OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable B. !I'. Walter. County Auditor smith County Tyler, Teus Dear Sir: tion ha8 been received prtment. The rt*tutu bve pruorlbed the dutiu, Of tb. OoElli.8iQll.~.' OOdR$8;~th. rSd.i.U.l +?OU&h Vhioh th. dt.ffUMt COUiit408‘Wlt,&Id +Olll tho8. 8tatUt.8 lUl8t OOUW 811 the.8UthOritJ W8t.d fa th. COUtlti.8. . , . n k &FJllZi..iOllClr.'OOUrt. .l'eOOWt8 Of li8Lit.ijUd8biotiOll in thrt~th0i.P WlthOZ’itg OX- tonA8 only to m8ttorr perteinlng to the gelur81 wolfme of their reopeotive oountie8 and tht their poue~8 8re only tho8e Upre88u or lmpli.dl~ oon- ierred upon them b7 l.u, --that l., by the oon.ti- tutiOn .nd 8t8tute. Of th. .t.te. . . .I 1. no 1.W 8UthOrl8ing OOUntier to 0-d OOUD- tg f ti. for th. purpo... 1nquir.4 our 8tat. Con.tltU- about. tlon .180 Inhibit. don&ion8 and gP8tuitlar by oountio. from . L Honorable B. T. Walter., p8ge 2 public fund.. Artlolo III, 8eotion 52, Texam Conotltutlon, reulo ln part a8 follou8r "The L8gl8latur* oh811 h8ve no power to au- thorirr any oountr . . . to lend it0 credit or to gr.nt public monay or thw of value in aid of, or to any individual, a.aociation or corporation whetsoover. . . .' &be~nsuer your queotlon in the negatlvo.