DocketNumber: O-5329
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
HonorableD. C. Grew State HighwayEngineer Texas HighwayDepartment Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Greerr OpinionNo. O-5329 Res DeparhnentalAppropriationBill of 1943. From what fund shall legisla- tive appropriationfor the Texas DefenseGuard Workmen’s Compensation be paid? Appropriationfor adminis- trationof Certificateof Title Act. Your letter of July 19, 1943, suhnitethe followingquestionsfor the opinionof this departmentn 1. Out of what fund is the appropriationfor administering Workmen'sCorn- pensationAct for the Texas DeEense Guard to be paid, underthe provisions of SenateBill No. 332, Acts RegularSession,48th Legislature? P 2. How much money has been appropriatedby such Bill for the administra- tion~of the Certificateof Title Division? First Questionr The rider involvedreads as follows: "There is hereby appropriatedfor each year of the Bienniumbeginning September1, 1943, and endingAugust 31, 1945, the sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000)Dollarsfor the uses and purposesof; and carryingcut the prc- -&sions of.SenataBill Ms. 135, Acts of the RegularSessionof the 48th Legislatureno salariesshall be paid from this appropriation.This ap- prooriation,however,is contingentupon such Bill, and should such Bill not Broome61law this appropriationshall be of no force or effect,and no part thereofshall be expended." Senate Bill No. 135 has alreadybecome a law. The difficulty in de- terminingfrom what fund the moneys appropriatedshallccmewises from that part of the Highwayappropriationsectionof the Departmental14ppropriation bet which reads as follows: "All revenues, fees, and grantsin aid receivedfor creditto the State HighwayFund duringthe bienniumbeginningSeptember1, 1943, together with the balanceof such funds on hand at the beginningof each year of HonorableD.C. Greer, page 2 (O-5329) the biennium,are herebyappropriatedfor the paymentof the specific appropriation hereinmade for the &ate HighnayDepartmentand the Depar-c- ment of Public Safety,and for the establishmentof a eysGf State Highmaysand the planning,construction,end ma~intenance thereofas oon- templatedand set forth in Chapter1, Title 116, and Chapter186, General Lawa of the RegularSessionof the Thirty-ninthLegislature,and amendments thereto." Wa believethat the appropriation for carryingout the provisions of Senate Rill No. 135 till come from the GeneralFund and not from the State HighwayFund for the followingreasonsr The Aot does not say that all appropriations to the State Sighway Departmentshall come cut of the State Highwayfind. but thatsuchfund is ap- propriated"for the paymentof specificappropriations heroinmade." we - believethat the tear aspeoif'io appropriations" refers only to the 164 item- ized appropriations for different-empioyees and for operatingexpensesset out in detail in the first part of the HighwayDepar+zaent sectionof the Act. If it were applicableto all appropriations, includingthe riders,therewould have been no ocoasionfor the Legislatureto have insertedtheword "specific." Such word would have been super'fluous. Tfeare stsengthenedin this interpretation by the fact that there are appendedto the 164 itemizedexpendituressix riders callingfor appropria- tions for variouspurposesand every one of these exaeptthe rider in questicn specifiesfrom d-mt fund the appropriationshall mme. Four of these set cut that the appropriations are from the State Righvspy Fond;the fifth specifies that it is from the GeneralRevenueFund. If it had been intendedthat all appropriations to the State RighwpyDepartmentwareto ccma cut of the Strte HighwayFund, the use of thesna "specificappropriations" and the specifioa- tion in four separateridersthat the appropriations were out of the State EighwayFund would have been mere surplusage. Under the rule that a statute will be construedto give effeotto all of its parts,we do not feel justified in adoptingsuch a construction. The purposeof SenateBill 135, which is to provideworkmen'sccmpen- smtionfor tho DefenseGuard, is SC remote from any duty pertainingto highways thatwe do not feel justifiedin readinginto the Appropriation Act an intention to put the ontire expenseof administering this aid to the DefenseGuard upon the State RtghwayFund. J&thoughthe Guard on oocaaionof violencefrom within or wJthout,theState would defendthe State Highways,yet such defensewould ba no differentfrom what it would render to all pncpertywithin the State, public or private. SenateBill 135, itself, carriedan appropriationof $15,000from the GeneralRavenueFund to