OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable BertFord, Admlnl8trator ream8 trquor Control Board Au&in, Texar mar air: eletod question. Mr. OuLnn, the Count Attorney at El P880, thr, ~QJ; of Civil Appe8 38 dlsalsred the appeal in . “It Ya8 8gresd by all partier oonoerned, in- 01udln.gthe Dlatrlot Judge of El Paso, tb,at the applloation of ii8Ftin Abopdo would be held in EonOrablr Bert Ford, me 2 6ua we8 peadlrq appellate aatlon, and that the lpp voul$ be pe+tted up"iannt to sell bror during the peadenOy 0s 8ppml. "The 48th iiUgi8htW8 eoaated sm&t. Bin ito. UT vlth 8UffIoiOUt 8 pt t0 at’8 it UtbEr$tklf status, nnd It beowe ?a W ltiththe oOVet'tbOr 8 rig- tlntureon Mllr14, l943. Thl8 BiU. C8tTiUd iIttloO- tlon 14 thereof a provlrlon enaotlng 3.~the law a neu 3eatlOn 43-8, reading aa follow8t "Qheo t&8 term8 "olt1xen of Texa8* a ndlaltl- Zen Of thi8 8tate' lr8 Ured In thI8 Aot, the? 8&XU M&i not OdLy Oltlxearhip in 'petb8,88 required by thl8 Aot, but 8baZl ala0 require oltlsenshlp in the United St8t68.' "The lsrur in the Martin Abogado oaae ma8 vhether.ur alIen oould obtain 8 llorore to sell beer. SInae xny qwst1on about thl8 matter i8 nov moot, we Should 1Ike to have jOUP OpiniCa iz&PeI- ponse to the following qUe8t1OUst "1. Yould the Board be xuthorixed to apply the qimllflaatlonoof new lnv to the pe2kdl.qap- plicatlon OS M8rtin Abogado, end to reject It mu on the grouad~ that an alien IS not qudllfled na a Platterof lnv to hold a llaenm? #2. Uould th8 Borrd AOU have t50 legal au- thorltr to cancel licenser hrld by aliens in El Pa80 County, hwetorora 18Sued undor the order8 of the Cotmtg IX Dirtrlot COUrt, but UhIoh lloen8es will not rxplrr under their own terfas fw mme tine to wale?@ Oenerallj rpaking Sante Bill 00. 117, Aots of the 48th Ld&8latUre, Regtie.F%S81cul, 1943, i8 a 0 Act amu marq provisions of the Texas Liquor 07!z::zi:t ~OtlOli h3-8 vhtoh f8 quotad above in YOU3 18ttW 18 a neV .;o- tlo oldded to th eh t. Seo tlo 26n of said Senate 8111 tie.117 reads In part a8 tollovrr "That the repeal 01?ameridaentof any Smtlon or nny portico or a seotion of the Texa8 Liquor Control Aot by the emotment of this Aat shall not 744 iioaorrble Bert Ford, pep 3 Ufeat or ispair ury aat done, or right ve8ted or raorurd, or &ay prooeedIa.g, suit, or proaeautloa h8d or oommwaoed in anf aM8e berore 8uoh repeal OC WtXdAMt 8blhti t& e lff6Ot# but 8V8rJ 8U& lt done, or right vrrted or 8aorued, or prooeed- itI& 8Uit, Or ~088OUttOa had Or OUEiiE8aO.d 8brJL1 remain in full rorooanderfeot to all intent8 a8 ir ruoh Seotion, or part thereof, 80 repealed or waded h8d rumiaod ln foroe, uoept that whore th8 ooumo OS pruttloe Of prwedurs iOr en- foroawnt of 5u8h Plght, or th8 ooaIluati 8Wh prooeedfag, 8uit OFJX'O8eOUtlOn 8hwie OhM$ed th8 8W &l&b be OtXMhOtsd 88 lie&P 88 err be in woordmoe vith this Aat. lo orrml8a oomltted @adno lIabiUty, peaoltf, or Sorrelture, llthor olvll or orImIn81, inourred prior to tlm tiR8 Vhen 8x11SeatiOn OF put th8reOf 8h8u b. re- pealed or wnded br thl8 Aot, 8hall ;be dlroharged or lrreoted by 