OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ban. R. 0. wetem, Carualty Comalsrion8z Bwrd oi Inauranor Cohmi8rlotmrr hetin, Ttrss bru 81r: This will no pt Of YOUr 18tt8r of January 18,. 1940 ach two rp8ohm 18a88 (LglWW5eltt8.+O on a8 to wheth8r or ilOt 8UOh 8@U8me l8 beill em8 888Ontial t0 full in order 8 OFiniOn 81aJ be and agreement 8ntem.a iat0 , by aad botwm , In aoneldemtlon o? the mm of ml, the f%r8t payment being au8 ULa lik0 aBoUt dU8 the oe8tie, month until thir aontrar ; ````:a~(t``=````~o::h~$`` !%aiift"r l'8Oti1Or JWOfe88iO!Wd U8*. "Now, the oompaay a008 hrrvbt oonrey tltlo of the abovr ear to John Do., awin& th8 term Hon. 8. 0. Waterr, Caanalty Comalaeionrr, Page 2 of thi8 OontmOt. It ir heroin agreed that thi8 oontraot may be terminated by thlrtr day8 notloe by either party, an4 it 18 undsr- rtood that upon termlnatlon 0r thla oontraot, title of th8 above car autometioally rsvert8 baok to Yotor Company nithout further oost or damagsr on the part of either party, exaept wherein the above oar nay hexa been wreaked or daxaged rhlle in the posesssion of John Dee, his hblr8, or a8sigunr. It i8 aho understood that the extent of damage or aolllslon llabllitp on the part of John XXI will be a mxlmun of $50.00. %herea8, the oompany Is furnIGhIng thle oar to John Doe in aon8lderatlon of the a?,we stipulated paynent8, it la undsr8tood by both partles that thir oar 18 to be 80~ rloed without oost to John Doe wlth the ex- aeptlon oi the aMote set out $80.00 damage liability, and his gasoline or fuel axponse. -It is herein agreed thnt John Doe will fUrnl8h the oompany with knowledge or certl- floate to chow that proper publla llabillty and property daraqe lnsuranoe 18 oarrled, and that he 1s to proteat the oonpanp from any dmage suit a?idng Out Of 001:181OA OF OOlli8iOIl8 whorein this car Is ooncerned during the ter- alnat!on of this oontraat md while in possoes- Ion of hlmaolf, hi8 holra, or a88lgU8l *This aontraot entered Into thla s 1940. Rotor coopmy John Doe Aaoepted Aaoeptsd" No,.2 =S”A?R OF TEXAS couN?!i OF BUNK Hon. R. 0. \?nLta?8, Casualty Commlaaionar, Pago S 0 a oorporatlon of Bla~,Bf~rfc County, Tbxa8, faaeor and Blank county, Taxac, iaaaa8, agrea to tha toi: lowing tS?LU8 Sad oonditlon8: *1. _ :remaw pay so month b,&m ``"'~na````~ day ii;aah 1940, for which monthly~$mnt aal=o; &?Sa8 and a098 hereby lease unto the 88ia bs8aS the following described notor vahlola, to nltt n Year coda1 +otor No. Serial No. - to be used by said Leaaaa the aama a8 though It W8H hi8 own. It IS lg r eed that the leeor in no way raSSiVS8 t!;aaontrol o? tha as? other than horain 8pcoifioally oont?aotad and in no aauuar eaauma8 any llabillty ?or the nagllgenca of tlla h813SS or hi8 agents. “2. Said f.eaoea8hall obtain, in a good and reputable lnauzanas ooupany, pay for, and keep In force a public llablll`` ~au?a~an$o- licy (mlnlmua coverage 8 property damaga (mlnlmuta~mga a- )*on said Rotor vahlala and aala Tall be naasd a8 one of the ao-Insured. *FL m8mrva8 the right to ahanga o? 8ubatlwy oar oi llka type ior the one daaaribad harain, whaxevrr it feel8 that It 18 to the boat lntaraat of dither party. v%' Ieaaaa agrees to furnish, replao- or repair ail tins and tubes without regard to cost or dauage to aam, and will furnish liocnse, wash, lubrlaata, repair and do all things naoaaa- ary for the proper malateuanae aad rapair oi the above dasorlbed oar or Its substitute, So long aa thla ooontraotremain8 ln forea, rrubjaotto all other provlalon8 of thl8 eontrsat. -5. It is agread that all rapal? work 18 to Hon. R. C. ::atara,Casualty Ccmlaaionar, Taga 4 be dons by Lessor or SQnaona of