. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Mr. S. 1. Cooper, P860 2 State of Toxaa to the Central .Colorado River Authority, fiity per oont (!Wb) 0r all Stat0 ad valoram taxoa oollaoted for general revacu~ purporos upon the property and rr0s psraonn in the County or cowman, inoluaingtb rouing stook belongIr;g to railmad ooxwanlea whloh shall bo aaoertained and apportioned as xw provided by law. Tho taxes hereby Joaated shall ba uaod by thr said Central Colorado alver Authority ror the purpoas OS oarrylng out the powers, duties aud fumtl~a conferred upon a*x?h authority by tha Leglrlatura of this 3teta.” seotlon 6 of tha Aot read8 In part as follaai "T&a .faotthat the Coaetltutlon of the Stata of3axea required tha dsvalopmsnt and oonaervatfop or tha natural reaouzosa of tha State, and that a publio oala,aity SXlSt8 by reason of overflows snd aastru~tlot of jzopsrty by flooda upon tto Colorado Wlvor and it8 trlbuterlea, and that thr eonsarvatioa 0r the flood waters of aaid river and ita tribu- taries ai11 prevent such oalamttiea; . . .I Such questions oi oonetitutimality as ocourrad to us In rospeet to the valIdIty of this grant have been disousaed and dooldod by the &qmme Court of the State OS Texas In tha oases 0r Sraaos Lilver Coneervation & Reolaiaation i)lstriot, 91 s. V. (2d) 665, ar.d Earrls County Flood 3ntrol Distrlot v. Garald C. Siam, rocontly dooidtid, in eaoh OS whloh oaaea sImIlar @mta ware Surtafned by that oo;;rt. Upon the au- thority of there dealsions, xith raspeot to the queatlonr therein Involved, we are Iapelled to advise that the Act is constitutional. H.R. Fairchild Assistant ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS