DocketNumber: O-1889
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN Dssr 8lr: opinion x0. o-u389 Be: coartmat:on 0f Art Ravfsed Civl x0 El-e in rscsipt of .lon ca tts foltowln& :;uastl oh lnatsnos orrning two oor~ora$lonr ( atian and the sarano~ c or*ra- seeb where It appw8 af each 3oard is lCe~tioa1, ooatrolllnrplatarest "iisa conowte flleetr?itioaof the ques- tion ``h3k 00nrr0aa u&; tbr farlo~ing 18 tjr3foal: lTha controlling stook of &auance Qorpora- tion A is orned by B.C. and D, mo ocmstitaate 1 tsBoard OS ~ir eo to r s. 2%. o o ntr o llirsto l& o k OS o o r p o r a g io a finance oorjioratlon,$8 It, l owned by B,C, and D, thsy being U ldentioal ~arsciis who own the oontrolllng stock la In- mrsaoa Cmpsny A, *Tim itines oorpxatios 1 sol18 to Imaursnoe Cor?oratbm A orrtaia socurltles owned b7 it. 3%~ quwtion uhioh eonSzoat8 nm is whaOhor or not uuder suoh obwaritstanoes an6 la rim d Artfal. 412’1, notBfthstanding said Artiole 1s a prohibition agsinst SOW JS the directors, offioiels, agents do., should thr Board oS IasurMoe c4xaui*sjonarsreoogniza the saouri- ties so guraka8ed as adnlsslbla asset&P %I propounding the ioregolng puastions, I am laborirg under the izapraasion that the mubuss of t?m 3owd of the 8ellfng Corpora- tto%E have a ;eouniary interest in the amour- ities sold to Inmranos Corporation A, the Di- rectors oS rhich are either ldontlcal with the Direotors cd the S4vLUng Corporatfcisor owzt and aoatrol ths maJorffq stook. 'CT- will note that In at9 lettsarto yaa of October l?th, I requested that you oonsld`` whether or not a distlaotlon OM? or should be nmde where the oirlcars and diraetors OS tko two oorgoretions are identical, and whether or not the ofriosrs and directors am not identi- oal, and to aomider IS there 1~ a distinction to be drawn between Inatanms where th* ofticer or director of both oorporatlonn 3p1lsthe eon- trolling intereeatin both coryorotiozs or oua8 ths interest in the borrow& oox- porstion. l * * I .* R sfetec c e is mdd to h r ti01 0 4VE7, Uti8e6 Civil StatPlieS, 1925. I.itsve given nost oamical con- 8fdsntica end analysis to thf 8 eftll statut8. II 18 OwT utudied a.$nion that the prohibition contained th8roin do48 not agply to tha oircmt8nara you hare d48crlbsd. S84 in this uonnsction Cbnferenoe G&x.ion X0. 5097 or t%i8 departrent. Art1ole 4727 and Artlale 577, Penal C&4, 1925, Eave a8 their aceibinsd obfsative the prohiblthm an8 psnalitlng of IIdirector and offioer or dlreatorr end otiksr8 of aor~oratlon8 in re8prat to oertaioper8an- a1 aot8. Both the prohlbltion and the p8tmlty apply to indirldualr. They do not embrace tha oorporation itaslt 68 an entity. The language ir alerr, umablgu- 0128 an6 not 8Ubj44t to aoatruotfon. Th4 lneetiion ot th8 prwirion8 aoncarning polio loa!m WQSundolabtedlpfor the xrpoae of anabl- fng d ITO4tOr8 md OfffO8rs of fwiurance oo~paxi48 to take e&vantage af tr:lrxell-rcocg~-.lzedclass .ztf loaae., It camot be cocaluded that it f.?dic&tsra legislative intent thet bXt~ranCCiCO2pa?ii48, ~8 aSu 48 th8h &- dltidual dlreotors and officers, mre within the atat- utmy inhibition. Artlole 577, eapra, 4XpT4881l 8tate8 that *4~ VfOlati,w any proti8ioIloi thi8 article 8hal-d. brlloll ha- not le8.8than thres huMred nor more than one thousand Qo11ems'r (t3nber8corlng Our8)* The raat tbut irticlo 4727 and brticlo 577 are not a.?pUoable d,aea not amen that the kerd of Insurance tkd88iOZWr8 18 pOwerlsBS to OOntrOl the 8dsi84ibllity oi asset8 of life lnsuranas co.:paniel aaquired under the oirewnstence8 outlined in your letter. ‘Ilrk8I.8aZl in0Ur~Ce OO%~ell~>Ur4h4888 88OtSitie8 from a aor>oration whose 3mrd of ikectorr haa a member- 8hlp identical with thst of the ,inzreharin8 Insurance th``p``y~th8 Board Of ~8UmUX?