Its own aalac- tion and that Lo&sea will pay for any damage dona to wld above daaarlbad motor vehicle when such damage is cauead by the application of oonm external foroe, exoepting ordinary wear and tear. It ia a reed hmavar that no repair bill ahall lxoeed ti40.00 for any ona acoldsnt and that aaid laa8or will do said work at coet plua 10% “6. talc Leasea agrees to present tha car at the service departLent o? said Lemaor at least once eaah month or eaah one thoueand ~llea, whichever happana first. *‘I. In oaee of eqina or ether trouble outside of ?%mk County eaid Ieanae agrees to cull Lesaor st Lensor’o expense and rec(ilve inotruotiono (1~to what to do with said rotor vehicle. “0. 31s contract my 5e taminated by the Leasac! et the and of any thirty day period provided L,he c::r la returned tc said leouor at its place cf b%ir:ess in 9-ank, ‘lexaa. leemr my terchuate the contract at any tine by t&lnc posseaeion of the car at the end oi any thirty day pericd or If tarrzinated duAring a thirty day period then 8aid Lessor ahE renit to the Lessee the pro-rata one thirtieth of the current month’s rate, if paid, or i? said Lessee fails to rcaka payP,ent aa provided, said Y,aaaor nay tominate thla oontraot. “9. Said I.eaaaa hereby aaraea that the agents OS said Lessor nay enter the loaaee’a premises or such other plaaa aa such motor vehl- ale Eight be found and take posaaaaion oi said mtor vehicle, and Leases apaoliioally walvaa any claim for dSEagSa as a result 02 said Laaeor or lta agonta taking (with or without paraiaalon at Said Laasea) the motor vahial8 daaoribed above or it a aubetitut8d motor vahlola, upon the iall- ura of the Lemma to make payment of any monthly Hon. 2. C. Yoters, Cnsualty &mrlseianer, Tage 5 . _ or to return payment the car to the Issaor upon its requesr. “10. Thle oontraot le subject to the rollawing epeolal oondltione supsraedlng any omdltlone herein stated to the oontrary. WSlgnad and exeou?ad this the - &Y Of A.D. 1940. Lessee Lessor . Tou desire to know If auoh contraota are In violation or that portion of Hmee Bill PO. 626, Seatlon 1, .iOtS of 1939, of the 46th l.ep;islature (Sec. Bb of Article 40591). reading: "it shall he the &uty ol the Ccmfssloner to require any oorporatlcn, peracE, firm, asso- oiatim, local nutuel aid assaclctlcn OT any looal aoaocletim, cor.rany m or``nlzetlon, to have a aertlPlout~ of authority hef9re beIn% authorlzed tc carry on any Insurance business In this State. Ii, in any event, any such OOE- wny, person, f:%, assoolatlon, corporation, looal aid aoeooiatlon or local o~anlzatlon Ia nritim any fom of irmmnoe rrhatsoever without a perr*lt, or certlCloate of authority issued by the Departnent of Imu?anoe OS TexaB, It shall be the duty of the Comisnioner to sake known aald raot to the httorney General cf tba State of Taxas, who 1s hnrehy rnqulred to imtitute proo8edlngs in the District Court of Travis County to restrain mch ~aryvatlon, person, firm, assoclatlon, aor!:any, loon1 aid asfioolatlon or oreanlzation iron arltlntc any lnaurance of any kind or charactar without a pemlt.” Insurance has been defined aa ‘a contract by whloh one party undetiakea to lndemlfp another against 1088, damage, or llablllty arising tram an unknown or Hon. R. 0. Vlater8, Caeualty ~ommlsalonar, Pags 6 ooatiogrnt event.” Another more unlveraallf aooeptad deflnltlon 1s: *A oontraot of lnsuranoe ie an agreement by whloh one party, for a oonslderatlon, pro- mises to ap mane7 or It8 equivalent or do some aot of raP ua to the assured up00 tha deotruo- tion or Injury of mnethlng in whloh ‘;ho other party has an iatarest.” Sucjz definitions are aited in Yolwna 1, Cooleyst &loCs on insuranoe, page 6. Ve are fanlllar with the line cf oaem8 dealing 35th autoro??lle clubs to nU.oh you xake referwoe. A=w thCSe iS the case Of I:EtiOctIl diltb Service .:Orp. 78. Sate, 5s ST 2nd. 209, a:nT the &as cases th?reln oited. In the cmc cf Fatlcnal i.utc 3ervice Corporation, surra, (writ oi error rafu.