DocketNumber: O-5152
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1943
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Homrable D. 0. @reer State Hi&way Engineer Texas Highway Department AWtin, TOXW Dear Slfr as follow: w that any mneyo tax oolleotor from oertifiaate of title, es neoeerary to the e duties requlrad of It10 Aotj ehould be y Department for ate FKghway Pund~ Immediately bed tax OQlleOtQrS to remlt t any money8 regaining in their e end of the 1941 oalendar year t 0r all neoesrary oiiioe empenseia, 8, 1941, we reoeired from tax 8um or &31,660&O. In the latter part of 1041 a suit was filed by the UommN~ionerr CQtU?tOr Harrie County oonterrtingthe Stateva intereatrrin any BUUW`` remaining over aad above the expenses of administering the Title Aot by the tax Colleotor of Harris Oounty, and as a rwult Or this aotion, ,thisDepartment reoeltsd %norable D. C. Greet Pam 8 from tax Oolleotors at the end of the lQII3oalendar year the sum of only $5,526.16. This Departlapntia oow boldfng oheaks from tax oolleatora in the total oum or $27,llB.96, that has been reoeired iron tax oolleotork ln response to our dlreotlona that all aooaoyaremaining in their title tllndafter the pay- ment 0r all expensar Or ad.alniatorlngthe Aot rar laoh oalandar year be remitted to the Highway Depart- ment . It haa not bean depomlted in the State Hlghway Fund beoawe it was realized that the oourta might poaslblg determine that the State had no interest in auoh fund8 and it rould than be lmpooeible to return the fund8 to the county without the act of the Legl8lature. * Will you pleaee advise uo what di8po8ition ohould now be made of the above amntloned rundo by the HUhway Departma&LR Thi8 Department delivered SO you it8 Opinion 190. O-3561 in May 1941, to tho offoot that any baluaoe or rurplua ovar neee8wry expenditure8 out of the 88# retalned by the a88eawr and oQlleoter Of the oounty would not be oonridend roe8 or oodaaLon8 to be paid Into the Offloer#* Salary Food, or aooomted fQr aa fee8 0r QifiOO, but lhQuld be waltted to the Highway Deputmentr In the oaae’oi State ~8 Ql.888, 167 8. W. (Sa) tO6, the Oourt OS OlillAppeal8 at Oalveaton in it0 opinion aet out the itiding oi iaot and oonolu8lona 0r law Qt the trial oourt and then rendered two oeparate findingo. We qwte the 13th finding of the trial oourt a6 tollowat “19. X find that, iigUr8d upon a peroentage baair, baaed upon the number of deputies in the offloa, the' ooat of adminiateriag the Oortlricate 0r Tit18 A08 ia Ekrris Goant)requal8 o r lxoeed8 th8 SS$ retained by the AIu88Ol' and Golleotor otlt Oi the Certitioato of Title fe8srn We alao puQte iroa the same aplnlon the ~onolualona or law numbered 1 and S aa tollQw8: "1. I wnolude a8 a IWAttOrof law that 00 fntOntiOn is ahown upon the part Or the Legislature.,by the g6norable D. C. Greer Page 3 language of the aaendnmnt Or Seotion 57, 0r the CertlfiOate Or Title AOt, t0 reqUir0 the A88emQr and Colleotor o? Taxes to aooouat to the b-to Highway Department tar any aurplua whloh might remain In his hMd8 frQI?I the 2S# ice retained by him, and that it was the intention a? the Legislature that luoh ice 8lu3uldoonatitute a fee 0r of?ioe, or orriaial aoa- pensatfon, o? the A8aeaaQr and Colleotor. "3. I iurther oonolude that the sentenoe in Seo. 61 Art. 16 Qr the Stat0 CO&3titUtfQa, VO~OncO AM. St., reedln&; *AU fee8 earned by di8trlot, oounty and 'preolnot officer8 ahall be paid into the county treaaury whore earned