DocketNumber: O-1860
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUFTIN Eooorablo Ba8oom Glle8 ae88ionor, ck~rai land am00 Autlrtlxl, TIxa8 Delbr8-r aplnlon RO. a-l8 reg. Sea. S, Chap. 8, Tltlo 86, V.R.C.S. 1936, or whether euoh hi8tl8 must bo nade by the Sohool Land Board under the applloablepcovl8ion8 ot vpBiU5;, Aota oi tho ldth Le~ialsftua (1$3r) l * l Honorable Baeoom Olles, Page 2 The latest enactment, generally known as B. B. 9, In its Seotions 1 and 2, purports to be a oomprehenslra bill, amending Seotlons 6 and 8, Bow‘e El11 322, AOt8 of the 42nA Legislature (19Sl), o. 271, p. 452, generally known as the 1931 Aot; and providing a oomplote prooedure for the sale OS both surveyed and unsurveyedpubils sohoal lsnA8, and for the loasiug oS the unsurveyedlands SOT all minerals, but reserving from the Act the baaing o? wgolA, silver, platinum, olnnabar,and other nuttsl8*on eurveyed lands. The leasing OS snoh lands for the produotlon OS the oxaepted mlneral8, by Its terms, le to be gorernod by the 1931 Aot. House Bill 9 makea,no speoitio referenoe to the 8ale OS timber on ouoh lanA8, nor to the'leasingOS suoh lands exoept for the produotlon oS.mlnersl8,and the mineral8 intended to be oovered are oil, gas and eulphur. The word8 lease and leasing are used throughoutHouee Bill ON aometlmee aooompani66by words making it olear ju8t vhat type8 OS lease8 are meant and sometimes not. In addition to nmendinngtho 1931 Aot, House Bill 9 in its Section 5 areate a i3ohoolLand Board dofines it8 powers and preSOribe8 it8 Autle8, pNHid68 regulation r0r the 8sle and lealriagOS all.lanA8 set apart for the P8rmanent Sohool lhnd and the-sererala8ylIImfond8, exOOpt8 Sma it8 terns oertain land8, aboli8he8 the Bbard OS Xfneral Bsvelop- ment end Invests the Soho Land Board wlthl.t8 power8 and dUti88, IS House~Blll 9 oover8 and controls the.8ale8 of timber and lease8 ior grazing inqulred about by you, then it la by reason of Seotion 5, rhioh.we quote in part: . -1. All land8 set apart for the permanent free aohool fund and the eevsral asylum Suude by the Oonetitutlonand the laws OS thle State and the mineral estate in river beds and ohannele, and the mineral estate in all area6 within tidewater llmlts, lnoluAlng islands, lakes, bay8 and the bed of .thesea, belong- to the State OS Texae, are subjeot to oontrol and AleDo8ltlon in accordance with the provisions OS this Seotion and other per- %lnent provisions OS this Aot and other laws not &I conflict herewith; . . . *. . . ". . . *4, The duties OS the Sohool Land Board shall be to set all dates for the leasinn and sale OS surveyed lands, and to determine the Prloes at whloh an w, whether.surveyeAor unsurveyed, e leased or sold, and to perform any other shall I? duties that may be imposed upon them by law. . .* (Underaooring ours) HOnorable Baeoom GlZes, Page S The artloles referred to in ROS. 5381 and 5322, V.R.C.S. (1928) of the timber rrom timber lauds and ly amended or repealed. Unless House Bin 8 rspeal8-thsm by implioatlon,they will oonsrol auoh sales. We quote their pertinent provisions: *Art. 5321. Timber Land8. Tfaber on land8 8hall be 8016 In full traots SOT oash at It8 ?afr merket ralus and the oommi8slonershall adopt auoh re@atione for the 8ale thereo? as may be. awmea nsoessary and judlolourr, mbjeot to the proyia#me or th%s ohapter. By timbered land8 Is meant lands valued OhiOfly ?or the timber thsrs- oni (Aots 1901, p. 296, dote 1919, p. 312) _ ‘Art. 5322. Timbert Sale. Applioationto purohase timber 8hall bs made In the masnsr pro- tided ror tha rlllng OS applloatloaeror the pur- Oha8e 0r land . . . I? two or m0rs applloatlolu for timber alone be illed on the 8ame day, the one orsering the mo8t therefor shall bs aooepted. The psirohasea