8wh rqmal or Wadaeat~ but pore- oUtiOn 8ad 8uIt8 for 8-h OffeM88, lIab~lItl~8, perultlar or rorrsttures,shall be lnrtituted sad prooeeded With ;a all re8 Ot8 as lr prior 8atUt8, or part thinor, had not reea repealed or mead- ed, exorpt that whew the m&e of proaedura or Mutter8 of praotloe hive been ahauged br thlm Aat, the prOO8dLU8 hrd 8ftbr thi8 AOt Sh4u have taken effeOt in 8Wh ~088OUtiOA Or 8Uit rsu)J k, I8 far a8 praotIoabl8,la oooordMa8 WItb this Aot.’ Mtiole 667-5, Anaotatod Penal Cod8, pro- lTeraon~8 Video in partt "&J ~PrOIt dellring a licWl8e a8 aWNlfa8- turer, di8trlbutur, or retul daalw my la WC- tlOA or in termtIm@ ii18 a p@tItlCm rlth th8 Couu- ty &l&58 Of the COUtttJ In Vhi8h th8 lppliOaXit660 8Ir er to lag8ge la ruch bu8lae88 vhIoh petitloa 8h d l Ita t l8 fOflOlf8: ‘Ir a mauraoturert "(1) TUt h8 18 a law abId&& tUp@ lag oltltba of thI8 at&to, over trentpoae (213 year8 of WJ that he ha8 beaa l rerldont of th8 oouat~ Wherein suoh lloenre i8 rought for a period of more than one year asxt preordlng the fllIag of Hoaorabk Bet Ford, pam 4 8-h pOtitiaJ# urd that h8 hr Dot beea mavlut- ed Of a f&Ow Within tlto (2) raaP8 LWtedlatelJ greaedmg th0 riii45 0r ruoh petiti0a. n. . . . %f a r+tetl dealert 3ubreotloa 16 cU Avtiole 66645, Teraon*8 Irrmotated CiVil 3tAtUt88, 9rCWitkr8 iA mta *The Board 18 ruthorimd to 1m8uI liinexnd &or R8t@i18ra8 Porrltrr The hOldOr 0r much pmr- tit8 &MU h xuthorlxed t0 xx11 f’or ocQsumptlon on OY off th8 ``ruim8 vhmro #old, but not r0r reu&, vlnoux 8nd axlt hwerttge8 eontainiag al- obhbl In eMem of oar-half of an$ r oent by volunw Md not -8 than fourteen ( !t ) prr aont of h&oh01 by VO~UJED. fi18wh mt8 d&.1 be app2ird fOr 8Ad i88Ud, -88 baled, 8Ad f88m mid ‘Upon the 8W proO8dWe Md irr th. WtEm W- AOr ud UpOA th8 8W faOt8 and wd0.v ths 8W oirouaatmoe8, endbr tha xam durrtlen of time, 8nd 8h4ll be rumabk 113 the maa manner, a8 re- qwod a& provid*d to 2ovwl.s appuo~tioa for UI im8aume ot Rat&l Bwr Dwkr’m Uoonxar under Artlok 11 of thfm Aot, xnd xhxll be mubjeot to omael.Utfon o r lw io n fo r 8a y 0r th e r ea so n8 z;$ Bgta& &or c r ler’r Ll88ase ruy be oan- d8d8 and upon th8 main pr0ue&trr0 Thoboldwm 0r UlaomdBoe~ Retalkr~r P8mlt8 m ll80be 8ubj8Ot tQ fin ~O'or181C#U ot SOOtiOn 22, Art1018 II Of thi8 Aot. b8V.W Iu, ~fOdroli0 agm rhloh the holdlrro af muoh mltm are adhoe iS8d t0 W&l ry be 8Old Uith & 8a.w r68trio- tlaa8 mm provldod la Artlola II goveralag the ule 0r beor, 8s to pwhlbltod hour8, looal rertrio- tiW; 8w Of w-888, iMttitiOt8 OY B8iAt8- nanao of b8rrimrm OFblindx in openlam or doarr, iionorabl8 Bert Oord, gag8 5 th8 twe of the word 'wl~oa' In Ph8obIbItIonof 8Igcu Or adv*rtIrIng, aAd wbjoct to th8 mm8 relt?IOtIoM UpoD OOLU tlon of wlm IU provided r o rb ur Inth 8 a ueOS"1pltul & o r De& erInr soket1on 15 oi Artiol* If or thI8 Aot. Folrth8 VlOtitlO#l ot B4 l@ Io a b &WOYi8bn8 & ot kt1018 If, th8 hOb28r8 Of 8UOh rrit8 rhdll b8 lirbl8 for &Wa1tI8l poVId8d Ia th* rtola- tfM Of w Oth8P gtPOV18bZU Or 8btth8 hold- lC8 Of .Wh prl'llft8 &ldl b8 8Ubj8Ot t0 &Wtiti88 ~OTf&88 