=Jed), the juC,y.cnt of the trial court ?orfelt.ini?. tb!n ctarter of the named conpany was up- held. The corporetlmi Wllll ?.?corporr.teE aa ai1 automobile ol:b (without. t:l%??r,?ity tC Fits iZ3UxWXe ) :Aaier 8Ub-division 91- cf firtials 1302 of 7216 ?:t?vired Civil statutes. The corpzatlm Insua3 to its mzbsrs a cerLiiioate which pro- vided, anon;J ofhcr thines, for annual dues of t25.00 and provided that such co~r%?,?y wculd Cause to be repaired in Its I-evbc;rehlp garages eurinc the cuxent react a;?g dmage to membere* nutorotiles caused by acclde3t oi net less than t7.50 nor 12rc3 than 5250.00 &.imay,ea.Suok oontraot elearlg creetec? an obllcction on the part cf the automobile olub withti the purview of the aooepted definitions of lnsuranco and we do not question the correctness cf the holding in this and stifler came. We have carefully examined the instrun?ents tsn- dered. Pefert1n.g to the flrat of said lnstrwxents, we note an attempt to transfer tltlo from the eo-called hssor to the lessee. Construim the vkole of the c.ontrtct, however, we neaessarll~y conclude tth t su0I.i lnstment remtins a lease e.greernent and the paraIxunt titib to tl;s vehlole remains in the ieseor. A contract nuot be oonstrued by lte purpose, effect, contents azuI import, and not woasaarll~ by t~ta~;minology used. Kationai Auto t‘ervico Corporation VI. , su?ra. ?ha oeaond lnatruaant doa not pwport .to trano- ic title and lo, tbamrme, a rlxple loom oont%aot. Thu flrot oonttnot aontain8 a provision that, in event of loeidrat to ths nutmob in quaetion and Uonaga thsrato the ztont of tho luesoo’r llabfllty fat mob esmlrrgurib be 8 !KbOO. The rsoond oontruot proviidas that the extent of the leesso’r liability for Ulmllar dam- ltg till br #40,00. Rath of auah oantraots prorlde fu* thw that the lxobae of the dmage will bo borne by the lmlaor. It ir thla feature of sash of suoh oontraot8 whfah &van rise to the question at wbthr cr not the ierumoe of tho oontraots oonotltutes the otWyin(; on of an lneurano~ buulm8r. ve rind no Texas suthoritlsa to citr he~la. It was held in the cam of Ee Plrs Gm?tif’loate, 39 I%. Co. Ct. US, oited in 8S A.L.R. 732 that 0 firs oertici- cafe lauued by (I leaaor OS a ohnttei, b9 wkloh the l~snor agree6 that, in oaae ot injury tc or dedruation ot the oame by fire,ha till restore the haze ta the oondltlon la whlah it rim, io not a oontraat of lasu- @no0 wher8 the DB~:OBOCfXGFl3ni~S and if3K:Ede W part Oi a oon’-saot of leuae, dthin the of 8 6tatUte prohiblt- inn an9 parrron, pwtnar~hlp, C? aoooclcctlon iron isc,u:nc: any pdliuy or Y8ki.w a coJltmot of inQcler?nlty G,~tlxst loas by firs, without suth~ltp sz3weso39 oonferred by t: aknr- ter of incorpor0tlon. ‘f?ls twtr in tht- above cltad oam cltfrr traz those in the instant oatae only in thut In tho oltad ouse tborv *OS an s~remant on the part of the fe~bor to aamws ffla lose_;whereas, we hem have a0 agFe*cent by the lenno~r to a a mme l portion of the lees by $&Q&&i&. Ko believe that the aontraota subalttetl oannot be brcuqht within the &efinlt:one or imurence hcrela prr rented and thet the abcre oa6e ig oontrolling. #Je neoeaB- nrlly oono1ude that thr! lgrudmate, sad the basis c? yc.ur mquest, era net ruot: an to oonatltute the ki::clr onfpgod .‘I in the ?nm?tmoe buslnml). YCUX-6 V0l-y t,rJlg