DocketNumber: O-1879
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Hon. Wzl t. Xolt county Attorney Travla county AuStln, TOxaa Dear Slrr Opfnton 190. 04879 2~: May the father of l minor, who realder ln AuatLn, Texas, a city of 10,000 Inhabftanta or more, and *ho will become twa nty -o eane r of s lg a Apt11 lb , l& O,and wh o is attending 78x88 li. 6 M.Col- logo, aacura an uraaptlon certificate for bfa son? Your lattw of recent date, requeatlng the opinion of tbla depertment on the abwe question, has been given our cereful conalderat ion. Article 2968, Revlaed Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, am pert lnent hereto, prwldear “Every parson who !a exemptedby law from the payment of a poll tax, end do la fn other ‘reapacta a qallfled voter, ubo realdea of tan thoaaend (10,000) lnhabltanta or more ahall ot February of thawr *en much vohr akll d to arch utaaptlon obteln fram tbe hx Collector of the county of hla or bar realdence a ewtlfkate l b b a lq hla or her exemption from the paymento# a poll tax. l o+ ml8 ltatoto, tbo only one dealln wfth lxeaptlon certlflcetea as to realdenta of eltlea of 10,000 f nhebftanta, or more, in no aumnar prw1dea for or contemplates tbe aecurlng of an exemption certfflcate by ma lgant. Furthermore, the termtnolof the form of the certif lcate of exemption, set out In ra, clearly indkatea that t&a parson lpplylng for the rxomp lo81eortlflcate shall peraoaally a lr boforr tbe Tax Collector. this form am set out ln tbe a I? atate, reads as followa: Hen. ?arl t. NoIt, kgl 2 ofa “CERTlPXCAfS Of EXEMS’T1~ PROMTICS PA= CF WLL TAX The State of Texas, County.of , Precinct No. -. payment of poll tax la . (tanporary or penaanent, as the cam8 mey bal If this certificate Is permanent, It need not he reneud or relaauad yeerly but 1.8 rem!red to be renewd or re~aaaed In the went of removal from the voting precinct of the residence of the voter In wbfeb the saw wa Luaued to hfm. “,ivy gder my hand +nd seal of office, this the - day of . . . -. mAL) &lofted) Tax Collector, County, Texas” You are therefore respectfall ldvlaod tbat the qwatlon propounded by yoti should be anawred in tlvq mmely, that ander the facts as 8kted above, tbe t&bet o l lher, rho will bacoma twatpona yarn of 8go A rll Afb, 1940, my no t lacwo en uampt ion eortltlcate tot his aenn t he mom bring compelled amdw the statutes of Texas, to personally apply therefor. Trratlng we have utlafactorI~y answered year Inquiry we ramaln Yoara wry truly ArraUQtY~RALWTEXAS a/ 201118 C. Steal&y 20111e C. strict ACUob/cge Aaalrtanr APPRWCD JMUARY a/ OERALDC M&U?* “” -~oPtExAs APPRQVBD oP!R1010 ccmfTrE8 By 8W8, C&almnn