in AFti 1 oi this ht. II a . l ,* l xt 18 8trted la hrrlaur JUrl8prU&enOe, Voluu a, at m&e 4701 'A otatutr uhioh arbItr8rIly prohlbltr 8lIen8 tfoloengaging In ordinary kind8 of bwlA888 i8 un- oolutItutIm&l. Bowevm, dL8orIafa8tIQargstart aJiM In th8 panting of a lIoen88 to n8IntAln 8 II 8Ubf8Ot t0 abtw thr a-lty, Oh88%ffO8tiM 18 t0 8UmO88 tht th8 ror8lgn born, uhou alla 8noe 18 fir8t to their 01yn 80wry, 8w m088 I al8 or gor8rruamtti 8JWiWl%DWUt end oontrol bT8 been engukd8red 8ad formed UdU WltiP8lJ diff8rmt reg-8 Urd gOll- t1881 8 t858, h8Y8 not th8 mua in8plr8tlon ror th8 pubrIO weal, aad BP8 not b8 ueu dlrpored to- vrrd the UnIted 3t8te8 88 tho8e who, by oltlren- sh ip , a r e l p r r t or th8 govrrnmat it88ar. Thus, ther8 I8 no qu88tlon but that l rt8tes8 denial, to porron8aOtOItaoas af t&8unit8dbkte8,of th8 cl&t to 0btal.n1168n808 to sell Inttulfsatlng 11QbOF8 18 not M WUfUl dI8orimlmtIon Q+ti8t 8llw OP UI 8brId@Mnt or their rlghtr VithIn th8 prohibition Of the POUPt88Utb rundarnt of t&8 W4l8ral Cwtftution~ u8 quote f’l-olP A. L. Ra, YOhJUl8 39, w 348, A8 tO;llOW#I %Or, 18 IlOQUUtiM but th8t l 8tat8’8 donI to porronm not oItfxen8 of tfu United bt8t88 OS the right t0 abt8In liO0~38 t0 8ell FntOXlMting itonorable8ort Ford, pga 6 ‘A8 rtated in th8 Tr SW -8 @If.) 8U&W@, n0 01u OM OlAfa 88 8 rigla Y w -8P Wh4tWU t0 Bell -tori-ta &iQW8, 8Ild th8 V8lblftJ Of th e Uer OlBe by l Sta t0 ot it8 pollee peer in re@alrtlng tholr ral8 dot8 not, in the halt de- gree, degmd on 8n# qwrt1on 88 to,the preunue or abreme of dhorlrlaatfon r02 or 8g8fn8t put i- OUlU ~r@W OF Ol888e8 Of pW8O~k8, 8nd the %a&= ibhture Iy i8lPftiy &rult th8 right to 8eu to 8 OO,t8llJ 0 I8 88 and Utt&hOld it froHl Otherr. ‘The oon8tltutloorlity oi l strtUt8 requlr- fag the hold8r of I lIquOr liouwe to be 8 oitlran Ot tba UnIt6d State8 VU UnQUo8tIanedin %9kb;l4'8 Uoen8e (1909) 41 P8* 8uper* Ct. 370, uhere a uQuOr llOul88 Wa8 r8vOkga UpOn the $3roU& tbrt the holder W88 8a @Urn. It 18 8t&t@d tZ4 the ~illlble Q&O, 8Ugr8, ‘a 2098 Uaenus 3 Sk&g, Co. Ll. 188, it uao held th8t t&a holtlor ef a liquor lioen8r met br a oItIxoA of the Vfaitedbtator, md th8t VbIl 8wh 1108R88 I8 &S&?rc@8r~ Mted to o ne no t l Oitl- Iat&, 8Ucrh zf~8~8 UpOn Q@iO8tiOXk Y IT1 b 28voked." However, th8 lIOen8e ln tb# above pwatlomd 0-8 Pare pMtd t0 the alit lavoloed uhereiths 8tEtUk exje888- ly provId8d In pUtr “Uowane8 @hall only be granted to oft%- L8n8 of th8 united 8tatoo*” Vith roiarenee your rLI’8t QU88tfM 48 heretofore to 8t8ted, We UIUR8 th8 5MtiM8b theZ’efA t&t per8- doe8 not r um & *a a llo emr ti 1 8M k lng 8n applltitlon So r l llo eme at -8 t&e. Ia tleW of th8 8uthOrItie8 it I8 our o p lnloth n 8tM l.len o mno t a ndr8aeiv8 8 ilc exme un- der the T8u8 Uquor Control&t. %2wefore, ue rrrpmtfully Wwec your ffrrt quartton in the 8frm8tiqe. mnwabk Bert Ford,w@e 7 la olew of katlon 26 of Senate Bill no. 111, 8~pr8~ Y. Ul@W*u VW MOOad qLU8tiOn iiith neg8tiq8r HOVI)*W, wh823 the lfioeB888iJlQUe8tta lxpbe the hOl88rS Oi SWh 1108lw8 who 8r eli8n8 would h8v8 no r&&t to remu the ame.