~ Ca.BSLiSlrianOr8 i8 entitled to b8 g~l&~d by asrtain itlndaaS?.t?idm148 of hW in &O- twaiofng th0 adaLi88ibility Of 8uch 88WritLa8 a8 elreet8 of the in8urance ecxpany. It 18 toa ~.a11sstablfshcd to requim citation of out::oritythct ciilmrr und especially diXMtOr8 of 0or~orat:onr are riduclsrier. SO, kO01OVer,8 yyv3s*tJ cz X", ....K IntP ....~i&iS. Ch. 49, p. 777 *DutIe8 and Tower8 ot DIreotor8 a8 Piduoiarie8ng 2 COW3 OX XY- emotive 1451 B 5094 on *Dlreotorrr~ 25 BAWARD LAW iUXBU 427 gInterloeklng tireotoratea, The Problem Mid it8 sOh.Oll -; TRmrTr-mBsAL nsmw3 caxrA?a XT AI, 1. HS?XLL 22’ AL 101 S.W. (2d) 607. ??hO ia4t that 8 QUt OT 811 Of the dlnO%‘X8 of 054 ooatreating oorporatfon 8re dirclotz-nt of the other oontraatl.ngoorporatioa afford8 a ground ior sub- jeoting the oontzwat Into r!xiohthey enter to the 8triot- 88t sarutiap by courts of e uity. a lFSXQ%ox C34Co&OR- .?TI@XS841; 10'TSX. JUR. 953 . ?ho true rule in Texa8 with relrpeatto colt- tract8 betaeen wrporation8 having intarlooking alrsct- oretea or dricers lb cownon poerally nap :33round enunaiatod in CITY H:,T?&%L %XGi WJ. %lSXJTS* QiD xii33RS XxX.%. SMX. 105 s.3. 336 (c&i 1907). to the 0rfe0t thfet ‘1% 18 nOti fnhW4Xitly Wona; fW tW0 OOr- poratIon8, hrrvlng all or a part of their aoa- trolling oriicrers In aasao5, +ABaont?a& with eaah other. Xven when a majorityor 811 of the aontiscting 0rsicers of two cor~osationa 8zO memm to b!th, that raot alom bow 2ot mke e eontreat between th8 tW0 COrgarationU, entered into by euah oontraotiq oiiioar8, ab8olntely void and incagable of refificafion. TS4 current of modern autkmitY 5oldr that funfi siltii it * ld awear, upn ;,,e&&;:%.i' that the aoi%::ot 18 ialT md thoro has bee; no abuse of the trust relation, .q~.crrn by the sdjudiontod cfis48. de;.Ond8in a -of- , Son. ‘#alter C. L’oo4ward,Chairman, pa+y 5 lor case. 20 lnflaribis rtllahas b;on sstnb- llehed.* The ale wae ateted rtth remarkable clarity by Xr. Justice Clark, apeaklng ror the 3tited States salpramacourt in GsT&s TS. j&,fJ;xDj,CC;;';;,3 ',cI;:x:G CC& PAST,254 U.S. 590
, 599, 41 9. ct. 2G9,65 Lans. Ch. 3d
. 425, when he eaidr Y?ie relation 0r Clreator8 to oorpratlonr is of such a tidueiars nature that traa%eation% between board8 her&g acanon ms.bers are reqrd- ed as jealously by the lsa ae arc ;ersonal deal- ingo b&mm 6 direotor and &i8 corFretion, and where the raimes8 Or meh transaction% i% ahallengsd tha burden 1% upon those who wcxlld maintain them to show their entire rabies6 an8 wkeerea sale :s ictolved the full cd%quacy of the cmr;i4er:&io~. 33,waially is this true whore e common director is do5inetlni;in i,*lu- exe or in ohsraoter. T::iri court has been con- sletently emphatic in the appllcetlon 0i this rule, uhlah, It has dealarea, is fMlnded in soundest morality, and wa mm add ln the sound- est busln4s% policy.