effectuatethe Act until August 31, 1943. The fact that the Legislaturein creatingworkmen'soonpenaationfor the Defenseruard and in makin& t!,einitialappropriationdid not providethat it shouldcome from the Stats iiighxnyFund is evidence,in the absenoeof languagetothe con- trary, in the DepartmentalAppropriationBill that the funds thee&n appropriated mere to come cut of the GeneralFund. HonorableD.C. Greer, Page 3 (O-5329) Section1 of the DepartmentalAppropriationEl1 in its opening sentenceprovidesthat appropriationsthereinmade are to come out of the GeneralRevenueFund unless otherwisespecified. Said sentencereads as follows: "Section1. That the severalsums of money herein specifiedor 80 much thereofas may be necessary,are hereby appropriatedout of the moneys in' the State Treasury,not otherwiseappropriatedin the General RevenueFund or SpatialFunds as may be shown,for the supportand maintanceof the severaldepartmentsand agenciesof the State Government,for the M-year periodbeginningSeptember1, 1943, and ending August 31, 1945." SecondQuestion: The ridersappendedto the appropriation for the State Highway Department,made by Senate Bill No. 332, includethe following: "All revenues,fees, and grants in aid receivedfor credittothe State High- say Fund during the biennimnbeginningSeptember1, 1943, togetherwith the balanceof such funds on hand at the beginningof each year of the biennium, are herebyappropriatedfor the paymentof the specificappropriations here- in made for the State HighwayDepartmentand the Departmentof Public Safety, and for the establislnnent of a systemof State highwaysend ths planning, construction, and maintenancethereofas oontemplatedand set forth in Chap- ter 1, Title 116 and Chapter166, GeneralLaws of the R gular Sessionof the Thirty-ninthLegislature,and amendmentstheretoo Fro&dad, however,that an amount not to exceedOne HundredSeventy-five Thousand ($175,000.00) Dollarsis hereby appropriatedfor the Certificateof Title Division. "Thereis herebyappropriatedunder end by virtue of House Bill No. 205, Acts of the RegularSessionof the Forty-seventh Legislature,sufficient highwayfunds to carry out the terms and provisionsof said Act, and the State HighwayDepartmentis hereby expresslyauthorizedto employ a suffi- cient nlrmberof emplo~fies necessaryto carry out the terms and provisions of said Act, but in no event shall salariesbe paid in excess of the amount paid for the same or similarpositionsin any departmentof the State Govern- ment.e B the provisionsof Section57 of the Certificateof Title Act, twenty-ffveT25$1 cents of each fifty (50$) cents collectedfrom an appli- cant for a CertificateofTitle, or re-issuancethereof,isto be foraardedto theHighway Ds$artmentfor depositto the State HighwayFund, and from such fees.the Department,under the provisionsof said Section,is entitledto use sufficientmoney to pay all expensesneoessaryto efficientlyadminister and performthe dutiesrequiredby the Certificateof Title Law. The effect of this Sectionis to requirethe establishment of a specialaccountwithin the State HighwayFund. The fees providedare depos- ited to the creditof this speoialaccountwithin the HighwayFund, and are dedicatedto the paymentof the expensesnecessaryto efficientlyadminister HonorableD. C. Greer, Page 4 (O-5329) the Certifioatsof Title Law. The State Highwayfind properis a specialfund within the State treasurywhich derivesits revenuesfrommotor vehicle registrationfees and gasolinetaxes, and is by law set aside specificallyfor the oonstruoticn and maintenanoaof a system of Stats highways. Vernon'sRevisadCivil Stat- utes, Article 6674,Article 6674q-5,Article 6694. The #l75,000.00appropri- ation is phrasedin terms of its proviso. A provisois oonstivedin oonnec- tion with the sectionor alausewith which it forms a part, Its office or fun6ticnis to limit or restrictthe meaning of that which has gone before. It is to be given effect,if possibla,accordingto the clearmeaning of the languageused. TidewaterOil Co. v0 Sean, (Civ,Apps.) 148 S.W. (2) 184. The sectionof the rider to which the $lT5,000~JCappropriation is appendedappropriatesall mvenues, fees and grantsin aid receivedfor creditto the State HighwayFund, togetherwith the balanceon hand in the fund, to purposeswhioh do not inoludethe expenditureof suoh moncym for the operationof the Certificateof Title Act. The lsnguageof the #175,000.00 appropriation beginswith the words "Provided,however,. . ." indioating clearlythe legislativeintent to imposea limitationor restrictionupon that which it had dons in the sentencepreceding. The provisois tc be oonstrued as limitingthe authoritypreviouslyoonferredby the apFopriation of the whole HighwayPund, by providingthat #175,000.00of such fund shouldbe de- voted to purposesnot includedin the appropriation made by the first sentence, to-wit,to the administration of the Certifioateof Title Act* The first sentenceof this paragraphof the rider can have the legal effectof appropriating only that part of the HighwayFurd which is not dedicat- ed by law to purposesother than the purposesfor which the appropriation there- in made, for the reasonthat the terms of existinglaw may not be changedby an appropriationbill. State V~ Steele,57 Tex. 203
