i i ~,F .i .A r ... t? u) .._. :...* “9 ‘~i- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ill. ” IQ AUSTIN ‘--G..ILD c. MAN” 17?2ODII” Ge*L”.L Rcmorablq ,lohn D. R6ed Qammirrien6r BuPhu et Labor 8tatbtioo Allatan, Tort&r Bids weI- tf&eA the owtraot v&n on a monthly buir, 4 rats or $123.00 ent va8 oontinued un- 6 nmlth 95 SeptefilbeP I?, Y8M ad- murt be t&n for the mmwal aozltraut sa ~aooPd4Aa~etith B6a- atr of fihe 48th Legir3Mur8,~ Oa this Dspartxnsat mqu6at.d th6 Eward of Cnntrol to maum such needed rpaoo awmrdlag to thr provislans of that bill. Dur- ing-th8t Mm, EwwevaP, thb Pa rroabsrfJb%U for spaoe Ln the TribuneBuild fc for th6 rcmth of Bepteualacsr vas presented to the Board of Con- trol for ~pp&‘oVSl but VILI X’6tWA%d t0 this De- partmeat by &8aron,of rour opln%onr IYor. 05427, 05565, m%-l05578. Honorable John. D. Reed, Page 2 %ll you please advise or me vhothm not th88@ opinims appl duo in our 0884, to the f%Ct that CUP l’6At& I 8@tWBS8At Y-%1)0A a monthly baeie inetsad of for a epeolflod p4rlod of timer ” Swate Bill Ho, 266, Chapter 258 of the Regular Seerion of the 48tb Legielature vlth rsepeot to offi epaoe fop stats Snoisa Or departmAte dose 8p~l~ to MA- W 8g P a eBeAb lx “sf*tlng Up o Ath elYeo tir ede* o f th ea o t vher e luoh a@WtWAt i8 UpOA 8 8lOAthly b&818, 88 V.11 88 to leaee Pgreevmnts rxtmding one peer or mom. Tbe pur- pO8f3 Of the Act Vat8 to FoQUire a11 PSntd8 for the State to be made ia the -er thslwla poizlted out. ml8 18 a categorloal M8Y6F to your queetion, but in the li@t of your hill 8t8tHi@nt YOU am perhap more oonoemed with tho further questian of vhether or not the rquhw monthly rental bill fop the BOAth of Sep- ttaeber should be approved and paid, Ye have bsretofore held that under ths trme of Senate Bill no. 266 all existFag contraote for lpaoe oovered ;&he Aat vere void--thzst Is, tmW.nst~d--u ok Septsmbsr 1, See opinlms lo. O-5427 md Ao. O-557 % rsfermd to in pow’lot ter. It therefore beoaas nooaeea~ for mob wncrlse and departawnts to obt8iA new rental OP lseee oontracite sf- fectlve September 1, 1943. It is well eettlsd that no 1iabilitJ a&a be ore&ted against the state oxoept vhm it la inawred under acme pre- erie tbg lsr. (see Ft. Worth Csval~ Olub ve. Sh*ppard, 125 Tsx. 339, 8) S.U. (26) 660.) CA septmlbsr 1, 1943, t&m%V18 no prr-exi8tlA&J lav other L Wnate Ml1 Zlo. 266 by vhiah euch llabillty for mAt41 rpsco fop St&t* a@~olse 4~d departsmAt sould be lncwred. E 4 % P