ior the aooount Q? the proper mad*, indieatea an intention that all rOO8 0r every aharaoter oolleoted by a county otiioer oiiloially In oountiee hating a population Q? twenty thowand or more rhall baoom rOO8 0r QrfiOO, and that the ottioer i8 limited to his salary a8 oompennation, $nd any feea oolleoted by him o??lolally mu8t be paid Into the oounty dOpQ8itQry as direoted by the oonditutional provi810n.” The Court o? Civil Appeal8 on page 201 of the G&00 Opinion held that the new duties to the @ubllo generally (and not a8 Han Friday to the Highway Department only) were thus iaposod by the law making body upon the appellee only in hi8 oiifoial oapaoity a0 tax a88esaor and oolleotor o? Earri8 County and prooumably within the already exletin& oonatltutioual powers Or ouch an orrfoer. Following thl8 tinding we quote: "(lo) This oonclu8lon detortinea the merita ot the Highway Depurtment*O appeal, beoauae, under it, that appellant had no interest in the fund here involved; aooordingly, it is not deemed neoesaary to at length pa80 UpQa it.8 other contention agin8t the 8UffiOienQy 0r the erideme to euetaln the oourt*~8ifnding that the ooat o? administerin@ the Aot to the appellae equaled QC oxoeeded the 2S$ lee 80 retained by him. 0 *~woweverl no hOk Or OUDpO~ rOl: VU&t ri&kd`` on tb iaota 18 ~ereeivod--it appearbaa to bore beon at lea& l perrlaaible lnfennoo iron all the taota and oiroumatanooa in e~ldenea. a The appealed-from Jadumn8 wtll be In al1 other reapeeta affirrd, but l8 to it0 allowaaoe o f ltOo r na y*a r o e8 to tho lppelbe It rlU be revaraed, an6 tbe ertire oattao an to attorney'r Seer will ba here rendered ldvezaely to Elm. *Afiirsed in part, reveraed rml nndered in part.* i ,’ . ft will 8e aeon from a uraful madin of the Olaaa Caae tbatZha Court of Civil Appeal8 hrld two thin&a, that is, tlrrt, that the Rlghway Departmenthad u? iakreat in the toad beeauae Sk tax ColUater and Aaaeoau be aot it@ agant bat was rreth::lii ooaiormenae to hi8 duty u a publio offlei~l and She aneya eolleoted were Seer or oifloa an6 it war sot ne6eaauy to poaa at len((thupon any other emtantien~ and 880ond, there waa no lack ot wpport for auah riadla(l Oi iaota peroolve6 la the rooord, it ap~#ulngi to have been at lm8t a permlaalble fnrereaoe 0s all the raOt8 an4 ofrcunuturooa in nidaaoa. ltoa thla 4ari~alon cr Dim Court of cltsl AjBpoaU, tha State or ruaa made lppllaatloa ror writ of error to &ho supreme Coptt aad ralasd tlm point that the iindtng t&it the o o a Eaor ldp r la i*tuthe aot fn Barrio County qtia or lsoeoda the L&I rotaYna d bf the CoUeotor aid OS luoh Seoa aa oonatrued by tba Court of Clvll ippmla wa8 unoorta\ln to the e%tem aa to afford no 1e8al support to r luoh eonelualon of law aad jobgment breed thueoa. In the applloatioa. the other pelnt cri error a0 to tbr eomtruotioa 8eatIon 5B ot the Certlrloata of TlOle kot was al- ratred. ma ~upruao Uuwt rreruud the welt or error fos we 0r rurit. ikale 40$ of tire &ha of 01111 Proeddwo prwldoa that ia au W&W0 th0 $&IOOnt W8Q8 Of t&O COwt Of civil 18 a oorreot one Wt the L;tUpreae icppeelrr Ceuti la net oatdefied that thouoginloa of the Gourt of Clrfl Artper la aU raapea0a hrr eorreetly de&wed the bw, It will retaam Ronwablo R. C. Grow .YwJ45 th; a~&l8Otion with the t¶OOkOC not&ion; "hfu80d lot tant of Merit .