DocketNumber: O-5764
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1944
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN tIonorab1.Xannr J. ndirino county tittorney,&Cullooh County iIraQ, Trxnr ihr sir: , raquratini the o?lalon on Co~x4l6oion8, not to exceed SO00 per annua. kl~8 the Court any sutharlty to lnorrsae thl8 oom~ni3rtion``w Ye iilfora8d ,,r. bl the iitat@ tOnptn>ll@r'r iiO~art~3nt that the county otiieioh Of YaCtilOah mplptl wera Mmprnrated M 8 SOB be818 tOr tb t8ar 1948. lor the p~rpo888 of tbi8 Opinion, UB 088W60 the 8d4 OOUtdl OffceiOk Will b0 aO%tmBmd OIL 0 fe8 beBiB iOT the 1-r 1044. The k&iBlOtIUO pn8OrlbOd th8 UXiMla ~WBnt560 Of ooirni8eion8 (AFti81r 5941, 304s. litite&,by Mtiole 5943, Ver- !lOLoo’B SBUOtutBd Civil %EtUt@B.) t0 Which th8 BOUIltJ trBrBU%? -oe)r b0 lBtitiOdl and inpO8d th+SdUt/ OIIth8 O(UVJi18i008fB' OoWt Of fixin th0 OO``B8~tiOfh With hluoh lioitatloa. ww * *The qttlrd rUla 05 law i8 that wh8n ool~mie8ioa8:*nnot flxod by orb.? of th. ~iaml88;0n~1T8' OOU$ thr OOUlit~ tFBrBWB? i8 lnt&tlob to r.celve thr marti i8M in the ltiLtUtBB. b88tWp COUEtt I. %W, 70 TOXIAB 544, s s. 1. wn; kantgomery county 1. T*ll*y, (TBX. CiV. A$p.) 169 J. “k. 1141. But, a8 rirtiy oonoludod Ln the 0088 of ihBtl%p County V. &MB&, lupr8,the law pro8cribo8 no tire when th# oourt lhall f&X the OOAIp``.r~tiO~ t0 th8 BOUlltJ. traJ8Ul%3? for tBOeil1Ue and dieburBin(l the ~UbliO mOn~J8; nor lc there rnr lahibltion to the eha!qiaa of the fete oi perorntaee after it ha8 been 01108 fixed. Tha 113itat10n howtat, UfBOB t!m wmmrity to ChaU(J8 8B UiBtint Order iiXi&$ the prrOBota@ Of ``IiBBtiOn, i8 thut it 18 BOt 8%lOU84 to nduoe the 008&WlBBtiOU W3lmd for pf18t 88WfOeB. zont&oimr~ County T. TuUey, (20x. Clr. ~pp.) 169 3. s. Al41.' ii8 quote mm the OQBd of TfllllaluY. Cser County, 147 5. il. (2d) 088, ~8 fO1iOWB: It lo 8rttl.d law that th8 OOrplrriB- " - * l BiOlurB' Oourt U BOt @hang@ thr ltBtUtOr$ plm Of OO&~QBatiD@, th8 tW;~bWOT frog & f88 t0 c de- tildti Ba1aiSr baei8. h&t it i8 irPlnrrtWiti Wh8the)r the 8ouTt order daomlnutod th0 BO``BBatiOll a, l ldet O? a Ou??UdBeiOB, th8 ~01 OhUTaOtU Or tb0 BUaL8 payable &Oo*r=B. rho aontrolllngllez8nt in detanninlng whathrr the e.munt to bo r8- Ooired 18 Up00 8 OOMiBBiOQ Or 0la lUr baei8 18 whrthe? that amount, by wbaterW 0a~ it Mf k adled, 18 lbeolute nad fiXBd, n@~-dl888 oi w&t th8 hrrtul 00moi8810U8 ~89 b8, Or 18 and8 eontiagont upen *amin& thet aaount 88 OOi#iB- liOO.” (880 U Tu. Jut., 000 Seotlon TO) it 18 tho opinion OS thlr depart~mnt that the oorpenrution of the County Treaeuror ot YoCullooh CouMJ oannot eroasd $8,000 Stated anothu *al, the C03zn~8rion~rr* Court oi ZES’Countr he no autbrlty to lnoroaro tho oomprnrotlon Of th8 COUBtf ti938W8T t0 WOBBd &?,mo EWSS``. The coa- 1iBBiOBUB GObUt WUBt flX th0 OOrp?OnBatiOII Of th8 County T%eaeur within the liudtetion oontainrd In Art1010 3943, Yer- : f&OIL’8 mnotrted Civil 3tatUte8. Yours very truly ..BBiBtaIlt