OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hono-ble E. 6. ret-, Jr. ccmtr Attora~ Dirplit CeuntJ cwrl%o sprlngr, *xam Deer 8lrr , roqlesting tho epln- l r tsto d th e r ein, r ea dn t th lr mo r ning, a nd eth e r or no t th e la st o wa me o f 4 25.00a r a la a Co w& ~ o f th is . Vo underrtandt`` part or if wa8 doolar- so a a to BLU HO. 319, Aotr of tho 48th &egirlaure, Eegular Sorrion, 1943, preridorr ml /ble R 0. Petm, Jr., page 2 gSiotIoaL In all oowntlerof thI8 stat0 bAvAng a population Of lestithan twenty-SIVe~thou- rand two hundred (25,200) ooaordingto the last prooodingFederal Oensus, the OommIsrioners Court of ruoh oeuntlesIs hereby authorisodto allow esoh QommlsoIonerthe aus of not more than !Fventy-fir0 (425.00)Dollari per month ror travollagexponseo whI10 en offioIa1businessIn raid omntlos. a . . . .a & view ei the fkpwcoiag Aet It is ourepl&n that the om&saIoners* 0-t l%an;L 6Ounties of this Stat. hava a populationof losm-than25,w.d anbababnts aooarding to :tho last prooodingFederal Census IS @pthorItodby mid Aot to 610 low eaoh oommlrsloaor the rmr or nbt mom the;n 425.00pe.r month for trsvoling apensos wh&le aa.offioialbwIners In. raid oountles. It is cur furthor 0pInIoa that the travelingexpanses authorlrodby the foregoingALotrust b&paid out of the Qen-. era1 Rand of the oountg.Tt 1s well establishedthat #all ooun- ty expenditurealawfullyamthoriaedto be made by a oountymust be paid out of the oounty'generalAmd unlessXhero is some law~whiohmaker ttim a ohsrgeagainsta s BexaP Cloudy,lt al , 157 5. w. P v . OarrOll I 182 s . ii--% . . BP (8) &doll WIllIa88 Aro+dant AWfdbaff %.I8 Oplnloa doadderod Aad A$proved .Ia"Zllnited .&n.foroImo