a? tiaber wlthotltthe land 8haU have the rlaht~of inursas and eRre88 uDOn.ths 18&d For a.peitddr or ?irs-ysarea?teF date Of award to XBIPOIOor prokeot all fhe timber thoraon. Aster that timb the title to the tl%%hall revert- the i-6 to wh?iZXko land bblonge'apna Gagain subbjeotto 8sle by the State, uniess tha la& 8hal.l 8001Psrbe 8016 and ?elly paid iOr au6 pat~suti88ueA thsreon; that event the timbor.8hal.l rorert to the owner 0r the land. (Aot8 1909, p. 490; .A8t8 1919, Q. %i@." There 18 an ambiguityoreatsd, in that Houss Bill 9 purport8 to be a oompreheasltesot oorering ths 8als Ot land8 and maklng the authority o? Sohool Land Board over 8sOh 8sles sx0lu8iVs. but it does not eIpresSly Cunsnd Or repeal the artlol.eipartloularlyreierrlng to 8aler 0r tirr- bar. It then beoomes neossaary for u8 to oonstras Lotus Bill 9, to determine the leglelaturer8intont, ?:cWit8 Intent ia.always oontrolling. Ii titiom21 and-5922 are repeals6 by House Bill 9, it must be by tiplioation,and suoh repeal8 are not ravored. '116 have a repeal bT iaplloatian, the provialone met bo 810repngneat as not to pPnit OS any otb8r~oonstruotloa~otheml~, they must both be allo*sA to stand, ia par1 materla. TO the extent that the Sohool Land Board, a Honorable Baaoom Cilee, Page 4 statutory board, la given axthorltyby House Bill 9, that ssme authority Is taken from the Land Commlssloner, a oonetltutlonaloffloer. Therefore, the Aot should be striotly sonstrued, In favor OS the general power and against the exoeptlon. Artlole 5507, V.R.l3.S.(lW%). To determine the legislature*8intent, the rules OS rtatutory oonetructionprovlAe many aids, but we must look first .to the intent as expraeeed In the language OS Eouee Bill 9, itsdr. The only sales refarred to in House Bill 9 are sales of land. I? a 8ale made under Artlole 5322 were not a Rsale of land", then House Bill 9 would not apply. An Instrumentoonvoying timber, the terms OS whloh oomplf with Artlolo 53213,Is not oonstrued by our Texae 04arte to convey an lhtereet In ma, nor 18 It a *8816 0r lends. Although we find no oass oonstrulng a sale ander Artlolo 5522, there are many oases oon8troing instrumentscontaininglike provlslons.-' The reason8 are that suoh a sale oonstruotlvel~severs the trees from the land, oontalns no werrantlee, provides a tlma limit within whioh tbe tlabor must be removed and a reoorrrion olauss. There Is a rathor fins, but neve?:theless olear AliMnotlon here, whloh is ably AleousseA in the leaAin(loase OS Davir v. Qonn. (Tex. C.C.A.) 161 S. W. SO, 41 (Writ OS Rrrordlls- missed for rent 0r jurledlctlon). Another reason $8 that par81 8ales under 8uOh terms have been held by the sourta not to be within the 8tatutO or frauda. West Lumber Co. v. C..R. cummlngs Export co.,196 S.W. 546
, 551. Further, a mortgage OS the trees by the purchaser would bo a ohattel mortgagO. Boykti 48f-alv. Roeenfleld E Co. 09 Tex. 115
, 118. The snarer to your seoond question Is not as ire0 from doubt. House Bill 9 doe8 not refer to the leaefng OS qazing lands speolfioally. Relther do the Artlolee which oon?er on the Land Commlsslonerthe general power to lease lands. titisle 5307 and Artiole 5331 to 6937, inol., 8uprs. You state that it has been the praotioe OS ths LanA~Commiesionerto issue grazing leases In the manner deemed best by him. Rls acts in this respsot were, OS ooarse, Honorable Baeaom Ollee, Page 9 under the authority giren hip in Artloles 3309 and 5531- 5337, or at least, a8 SO oon8trued by him. Subaeotion 1 of Section 5, EfouseBill 9, aupra, provides that the lands lnoluded are Taubjeot to oontrol and dleposltion in aooordanoewith the prorielone OS this Aot and other lane not l.8aonillotw', there lnd,loatinthe intent of the legl8~atureto loare the old laws In