; Lindenv. Pinley,92 Tax. 454; Conleyv. Daughtersof the Republio,151 S. Ir.883; Opinionsof the Attorney General,1916-18,p. 119) 1928-30,p. 209, Letter Book 60, p0 24; 1934-46,p. 46; OpinionNO. O-2573. The appropriation in the first sentenaecan not be made out of that part of the HighwayPund which is composedof fees depositedtherein, under the terms of Section67 of the Certificateof Title Act, for such fees ly such Section,though depositedin the HighwayFund,arc dedicatedby that Sec- tion to the paymentof expensesof administration of the Certificateof Title Act. Porthe same reason,though the Legislatureby the provisoindicated clearlyan intentto subjectthe entire HighwayFund to the paymentof the #l76,000.00appropriatedto the Cerbifioateof Title Division,since that portion of~thefund not composedof fees colleotedunder Section57 of the Certificateof TitleAct oan not by the appropriation bill bs devotedto the purposeof adminis- tering the Csrtifioateof Title law, the provisois valid only to appropriatethe #175,000.00from that part of the Hi~hvayFund composedof fees collectedunder Sectuon57 of the Certificateof Title Act. The resultis that we have two appropriationsfor the Certificateof Title DivisionPrQn Certificateof Title fees in the HighmayFunds Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 5 (O-532.9) 1. The provisolimitingthe appropriation to $175,000,00. 2. The paragraphfollowingthe proviso,which authorizesexpenditureof suf- ficientCertifioateof Title fees out of the HighwayFund to administerthe Aot. Since there is a direot conflictbetweenthese two provisions, which can not be resolvedby the applioationof any other rule of statutory construction, we must apply the rule that in case of conflictbetweenpro- visions of the same enactment,the provisionlast in point of positionin the Act controls,on the theorythat it is the latestexpressionof the leg- islativewill. Stevensv, State,159 S.W. 505
. ?Ws the provisois super- seded by the paragraphsucceedingit. It has been suggestedthat the fonflictis to be resolvedby re- gardingthe,provisoas an appropriation from the GeneralFund. To this we can not agree. It is not the provinceof constructionto vsry the meaning of unambiguouslanguagein order to avoid conflictbetweenportionsof the law. This is legislation-- not interpretation. Duringthe presentfiscalbienniumthe Legislaturehas appropriated for the administration of the Certificateof Title law all fees collectedand depositedunder Section57 thereof. Duringthe fisoalyear 1941-1942,such receiptsamountto $342,181.75;the expendituresfor the same period,$185,765.15, Down through July 1, 1943, the reaeiptsfor the fiscalyear 1942-1943were h53.617.75; the expenditures, #87,544.47. The balancecurrentlyon hand in the Certificateof Title fee accountis approximately $270,000.00. It is a matter of commonknowledgethat the heaviestburdeninvolvedin the administration of the Certificateof Title law -- the originalregistrationof titleson all nuto- mobiles in this State -- has bean practicallydischarged, andthat the wrk is now settlingdown to that involvedin the routinetransferof titles, Since the burden of work in the administration of the Act will be much less than that involvedin the first years followingits enactment,it is unreasonableto im- pute to the Legislaturean intent to appropriate$175,000e00in additionto all fees collectedand depositedunder Section57 of the Act. J"&ansmr your first questionthat the $50,000.00appropriatedfor administeringSenate Bill No* 135, Acts of the 48th Legislature,RegularSession, is an appropriation from the GeneralRevenueFund. We answeryour secondquestionthat there is appropriatedby Senate Bill 332, for the ensuing'biennia,for the administration of the Certificateof Title Act all fees collectedunder Section57 thesof,that this is the only appro- priationmade for the administration of the Certificateof Title Law. APPROVEDAUG 5, 1943 Very truly yours ````~Is``~S ATTORNEYGENh'RAL OFT- 4TTORNEYGENERAL RW-MR$egw By /s/ R.W. Fairchild R.W. Fairchild Assistant