DocketNumber: C-221
Judges: Waggoner Carr
Filed Date: 7/2/1964
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
-- . Honorable Byron Tunnel1 Speaker ‘. House of Representatives Austin, Texan Re: Compensation of a Member of the House of Repreeent- atlves who Is also employed Dear Mr. Tunnell: by the Toledo Bend ProJect. Your request for an opinion reads ae followe: “I request that you advise me whether or hot I can legally authorize expenditure6 of monies to and for a member of the Houae of Representatives under the facts eet out. “The Honorable Sam F. Colllne ‘of Newton, Texas, Representative, Dletrlct 7, conelstl~ of Jasper, Newton, Tyler cind Sabine Counties, was employed by the Toledo Bend Project effec- tive day 31, 1963. At that time, In an abun- dance of caution, Repreeentatlve Collins request- ed that he be taken off the monthly House of Representative8 Member’s payroll and since which time he has not’ received his monthly compensation. . “I reiuest that you advlee me: “1 . Doea Representative Coll#iet employment preclude him from receiving the Coneti- tutlonal salary of ‘a member of the House, of Rtpresentativee? “2. If your.anew& to &eetlon no. 1 is In the negative; can Representative‘ Collins now be paid for the montha he haa not re- ceived such’ealary and if 80; .can he be p&Id In a lump sum? "3. If your answer to que.stion’ no. 1 ie In the arflrmatlve, does Representative .. -1065- Hon. E!yron Tunnell, page 2 (C221) Colllne~.employment preclude him from using Houee Contingent Expense funds during the ‘Interim? “4. Representative Collins Is also a mem- ber of the Texas Leglelatlve Council. Ii your anewer to quaetlon no.’ 1 ia In the affirmative, can Repreeentatlve Colllne be relmbure,ed within the Statu- torypmount for expeneee’ Incurred in cons&tlon with hi8 Councll~actlvltlee?” Representative Colllne was employed a8 a Project Super- visor and hle dutiee conslet o? the gqneral eupervlelon of the Toledo Bend Project. .The Toledo Bend Project Is a joint effort of the Sablne Rlver Authority of Texae and the Sablne River Au- thority, State of Loulelanar~ for the building and operation of a damand reeervolr project on the Sablne~ River at Toledo Bend. This joint effort’ie pursuant to an agreement entered Into by the Sablne River Authority of Texas and the Sablne River Authority, State-of Louisiana on the 6th day of July, 1961, and supplemental agreement entered Into on the 5th day of April, 1962. The Sablne River Authority of Texas le “a governmental agency o’f the State of Texas, a body politic and corporate, vested with all authority as such under the C.onetltutlon and.lawe of the State” created by the provlelone of Article 8280-133, Vernon18 Civil Statutes. Therefore, under the facts eubmltted~by you , Representative Collins Is an em- ‘ployee of an agency of the State. Section 40 OS Article XVI of the Conetltutlon of Texas pro- vides: “No person shall hold or exercise, at the same time, more than one Civil Office of emolument, ex- cept . . .‘I (Exceptions not applicable). Sectlon 33 of~'Artfcle XVI'o‘r the Coi&t’~tikldn’ O? Texas pro- vides: “The Accounting Officers of this State shall neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the”Treasury in favdr of any p&eon for salary or compensation as agent, officer or appointee , who holds at the same tlmi any other office or position or honor’, tNst or profit, under this. State of the United States, except as prescribed in this Constitution. :. . .I’ (Exceptlone not applicable). In Attorney @eneralle Opinion V-308’(1947), It was held that although a Member of the Leglslature’may accept employment’ae -1066- Hon. &von Bunnell, page 3 (C-221) Executive Secretary of the Board of Regents of the Texas State Teachers Colleges, the Comptroller,would not be atithorlzed to Issue a warrant In payment of compe~eatlon. In discussing the dlfference.between an officer and an employee, it was pointed * out In this opinion: 11 . . . An !offlcer’ exercises some govern- me,ntal funct&n; he la Snveeted with some pbrtlon of the sovereignty. A public office Is a right, au- thority and duty created and conferred by law, the tenure of which Is not transient, occasional, or ln- cldental. Among the usual criteria given for deter- mining whether an employment Is a publlc office or not, are’the requirements of an offlclal oath and bond; that the powers are granted and conferred by law and not by‘ contract. The ‘officer’ Is -generally answer- able for misfeasance In office,, and Is responsible for the acts of his ‘employees.’ Eimployment, on the other hand, Is established-by contract. It Involved per- forming such duties as are prescribed by .the employ- ing agent. The ‘employee’ Is often subject to dls- charge at the will of the ‘offleer’ to whom he Is reeDonsible. These matters are full-v discussed In Loard v.w, -~ 137 S.W. (2cl.880, w&t refused; Knox ~S$.ii41 S.W. (2d) 698 , writ refused; Meek, ?icere, Ch. i; 42 Am.Jur.,Fubllc~Offlcere, Sec- tlons 2-16: 14 Tex.Jur.. kQbllc Of'flcers. Sections 2- 4; and In Gotatlons53 A.L.R. 595
,93 A.L.R. 333
.140 A.L.R. 1076
." In Attorney Oeneral’e Opinion R-972 (1947), it was held that a legislator could not receive pay as a’Member of the Legislature If such person was the executive secretary of a county retirement system, holding that, while such position does not constitute an Office within the meaning of Section 40 of Article XVI of the Con- stitution of Texas, such position Is one of,honor, trust or profit under this State, within the meaning of Section 33 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas. A similar conclusion was reached .ln Attorney Oeneralte Opinion O-6578 (1945) lhvolvlng membershlp In the House of Represenatlves and at the same time, employment with a River Authority. Therefore, It Is our opinion that under the facts eubmltted in your request, Repreeentatlve Colllne~ position with the Toledo Bend Project Is not an office within the meaning of Sec- tion 40 of Artltile'i(VI of the Constitution of Texas; rather, his position is that of an employee. While such poeltlon does not constitute an office, It IS one of honor, trust or profit under this State. The position carries with It em~lumenteof employment. !lhe Toledo Rend Prod- ect calls for an expenditure of large sums of public monies. -1067- Hon. Byron Tunnell, p&e 4 (C-221) . i You are therefore advised that; uhder the faote bubmlt- ted, -RepFeeentative’ Colli’rib’ employment preoluiltij him, ~whlle so emfilioged, Trti receiving his salary as a Member of the House o? Repreeentativi%3. In vlen sf.our’anewer to’gotir question no. 1, It Is not necessary to answer, question no. 2. ” In answer to question no. ,3; it. ta’ not&d that.Sdction 33 of ArtioU ‘XvIjof ,the Constitution of Texas is etrlotl~ limited to a’warrkht Upon the Treasury in favor of.any peraon ‘for sale;- ry br’oimp&ieatlon as agent, offloer.or appointee” And therefore doe¬ apply to~the’laeuanoe~of warranter for the payment of ex- penses to which such person would otherwise be ent1tU.d.. mere- fore, .you-.&re advised that ,Representatlve Collins’ einployment dde’e~liot preclude he from using House contingent expense funds during the Interin: In answer to your fourth question, you are likewise advie- ed that Representative Collins may be reimbursed within the atatw- tOry amount for expense8 Incurred In connection with his actlvl- ties as a member of the Texas Legislative Council. SUMMARY Although a Member of the Legislature la ell lble to accept an employment (Project Supervisor 7 on the Toledo Bend Project, a joint effort of the Sablne River Authority of Texas and the Sablne River Au- ’ thoritg, &ate of.Loulslana, he Is not eligible, while 40 employed, to receive his salary as a Member of the Legislature, In view of the provisions of Sedtlon 33 of Article XVI of~the Conatltutlon of Teliaa . Such prohibition, however, does not pre- clude.hlm from receiving reimbursementfor expenses as a Member of the Legislature or as a member of the Texas LegleZatlve Council. Yours very truly, WAQGORER CARR Attorney General John Reeves~ JR:ms -1068- - _ - -- . *’ Hon. Byron Bunnell,page 5 (C-221) APPROVED; OPINIONCoMMI'ITgE W. V. QepPert,Chalrmfq Lloyd -in J. S. Bra&ewe11 HaloolmL. Qlok APPROVgDFaRkATX4U4EYOBtlBRAL BYi HowardW. Maps -1069-