DocketNumber: O-1810
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
50 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Zurl Brittaln County Auditor San Patrioio county slnton, Texas Your requsst S question ha8 been reoeiy we quote rr0= in the Conmlr- base of road PerxiianentIa- that the Per- be expended ohinery, and I would our opinion on thir.” ~&ationioik/S of the Texar Conrtitutlon, tax on property, exolulrlre of ry to pay the pub110 debt, and ovlded for the benefit of the 0018 ( 8hall neyer exaeed thlrtp he one hundred dollar8 talua- oounty, city or town shall lsry enty-fire oetts ror oity or oounty pLtrp6888, 8nd !Wt eXO8edhlg fifteOn 08nt8 iOr road8 and bridg88, and not 8roeedlng fiftern aent8 to pay juror’l, on the on8 hundred dol- lar8 valuation, rxoept for the paymnt of debt8 lnourred prior to ths adoption of the aneodmnt :ept8rr,berEth, Ee3; and f&r the motion of Ronorable Furl mittaln, Fega 0 pub118 buildlags, atmuta, aewbr8, xater work8 alia other permanent improvecmitr, not to ax- 04ed twenty-tiY4 Cent8 On th4 On4 hUndr8d dOi- ler valuation, in any on4 year, and sxorpt a8 la in this Constitution otherwise provldod; and the Leglrleture may also authorize au addltion- al annual ad velorsm tar to bs 14vied end ool- lsoted tor the tuther malatenanor ot thr pub110 roads; provided, that a majority of the qualified property tax-paying votbrs of thr omnty voting at an alectlon to be held Sor that purpose shell rote 8uOh tax, not to er00ea rirteen 08Rt8 on the one hundred dollar8 valuation ot the p;mdp- arty subject to taxation lo suoh county, the Legislature may pass local Zawa for the uain- tenan Of th4 FUbliU road4 8ild hfghWey8, without the looel notice required for speolal or looal lawa." Artiols 2351, Vernon19 Civil Statutes, setting forth the power8 end duties of the Comlssionerst Court, reads in r;art a8 follows: ". . . *3. rep out and estnblish, o&m&e and MS- continue pub110 roads and hlghvfaye. "4. Build-bridge8 and keep them in rewlr. "5. Appoint road OvBr66er8 Eub 8ppOrtfOn hand8. "6. 6rercise general control over all roads, highways, Serrles end bridges in their oountles. ". . .n Artiola 2352, Vernon's Civil Statutes, referring to the Comnissfoners~ Cmrt, reads as follows: "3ald court ehell have the paver to levy and oolleot a tax ror county purposes, not to exceed twenty-five oenta on the one hundred dollars valuation, end e tax not to exaead iii- teen csnta on t&e one hundred dollars valuation to supylsnent the jury fund of the oounty, ana Honorable Burl Brlttaln, Fag 3 not to ex00ed rirtee5 oents ror roads and bridges 05 the one hundrdd dollars valuation, except for the paytcent ol debts inourrad prior to the adOption of the axandmsnt of the Conati- tutloo, September 25, A. E. 1883, and for the erection of publio buildl5sgs, 8treets, sewbra, water works and other gmrzanont improvemanta, not to exceed twenty-rive oeate on the 050 bun- dred dollars valuation in any one year, and ex- oapt ar in the Conatltutlon otherwisa provided. lhep my levy an addltlonal tax for road pur- posea not to exceed rirteen oents on the one hundred dollar valuation of tha property sub- jeot to taxation, under the limltatloas aad la the manner provided ior in Artiols 8, Sec. 9, or tha Constltutlon and ln pureuanoe of tha laws relating thareto.w The above quoted provision of the Conetftution presoribes the maximum rats Or taxes ior &eneral pUrp#sal, ror roads and brldgee, ror jurlss, and for permanent lm- proveliants, respeotlvely. The monies accruing rroa taxes levied and oolleoted ror eaoh oi the enumerated purposes are oonstftutional funds; and the Coizmiaalonsrs' C?urt has no power or authority to transfer money rroa one ru5d to another, or to expend, for one purpoee, tax money raised ostensibly ror another purpose. Tha lle-,ediatepurpose or the above mentioned pro- vi5105 or the Constitution 1s to li,mitthe amount of taxes that might be raised ror these roveral purposes, respeot- ruilyi but it 1s also deelg5ated to inhibit 4xoeasive ex- penditures ror any such purpoSe, and to requlre that any and all ~oney8 raised ror taxation for any purpolie shall be applied to that partloular purwse and to 50 other. Tee the ease of irult v. t!ale County, 116 5. 'A. 359. The ease of smderaon Ccunty v. Zurkr, 242 n. w. 94, holds,asong other thinas,that the statute ropuires that any aa all money raised by taxation r0r any such purpose shall be applied, faithfully to that partloular purpose, aa needed tnerafor, and not to any other purpose or use whatso- ever, The oa3e of Carroll v. ?+illiama, 202 '7. w. 504, holds among other things that the Conrtltution oootemplates that, as a matter or oomo5 honesty and ralr dealings, tax money taken rrom the people ostensibly ror one purpose ah811 Honorable Burl Brlttaln, Faga 4 be expended for that purpose alone, as well a8 the tax rate, ror that particular olass shall not exceed thr presoribed 5axi5u5. In view 0r the rorsgoing authorltlsr,you are respeotrully advised that it 1s the oplnlon or thla Da- partment that money from the permanent improvement fund oannot be usrd to purohasr road maohinary. Trusting that tbr foregoing ray answera your inquiry, ~83 refzalin Yours very truly AT’PXXEY Gl%XlAL OF TEXAS BY Ardell ~illlam~ Assistant