DocketNumber: O-1418
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable W.K. McClaln Criminal District Attorney Georgetown, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. 0-1418 Re: Can an independentschool dletrlct take out,.aninsurancepolicy cover- .lngbodily Injury and bua damage in .connectlon.wlth Its operation of echool busses for the tranepor- tatlon of'chlldren? Where euch a policy has been taken out may an injured etudent recover upon euch a policy? We are in reaeipt of~yourletter of September.l,1939, where- In you eeek.our opinionon theefollowing queetlone: "In view of the fact that a school dlatrlct 1s not liable for personal Injury from a school bus accident, le a school board mleusln tax money to take out per- sonal Injury insurance? Such ae representedby the enclosed policy.) "In ca8e of'accident can the 1njured:partyrecover on.the contrackln view of:-:therlder,attachedto the insurance policy enclosed herewith?" The policy which you enclose obligates the Insurance company to "pay on behalf of the insured all sUma which the Insured ahall become obligated to pay by.reaeon of the llablllty imposed upon him by law" for.damagea to:person or property-throughthe operation of school bussee. Uniform RZder No. 101, which is attached to.the POllCY, contains, among other ,, things, the following provisions: "It i&agreed that~'%nthe event of alalm.arlslng -under:aoveragee;~of..bod11yg.njury~llablllty and ,prop- erty damage``~llablllty~afforded under.3hls po1lCy; the c~rnpany~will*~.not lnt&poee~the.defense that the-in- aured isengaged ;inthe,performanceof a~governmental ~ctlon;~"except.;Int~tho~se casea"cohere.ltB' action will ~lnvolve,the.lneuredin a poeeible loss~not-~wlthln the protection of thla Insurance." Honorable W.K. McClaln, Page 2 O-1418 Subsection (2) of Paragraph II provides that the Insurance company shall defend In the name of the Insured and on his behalf any suit alleging injury or destructionand seeking damages which are covered by the policy. Under "Special Cond&tlons",the policy provides that "no action shall lie agalnst the ompany unless, as a condition precedent thereto, the Insured shall have fully com- plied with all the conditionshereof, nor until the amount of the Insured'sobligation to pay shall have been finally determined either by judgment against the Insured after actual trial or by written agreement of the Insured, the claimant, and the company..." Article 2687a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statutes, reads In part as follows: "The trustees of any school district, common or independent,making provision for the transportation of pupils to and from sohool, ehall for such purpose employ or contract with a responsibleperson or firm ..,..... The drivers of all school transportation vehicles shall be required to give bond for euoh a- mount as the board of trustees of the district may rescrlbe, not less than two thousand dollars Ii& 000) , payable to the district, and conditioned upo; the faithful and caritil dleoharge of their duties for the proteotlon of pupils under their charge and faithful performance of the oontract with said school board, . . ,I’ Another Artlole whloh should be oonstrued In connectlon with the qu$stlon presented in your letter is Artlole 2827, Vernon's Annotated Texas Statute, which provides that local funds of inde- pendent school districts may be expended "for the payment of lnsur- ante premiums". We are unable to find any other statute which might be oonstrued as authorlelng a school board to take out and pay for such an Insurancepollay as Is described In your letter. Yo&flrst question therefore may be divided into two parts, as follows, to-wit: (1) 'Does said Article 2827 provide express authority for the expenditure of local school funds In payment of Insurancepremiums on the type of policy described in your letter? (2) If not, is such authority implied from the express statutory. authority to operate school busses? In a letter opinion to Mr. W.E. James, First Assistant State Superlntendentof Public Instruction,under date of September 16, 1936, this department held that there was neither expressed nor Implied authority to expend public school funds for this purpose. In another letter opinion by this department addressed to the same person, under date of August 17, 1936, It was pointed out that the provlslon In the statutes requiring a bond of bus drivers for the faithful performance of thelr duties provided an adequate mean8 for Honorable W. K. M&lain, Page 3 o-1418 compensatingsuch school children for damages