757 OFFICE OF THE A’IIORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QauDGhlAW4 -IMIL Honorable E. 0. Ganep County Auditor Bexar Oounty San Antonio, Texas Dear Sirr nte have aeased n the Uistribu- us oommouities? equestlng the opin- ion or this depart ted above reads in part as follower operating with the for quite some ution of surplus em- time Bexar County has 1 Fund oi tha Gounty store these surplus oommodi- e with Artlole 23723-2, Vernon's ‘On Maroh 1st the agenoies of the State and Federal Governments withdrew their support and oeaaed to partlolpate in the distribution of sur- plus oommoditles. However, on h&oh 9th. 1943, the Commissioners’ Court by Court Order aooepted from thg State Pub110 Health Department approxi- mately sixty days supply of surplus commoditlos I .~ 758‘ - Honorable E. 0. Garvey, Page 2 to be used for relief purposes only. On Haroh 13th the Commissioners’ Court by Court Order tUrned these surplus oommodltles over to the Aasoolated Charities for distribution to needy families of Bexar County, the Asaoolated Chari- ties bearing the expense of the distribution of these oommodlties. “Under the oondltions above stated, oan Bexar County legally disburse funds from the General Fund of the County to pay rent for a warehouse to store surplus oommodltlea, slnoe the State and yederal Governments have Oeased to partlolpate in the distribution of surplus commodities? “. . . .” In opinion No. O-2217 (Oonferenoe Oplnfon No. 3099) thle department held in effeot that a oounty aommlsalonere~ oourt may rent a building in whioh ,to 8tore food and olothlng furnished by the Fgderal Government for diatrlbutlon to lndl- gents, may employs ,oase workers e0 assist in determining thoee to whom aid must be ,extended, and may purohase a truok with whloh to distribute suoh oommodltles, if reasonable and neoea- sary to provide support for those parsons mentioneU in sub- division I.1 of Artlole 2351, Vernonle Annotsted Civil Statutes. This opinion further holds that the oommlsslonsrs~ oourts may rent offloe spaae for Old Age Fension investigators, the 17. P. A. and other yederal Gooernmant projeots, as suoh prOjeOte are en- gaged in the administration of relief to unemployed and needy people of the county. It is stated in the foregoing opinion, “It goes without saying that the dlsoretion residing In the Commleslonersl Courts in suoh mat- ters must be soundly exerolsed. If the reolplents of suoh relief are not so indigent as to fall wlth- la the terms of the statute, the CommlsslonersV Court would be without authority to do any of the things you lnqufre about. Assuming however, that the beneficiaries of such relief are within the statute, that a storehouse la neoessary In provid- ing them with support, that the oounty has no avall- abler space without renting the some, that the house Honorable E. 0. Garvey, Page 3 rented Is OS afza and looation ooomensurate with the need and the rent reasonable, your first ques- tion is answered in the affirmative. . . .* The question referred to in the quoted matter above 13 aa followsr . %ay the Comaiesioners* Court legally lease a building to be ulsed as a warshouse to store surplus ooamodities, auoh as foods and olothing fumi8hed by the Federal Government to be issued to the indigents of the oouaty, and pay $100.00 per month rental for said bullding?R In the faots stated in your letter it is noted that the oommlsslonerr~ oourt by oourt order turned the aurplus commodities over to the Asaoolated Charities for distribution to needy fsmillee of their oounty and that ths Assoolated Charities were to bear the expense of the distribution of these oommodltles. Ii the reoipients of suoh raliaf are so Indigent as to fall within the terns of the statute (Article 2351, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes) the oommissloners’ court would have authority to disburse funds from the general fund of the oounty to pay the rent for a warehouse to store these surplus oomaodlties. Am.uning that the beneffoiariee of suoh relief are within the statute, we reapeotfully answer the above stated question in the affirmative. Ve are tmolosing herewith a oopy of opinion No, 0.2217 (Confemnoe Opinion No. 3099) for your oonvenlenoe. Yours very truly ATTORNXY GhWERALOF TEXAS Ardell Williams Asslettit