OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i Xoonorable Xarlon Y. Srown, President Texas Sate 3onrd of L:edical sxarainors ~;~---'-. ',, ., --> : City Xational rtank :Quilding i:;exia,Zaxae _-. 3ear sir: OpiniowEo. 64579 ice: Qaan e lioenoe certifioato I lcgally'be Laeued by the '~ ?ems Statw3oard of ::edioal "&xantineramithout the signa- tares oS'ita entire mmber- ,., s.'lip? We member being *un- ,,.' ,/~ /- able't0 sign. This wili a&owl&& reoeipt of your letter of reoent date requeotlng the opinion of this depertment on the above stated questiom 20 r;uote in snrt from your letter RS followel,,.~ I.`` .. “`` --TJ& er 'th~laa rs6g&&tiag the dfitlea of oe;nbera, each 20ard nanbar llust sign “Yhe 5.h.s license certificates issued to the e0OtOSS w%O -pass the written exstinatlon and t.kose who are accepted by rociprccity -iiithother states. Zr. ;~'?.illi~s is not able to attend the iiiaetine,s and Zion. :..arlon Ii. Erown, ;-age 8 cannot sign the license oertifioates of the applicants. 'This fact was disoussed at the last Zoerd Seeting, and, as i'resldsnt, I ~vas requested to secure a ruling from you . . .I' The only statutory law we haYe iouud in the manner of how the oertificatee are to be iseued to dootors who haoe passed the -grescribed examinations is Article 4503, i&vised Civil Statutes. The pertinent portion thereof protides: n . All certitiostes shall be atteeted bo the's~al of the %oard and sisnod bv 311 mem- b&s of the 3oard, or a ouorum thereof . . .* (Uudersooring ours) Artfole 14, ZeYised Civil Statutes, grorides: The majority of any lsgally constituted board OT oommission, uuless otherwise speciric- ally provided, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.* . There fs no provision speoifioally ;roviding as to the number oonstltuting a quorum of the Eoard of xedical Zx- aminers. Your question therefore is answered inthe nffirma- tive. Yours very truly