64:s OFFICEOFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN iionorabls mdney LdJmn stxrotary of state .&uets.n , 1 cxas DOarU'.~atkauil Your statement quoet for an opinien by t11sirov%rnor for his 0 Le@alature cui3ourn- m%uav0lnor tileI HE an slay 17, 194s. noted that the bill was 8-t to n the ls~t ten days of the Sfms- Iain the class of billa upon Ilk%&twmty af&ys Rftar fins1 ti&xmment of ~tI.10 Seeelan to act under i;ection 14 of Mticlc 4 af the Const~tuticm~ but the bill was felodl in this office bM%re the mp,iration nT t&s twexltp cIi3y period. The tlnswer is, Senate 13111293 becam tXPfeet- ive hay 17, 1943, upon the filing by the (iwernor oi t&e Aii.11 in the office of the Seoretary of State vith- out ilLssipatklre. The reMOR for tiis oIISiV@r IS l;hRtthe tKf?nty days alloworftu the mvernor under the ciroumstano~ stated by you 1Pithin which to file the Uill uith his ob- jeationa or apprwal are days of gram or privilege of tima within 8h.isl1 .U wy exerotee his dla0reUon of exeoutivc ~pyroval or tisapproval. uilan,bowevQC, won thou& short of tlmt period he has esoraised tileparogativo, iiehas fully tunctioned,the matter La out of U.6 control, and the MU becomes ePf%ctlve a0cording to its tams as though ha had neglected to exercise the privilegeof the full twenty days allowsd him. our recent oylnion so. o-l&Ho 18 analogous'in prinaiple, though not identical ln substmoe, and ve tu-e hamUng you hweu$t.h a aopy of that opinion. Very truly youre, OS-Wl enoloeure