a portion of an exletlng Aot mist reeumut the Xot or Saetioa ai the kot wblchthey seak to ``imend. Thla mena nat that the prior lew l8 unohen&fid exoept fix the fpy````a~ or oPhlohmay be added by the mmui~ttvry bi amended A&will hanaeforthrawt as it is writtenin the umsndIll~t. Tn other wrds, the lurst axaandmant to m Aat or to a aeetlon thareof ls a complete substitute for the p1~10ua rat QT sautloa. The asendaaeatwlthwhloh we uw dealing did not lada5 naw saatloxks ta Aftlela 827b but 83~1. ly rawrote an& reana4teU 8aetion 2. ft la aoarplata dth- & ltse~ and oparatafaas arap%& 0fSaatloa E af@tbla 827b aa it read beefore the prrssiqe of the amaztbsit.