DocketNumber: O-1775
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS pei& any-busties and wit ths *xldJmlm rranahlse oald such COT- ed n-xx its s that every dcnea- tw9lua and undivided nding bond8, Dotes and sataring in less than a par. ra its entim buslmsa. Se taX fS a *X 00 th6 6OYJ0Ilrt.6 in thl.s Stat6 end is not a tax upen Z aSSOt8 Oi'thb OOQW6tiOli. There- on aamiot escape or avoid the rrtmchfse tax by inaativity. It meti $6~ tks tax abether it Is ao- tually dcing business cr not. IDnsas City M. & 9. R. Ca. vs. Stiles,28 A. L
. R. 425. so th6 question involv6d la just on6 of nsasuring 818 Bonorablh M. iLFlOW6r8, PC486 8 the amoutat 02 rmnchis0 tax. Tha Legislature of Texas has said that the amOunt shall b6 meeaured a8 provfdbd in Ar- tie10 9004, aupra. The rormula provided by the Leglelatare ia very simple and th6 aimunt Of taxes to be paid by suoh oorpomtion Is only (IInBttsT Of mathsmatloal oaloulstlon. Ii a corporation bns don6 no business and has xm reoslpto, then it osrtainly oennot bs taX6d by the formula laid down by btiOl6 9084, SUQSE. Th6 SeOr6tPq Of St8t6 -Il ZLOIUOre @i&O out the OorpoTatiOns Oa9ita1 atook, sur$hW, eta. and levy th6 tax on that then out he levy ths tax dirsot- ly on ite propsrty. To psrmit the s6aretary of stats to deTht6 rma th6 labthod presoribed by the Legislature world bi 6~2 io~0i3iOn 0r the i0gi8btiV6 ticad and, in 6rrt30t. r6pBel th6 Stp916 arid 6X9r6S8 9rOViSiOUS O? Arti 7084, supm . This the Seoretary 0r State oannot do. since the fnnohiae tax is a tax on ths right to do bUSiJl6s8 in thi8 Stat6 and ArtiOl6 9004, 8U9SS, pro- rl4es that all aorporations shall pey the tar, it Is our opinion tha= oorporetlon uhloh does notbusiness In thfs Stat6 should be rsqulrsd to pay the $10.00 ninkawn provided by Artiol? 9084, suPm. Trusiing that the r0mg0lng fully answers your inquiry, w6 ar6 Yotlra oery truly