* In oorrinenting on thi% rile, the United State% Suprome Court in TCmz-LrCE EL CG.;ZY V%. x.zG3mY, 91 U.S. SQ7, 23 i. 3id.322. said, 8 * * + when the lendsr is a direator, aharged rlth others, with the oontrol and man- agxzxmt 0r.m alfairs 0r the corporation, rep- resenting, in this regctrd,the aggrorjatsintereat of all the etockkoldere, hia obiigetloc, if he beeme a 2srty to a oontract -siththe CCI ,+Cy, to cozxior and tfiir des:lq, ir: lncreorod in the precise degr;rao t:w*ttis raixesa3tiitive oharacter hii%given tin gower and confrsl de- rived rra the coidlJence repwed in him by the atockholdara ah0 aoyointe4 h.kattelr aGent.* In England, the ~11s is that c;rgzations having dirsotore Ln ccmzon izegxot cozArc.ct. i-c82 Tkmg- 6x1 Corj2orstions846. s: :;TT. F::,TL3jto. IL‘,;,~,s~#g cc., Hon. IfalterC. :&xlward, Chalrsan, pit* 7 lwality of o p ;o r tua ity to all entitled tkers- 80 abuaa a nd violate the flduaiary relation aa trust obli~etioa of dlTeef&ra. a 3aw treat- ment must be rtow to an-e o~dsstro~ the evil .a A8 utstrd another rag ia EnBYE WI. 3RO+?S,?30 583, 635 (1380): Wo take the liberty to quote a&z' from the artlola in 39 3 .L.R. (this tlzrie at p. 4741, w3ich is a QOllCiSO rtatmrieatcf our ~osl.tionr Th@ the2 great might 0r autmrity supgorta the ~onoluaioa that oontreotr made by corporations, in wclch ita directors are interested either individually, or through theeirarfiiiatfons -irfth other eorpretlms, are aot void ab fnftlo, but asr8ly voidable, yet th6 rule 0r law in this respect is such that a11 praotlcal plrpose8, if tha CQxtraot or transaotlaa be attacked, It will be archled ahoat a6 a matter 0r cow86, ‘booause the puastlon or tha ixtegity or ?a @od rolth oi the treneaotion will -:otbe irr;uked into. The uourt.8 will not contidbrwbther or xot the traxtztion Lairbeen 5xjurious. Zxclaad, they have g&a so far zs to hold even whiHI0 It CQUld be smZUeitiVsIy CLapm that Eon, 34lter C. Xocdwnrd, Zhalmse, pgr 9 Eon. Xalter C. Gxduard, Cbairaan, pa,ge9 say refuse adtisaibillty ar asset8 of the lnsuranaa ooz?any aaourltisa obteimd by purobaus frruaa aorpor- ation hating an Identical Board of Diraotore. na605ing TJi0861~10 spglle~ ia thor0 0as48 where tba Board of Xreotorr of the pmoha&.ng insurance ccan- pw and the sslliag aorporatioa have an identloal ma- l 14lu4nt.. jority oontrolll.llg Iho refusal of tha Board of fnaunnoe Oaamis- 8ioaer8 to admit aertein 840uritlar a8 a804ts of ths nt of ?.hoaagital atook of an in-oe oompeny pnq;rrr hrtiola 4748, llarlsedCiTil St4tflto8, 19e5. Whdhar impalrnwrnt18 brought abou4 a~ not bfthlm le- firra,tbs authority of tha Boerd of Imurancs Cmds- sloaers is the aamm whem the transaotion between the insurance aar;.jaay and the oprporatioa having OO~KMS dlraotorfi doe8 oat -84 the tar4 of fairnee8or 18 a riolatioa of the trust rabtlon8hip. In thf8 opinioa ws ars not passing u;ron ths 4uertion of whether or no4 tha individual dlraotoz6ia the sl4untion do8orikd are guilty of rfolating ktiolrs 47Bt utd 6t7, mapre. Truathg that we hare 8eti8faotorll~ answered your in@ry, wo are Your8 ~4ry truly ATTOR!EWC-AS, OI TEXAS BY I L\< s3?x$ 9 Dickstixlt CSt0b RsaiRt4nt App~ovEcMAy 16, 1940 ATTORHEY GENERAL OF TEXAS