resulting from ln- juries through the negligent operation of such busses, and such means was exclusive, and that,It cannot be assumed that there is sn Implied power to provlde against such contingenciesIn a dlf- ferent manner. A careful study of the questlone presented leads us to the same concluelon. It Is now well settled that a school district Is not liable for the torte of Its agents or employees which are committed In the performance of a governmental function. The operation of a school bus for the transportationof pup118 to and from school is, In our opinion, a governmentalfunction. It Is apparent, there- fore, that the protection afforded under the policy enclosed In your letter Is not for the direct benefit of the school dlstrlct but Inures to the benefit of three classes of people, to-wit: (1) The driver, whose llablllty for damages resulting from his negll- gence In the operation of the bus Is protected by the policy. (2) The school children who rlde.on the bus. (3) Any other person who may reoeive an injury to his person or damage to his property through negligent operation of the bus. It is our opinion that Insurancepolicies for whloh premiums are authorized to be paid by Article 2827 out of looal school funds are such pollalee as protect the district Itself, from pecuniary liability or loss. Ordinarily it Is {he purpose of lnsur- ante polloles to protect the insured from liability orloee and not to provide a means of compensatingthe third parties for lnjurles which they may receive at the hands of the Insured. We cannot be- lleve'that the Legislature Intended that the funds of the school districts should be expended to pay Insurance premiums for the protection of third parties against damages for which the school district itself could not be held liable. In our opinion the authority so to expend public funds 1s not found in said Article 2827, nor do we believe it to be Implied from the power to operate school busses and employ school bus drivers found in Article 2687a. Implied powbrs are founded upon reasonable necessity. Such necessity springs from the fact that the expressed powers cannot be fully executed or enjoyed unless supplementedby such implied powers. In this case the district receives the full benefit of the expressed statutory authority to operate school busses without the nzcesslty of taking out this type of insurance. Doubtless the Legislature could authorize school dlstrlcte to expend local school funds for Insurance premiums to protect its school children against Injury, and Its employees against both llablllty and Injury, from the operation oflts school busses. We do not believe that the Legislature has as yet exercised its authority to confer upon school districts this authority. We Bpe unable to agree with the Tennessee Supreme Court In the cases of Marion County vs. Cantrell, 61 S.W. (2d) 477, and . Honorable W.K. McClaln, Page 4 o-1418 Rogers vs. Butler, 92 S.W. (26) 415, wherein the court h~oldsthat under a similar statute authorizingschool districts to require a bond of bus drivers, the district may elect to take out a public llablllty and property damage Insurance policy In lieu thereof. The driver of a school bus owes to the children wh,omhe transports the highest degree of care consistentwith the practical operation of the bus. Phllllps vs. Hardgrove,296 P. 559
; Sheffield vs. Lovering,180 S.E. 523
. The drivers' duty extends beyond the actual operation of the school bus to such matters as seeing that children alighting from the bus do not walk Into the path of an- other and oncoming motor vehicle. Robinson vs. Draper, 106 S.W. (2d) 825, 127 S.W. (2d) 181 (comm. App.). The statutory bond re- quired of bus drivers doubtless covers broader llabllltles and duties of the driver than are covered by the policy which you en- close In your letter. On the other hand, the policy doubtless covers llabilltlesof the bus driver to third parties which would not be covered by the statutory bond. Such a policy, therefore, Is not a proper substitute for the required bond, and the school trustees should in every case, requlre bus drivers to furnish adequate bonds. For the reasons stated, we answer your first question in the affirmative. It, therefore, becomes unnecessary to answer your second question. We enclose the insurancepolicy herein. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/Victor W. Bouldln Victor W. Bouldln Assistant VWB:FG:wc APPROVED SEP 25, 1939 a/ W.F. Moore FIRST ASSISTANT AT'l!OFU?EY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee Q e/t3WBChairman