OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN. Zmorabi Burl Brtttiln county .Awdltoor,, San ?atrloio Co&y ._ slnton,. %xa* Dear Sir: id:& thei ieither afdfer, noti fuiy .other t0 h0wh wa rw i rarther ~intea out 1A hatuter, applies thm rorty t!musand a laolpsed her&with. gSeotlo6 I.- bin alty or*cko‘tikt$ ii the .Gtitd,‘ eep&itely Of jolntlt *a authorized to aoqulre land8 for ~tbe uee or the Zdted &State8 Government, eltber by a letiee for a terni of yowl or in fee dmple title; raid lands .rrhaU.lie within the lialtlr oi the o?ooty : acquiring w-08, or if aoqulred by a olty within the lidts:or~tho eouaty10 whloh eald otty ia lom+e& .. , * *iieo. 8. Pof the purpose of aoqulrlag14are- hold intereat or ii-e rinple tit18 to land8 ror the use of tbo United dtateo Gov*rahatr autharlzed above, tha oaid oitp or oounty 1~ authorized to approsmlate air a+a;lable fuado and ala0 to ifdeue tine WntrantB ln payssat thereof; provided, however, that la the *vent tfao warrant0 are propored to k lsoued the prorloionr0r mlcI0 8368-a 0r the iirvloed Cfvll swutd0, 0r tb0 ;It4t0 0r Texso lhu b4 roimed la the luuaneo of odd time warranto. %eo. S. 1101: th e purpose o r l opulring lease- hald or fro olmgle lotato la londo-for thr uoe of the United iitatoo Govffrmmat, a4 olty or Oount$ say eon- demn .lando ror luoh pocpeoe, and 8aiU oondomnatloa may +ae ror: any period or par0 or lo rec. SiaQle title, and in the aoquloitlon of rald lnteroot AeolreA, oald olty or oouaty may, lnmedlately after ria6 oondoornatlon * oult, at now provided by law, take pooaarolim ?C lald -1-o by depooltlng wit&the County %lerk+ho aitount or aoaoy .eotl.mtoA Wthe Comaioolonerr~oourt & City Couaoll OS ,tho olty or oouaty InvolveA, to be the just ooqwnrcrtlfx8 r0r the laterert ia t&&land tatua. Raid pet:tloa ror ooi&+aaalon ohail oet forth the ‘w~\int ot raid- moqey- 80 round by the CosmloJoaerr~ Co&t or City Copnoll, $0 be uot,, and ouoh fiaali8g LhaU bo ubr by ulb boUy pr or to thi rllidg or the ‘.petltloa Or OOAdORAE&iOA . IA th eltrnt the, Speo%al Cdadeaionera appolnte& under ‘the 0onAonumtlon otztuteo, srter a hsar- lag ao pmvlded by,law, SInA the Just ooapenoation to be grrater t&an the ai?rouat fixed by the Cozwloelcnero* Court or City Counoll, then an addition81 mount ahall be depoolted rlth the C,ounty Clerk. by the taking au- thority, lo ~b .to equal the eaOant found, by tho Comlo- rloaero. be in the nelw 0r the oity or oowtj aad odd city ox oouuty may at any time arter the .%a&@& nhloh a&ail k .irar the’ date the depoalt or tho. nay l8tlmatod by tbo CoPrmlosloaero~ Court or City Coud7 1, or’the date or Aepoeit or the amount rimA by the beolbl hnai~eloa~r~ in the event .tha t&gag ir not deoired until.Jker ,the Comdooioaerr have moteA threO& transfer tho latenrt aoquired by the taking to the Unite& *totea ,oOvsmmeat. sea. 4. -ny aity or o.otmty ray oontraot dth the United i;ta.te*Government or it0 qeneieo oUlgatin8 ltcralf to 8oqulre e~le~oo-h&d Sntereot, or ree oimple title In hnd aa above authorlaed and shy agreo;Jsnt heretofore executed by uoy city cc county dth the i;nitrd &at00 6Q?erowit binding itedlf to acquire io- tmmt ia 1-A fcr the Corermeat lo hsrri#y validated. ., Wee, 8. ff aay motion, rub-oeotlon, oenteaoee elause or phrare of thlr Act shall be held uaoonetltutlonal for any roanon, ruoh faot rhall not aiisot tha resAnin@ portions hereoi .* IA our opinlOa Son PatriOiO COUnty lo l Uth Or 2ur d, under this artlole, to lefkre land rr0a 8~ fAdiVidUtBlt0 be ured as an airpost by the loavy durlly its tralalug pro@ru. JDSliiP boo 1.