* The JURr@E@ court has no 5uriwuotian PO to the faote of the oaae, when there ia a dl8pute. Riohardaon va Liberty Iadep6mWt 3abol Dirtriot 39 6. w. (zd) am. xt do88 not roiiw the th8 crupru~ c0e 18 0Ot0f ooncr8moA with the iaot 188~08. The saprem court detaria88 VhOther thaw8 18 a lOgel 8aifioi8noy to #upport u fi~luiry. YH Ga1v.*ton H. & ti. A. BY. co. V8 nrrrioca Greowf co. 36 6. b. I %d) 905, US 3. 6. (64) 6@3, afflrting 1s if. a. 61~4 983, In that oaai3 It wee held; *A8 wo oOn8tPUo tho oplnlon Of DhO Court of civil @pcLL8, that oourt do08 uot Wort8k8 to rub8tltuto ltr rlndingr of feet ior W findingi ef thr trial court, but aordp oonetruad tbo log81 lfr00t Of t.hq evibao~, oon8l6er.d ae a rholo, an4 hold, a8 a arttai o fla v, th a the t ma r f c o . *a athe lgw&t OS the R*ilwy co. ad not ltbble for the #hlpPrtitor ~048 brrtro+ by rir0, on6 theroiorc,revorwl ma6 rendarod the 08~80. Thir ruling five8 the iiu~mmr, Court the parr to mvi8v th alvia o nea .~ fn the aale of zuith VI AtOht8On T. & 8. 1. B Iw8 9. t. 690, tbo ctap3rmaCourt he16 that the Cart of CiviE @pealm having mdo Ciudlnm of hot that dofoet rroovarf, it wa8 nooerury that the oras@ bo rowid& for another trial. Tha Cortltio*to of Title aot of MSQ, doftm$ the torna V0parta8nta urd adaiat~tratlonan6l rnror00- plaood th8 was or the Irw isa the Ropartm8nt of Publio mfetr mB pro- ridod its riehtr and dutlm in reapoat thareto~ P ad ruthorised thr 8ai4 d*partmwit to p~OWib0 llW888*y ;tOX%uD and CO IS&a rulea neoerrary to etfeotuato the law; al promorib& tho dutle8 of the deaigoatod a&a&8. Hmn this law wan aaandod by t&e lQ4i h618lrrture, the XUghay Dep8rtmmt oi 'Paa toak over the function8 of the IIopwtmnt of Public i%afetf, but th. pro- vi8lon8 In the oti&wl ii6twith roZca-es to the laatterra above numt~iouod wra not obwigrd. Bonorrble D. C. Creer Pa$e 6 In vlaw or Huh of Froaaduro 80. 485, tbo rerusal 0f the nit of error ror want 0r eRrit is oAp6bh of the OOD- etruction that tha ame Was refuesd bOOaU88 the judgannt upon thO faot ieaua at arproditure of SUOh auas by the oolleotor WI)8 OonaluSiVI, and that the Court WaS not 8AtiSfi.d with tho Court ot Civil dippeAl hoMing on the amttsr of aganoy of the Coll8otor. The order srrdeby tbr Oluproaa Court is ll80 sapablo of thO oon8~truOtloathat the writ wan rorurrd booau8e tha oourt wee 8etiSfie0 with tho Court of Civil r``8818 holding on thO qua8tion of agenoy and that it we-8ROt 8at~8fie6 with raIsranO0 to tbo JUd$meMi Upon tha iPOt i#sUO Of OXpOQAitUrO Of SUOh SW by the 00118AtOr in the 4dAilIiStrAtii.AOr the Act AS b8iw OOA- cluBlra. In tho li@ht Of Vhat WS hRV0 raid, the QUOStfOB Of ttAa ~t6t8'8 lateroUt in be&llOoS, attat hOal lX~nditU?O# ha10 boon pAI, 3&S not bwn dofinitely drteEmiB#d by tho &l&UOU COtart,mb thr dOO181On O? th. OOUm Of civil &QOe18 68 to ruoh aattare lb0uld not h aoaaptad (LS tha law gororniag thO aammr to your lnwtlr~. til fund8 bO&n6in$ to the Bi@weJ DepRTtMOnt er8 dOpOSi&Od vlth tha Stat0 ~ea#UrOr t0 tbo OrOdit Of a SpOOi81 fr&fd&eRi(ClutOd au the bitat Hi&Way ?uOd and paid 6Pt lo OOtb - * to Ar tic le 64 9 4 . Tbr 6bOVO h&St n8-d StatUtO aad UtiOl.8 6678 t0 6694 iIl81PSiV0, Of the Stf&tUt88 mko it ap&uWOnt thet, subj.& to oontrol by the ~&iSlAttlFO, th# Stat0 Bi&WR~ Dapartmmt i8 glvon the supenlsion of the tit&toIii&way Fun4 and 8nl lxpcm- dituror thsreot 618 Was held lI2the QaSO Of Bobbin8 V. lho- StOR8 cOUlltJ,da.~. 916. Th8 Stats Troaeury lr the AO~oeltor~ of ttm fuads. TexAs Co. v. kiohrlewer,38 3. 3..ha. 141‘ error refused. It 16 our opiaion that the chOOk8 mrutlonod by yea #ho&d be turned over to the &At8 '&OeSWOr. YOU8 very truly,