h X-Y, Honorable Charles II.Poteet County Attorney crane county MoCamey, Texas Dear Sir; Opinion No. O-5159 Rer Whether the county treasurer is entitled to compensation for handling pay-as-you-go tax plan end related matter. Your telegraphio reqqert for opinion reads in part as follows: "IS COUNTY !WWURER AI&OWED ANY ADDITIONAL CDMPEBSATION F-ORHANDLING PAY AS YOU GO TAX PLAN UNDER FEE SYSTEM ALSO MAY TREASURBR HAVE ADDITI* O#AL HELP FOR THIS VKXX IF WNCTION BY COMMISSION- ERS COURT. . . . ", Ilefind no authority which would authorize oompensation for the oounty treasurer in the matter *nquired about and therefore anmmr your firat question in the negative. In answer to your second question, it is our opinion that under Article 3902, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, the commissioners' oourt, if it desired to do so, could authorize the appointment of additional dep uties, assistants or alerks for the county treasurer whose salaries would be in aooordanoe with the limitations of Article 3902, and in your county, a fee county, would be payable out of the fees of office of the county treasurer and could not be paid by the county. very tNly your* CTTORBEY GEBERAL OF TEXAS By e/Yin. J. Fanning '1In.J. Fanning Assistant APPROVED JUL 10, 1943 s/Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY GENEW OF TEXAS Appoved Opinion Committee By BHB Chairman