OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lionorab38A+ A* lU.ller coontyAttorney newt08Gmty liwtoa, 2exa8 war sir: 23~ sotmy attornry i8 diltlttd to a rfb4 air 415.00 for every aonviatiim wade* the Zuol a@lnat 6saLng uben no ap- peal lu taken, or vfreni on appeal, the judgs#d is arrirrPca8 lfht?A such Qaseg are tried la the, COuAtl~4loUFta or dlatriot oourts, or a QouAtJ am at law. bist.l%ot attoPAey8 iA tiua atat* lave ?xMA 6~Auatad on-an -1 u.ury bemiah aov au r-a, aosmlsrioasawit prar~ul6its8 ~021 may be 8amwd and ~fmlleatod by dlstricrtattoraeysaba3.l be paid &to tit16aounty.trWsury af the oouatyla hUh 6wh f~8~0~f~th4a~0~t0rth4gr~ ruad. (9a43Arci- clc >e&if, vernon*s Almot*kdc1vl.aStatutes.) Your8 very tr* ,.? mix3mzx am* is !~SEW