ePfeat. He oonatrue theae words a8 indioatlng that the Sohool Land Board*8 authority oter the leaeing of land8 should bo lim%ted to aaoh leaaea as were oorered by the Aot. Illso, where it ured the words *all dates” and ‘any lands.,. we thluh it Intended that they refer only to the date8 ior 12;htgA;E the lands and to the type of leases aontemplated . ... Under the above aonatruot$on,we hate ret to de- termine whether Hooae Bill 9, whereis the words lease end leasing are ueed Tery looaeIP, lnaludes a gTa8ing lease and leasing for grazing. To do this, the.applloablerules of ooxutruotlonrequire that we look to the entire Aot, not to partioularworda, lubaeotlonaor meotlona. We alarlook also to the airoum8tanoee8urrmmdlng the paaaege o? tha Ah. It la iall known that Boo~e~Bill 9 wa8 paseed ae a result of dlaaatialaotionorsr the way the..leasing and sale oi State lands were being handled. This i8 oon- firmed bP,the energenoy olaaae, SeOtlOn 8 Of the Aof. The leases 8Ter whloh the di8aatlafaotlonarose were oil and gas leases. In Seotion 1, aubaeotlon (b), and Seotlon Z are to be fciuudthe language, whloh, In our oplnlon, makes it olear jnet what types of leaeea are intended to be oorered by the Aot: "Sea. 1 (b) . . . lands within auoh flue-mile distanoe shall be aubjeot to lease only and all of such leases shall reaerTe to the State at least a one-eighth iree royalty on oil, gas, aulphur, and other minekala . . . Wea. 1?. . . all unsold publio free sohool land, Bonoreble Basoom Gilee, Page d both SUrTOySd end UMwT8yOd, shall be aubjeot to lease by the Camleslonar to any person, flxa.~ or oorporstion for the praduotioa of alserala,, exoept gold, silver, platintq oiamabatl and other metals, thet mer be therain or thereunder, ~JIaooordanoewith the prarfalonaor Chdptez ml, Aota of the For+aeeoad Legialataro,aa awaked aad Bttbditi8ioa 2. Chepter 4, Title @b, ReTiaed CiTil Statutoa Or-Texas ot 198%. relating to loos- lng publio areas, in a0 tar as Lame ia niit in oontliet hmwiith...a Seetloa 6 elao preaerres all right8 under the Belinquia!ment Pot. _ I?-nuyroua glacea la the lot, -. the term_- miaerel ._ lea88 ana oz.2ana ga8 zeaae are uaea. Arter reeamg tM me,Aat, it see08 to ua very olear that the Leglalatare Intended that it apply on1 to mineral lwtaea a&d the pro- eedure outllmd applies+ all a&n*rala eroept those olffoally esaapted from its pravldloaa by Beetion 1 (bT- lup r a . &ST& raeohed this eoao1f&aioa,it does not am zuaaonabla that thenloglalatureooald hare Intended that a0 words *to detenmina prioea et whioh say la&, &d&or lur- reyed or ummrveyed, shall bo lured or aolda wed in. Seotioa 8{4) La definlag the dutiee of the Sehool X,anksB&rd be Interpreted to inelude grazing loaaea. St does not em- port with reason to aey that tha 'leglalatureintended that those words inelude grazing leaaea, when oloarlT no 0-r part of tile rat refere to tbs. The reasonable laterpro- tstlon‘oftheae words ia to llmlt thaa to the laad (Indto leaaea of the tpa aotared.germrell~br the Aot, aaaaly, to lineral loans. Therefore, It &B the opinion of this departamat, and ym are so ad*iaed, that the Lend Comlaaioner,and not the S&o01 Lend Beard, hen full authority end oostrol over the leasing of auaold, eurreyed pub110 sehaol lands for grating and the sale of tlmbor from aueh laade aad the pro- 08aur8 for both 18 crontaiaedla Title 86, Chapter 3. Q.R.0.8. (19ZS) aad partioulerlyArtiolaSSW. Silk%,SSgZ, SSSl-SSSV, Inal. It follows that Rouse Bill 0, 461;8Legislator* (1959) ., Honorable Beaoom Olles, Page 7 does not a_cplyto either. Trusting that this 8atisiaotorf.l~ answer8 pot inquiry, we are Yours very truly ATTORXEY GRERRAL OF TEXAS L-c am88 Noel- Aaaiete4nt SBrBT APPROVEEm 16, i940 ' kZZL&tA~ ATTOp&Q GEKRAL OF TEXAS .