OPPI~E oF7m srroRNIEy aPNeLRAL OP7RXAS AUSTIN . . .- 0 land, pwohaso lease and parohose ad produoe ohlnery, m%toria1s, and tar0ot cltratoelo and I ems, mmmltion, and imple- evtioleo, eoulpaent aeososary to the nadional artlolss,6qtlipJllenf ba repaired in t&t Y ha roroe0ing 0~ PSQ 0r any 0f otkemise rsoeessry la commotion thererrith;"~ ( 13 0 . F. I?.. 1941 aapp.# p. lSG4) By lte~ehirtor ( S 0. IL d4Sl) and by statute (b stat. 846; 16 U. 8. C. As Stto.610) the pCmo&al .' .. .-. Z’. i , . . . . : :1 * :. i ’ . I:;.. f & : !‘ i . Son. & ?at %&do *Pa@43. - . I I . i -. f . . -- . . -a Sk?. . . . .. . . . . . . . . : . . .. . . - - . * i I : . . T . . -. . . . .