DocketNumber: O-6751
Judges: Grover Sellers
Filed Date: 7/2/1945
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THEATKTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS HonbPabl& W. A; Davis, State Registrar Texas State Bb&d of Health Austin 2, Texas . Dear Sir: Opinion No. 0-6751"' Re: Questions relative to operatloti under provisions of House Bill No. $15, enacted bg the 49th" Legislature as an amendmeht to subdivision 25 of Rule 47a of Article 4477, V.A.C.S. We are in receipt of your recent request for an oplnlofi of' this d,epartment on the above subject. Your ques- tions are as follows: "(1) Does this act (House Bill No. 415) apply to the County Clerk? If not, is the County CleFk authorized by law to issue such copies without a court order? "(2) Should the request for such a copy be submitted as a formal petitIon to the court? If so, what fees should be collected in connection wlth~ the consideration of the petition and the issuance of the order? “(3) May such a request be considered and order issued by a court not In sesslon? "(4) Does the term Ia court of competent jur- isdiction' Include the District Court? “(5) Does 'a court of competent jurisdiction1 have authority to issue an order applying to a certificate from a county other than that in which the court is located? “(6) May an llleg~timate person, his guardian, or his legal representative secure such a copy with- out a court order? his ~,7~al~y any other person than an Illegitimatti, , or legal representative secure such a copy? Honorable W.A. Davis - page 2 o-6751 "(8) What procedure must the mother of an illegl- timate adopt in order to secure a copy of her child’s birth certificate?” The pertinent part ‘of the statute involved, before Its recent amendment, appeared as follows: Art. 4477, V.A.C.S.T. “(25)ana provided that the name --P.-fa her or any of the * - Fnformatlon by whtch he might be identified, shall not beg written into the birth or death certificate of any illegitimate child, and provided further, that any statem’ent the father bf hn llltigitimate child wishes to make as to its parent- age, -Y, when placed in the form of an Fifflaavit, be attached to the original birth record. Neither the State Registrar nor any local Registrar shall issue a certified copy of any birth or death certi- ficate wherein a child OP an adult is stated to be Fllegitlmate, unless such certFfied copy is ordered by a court of competent jurisalction.” The 49th Legislature amended said subalvision (25) of Rule 47a of Article 4477,V.A.C.S,T,, supra
, by the enactment of House Bill No. 415 (on page 618, 1945, Vernon’s Texas Ses- sion Law ServLce) which became effective as a law June 18, 1945, the provisions‘of same being as follows: “Chapter 354 “H.B. No. 415 “An act to amend Section 3 of Chapter 4, Acts of the First Called Sessfon, Forty-first Legis- lature, 1929, (suba,ivision 25 of Rule 47a’ of Article 4477, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes) so as to give a Court of competent jurisdiction and the county court in the county where the birth or death occurred authority to order the County Clerk and the State Registrar to issue a certified copy of any birth or death certlfi- cate wherein a child or adult is stated to be illegitimate, and authorizing the County Clerk to deliver, at the request of said illegitimate person or of their guardian or legal representa- tive, a certifi,ed copy of such certificate; and declaring an emergency e “BE IT ENACTm BY !tHE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TXKAS“. Honorable W. A. Davis, page 3 o-6751 ('Section 1. That Section 3 of Chapter 4, Acts of the First Called Session, Forty-first Legislature, 1929, (subalvi9lon 25 of Rule 47a of Article 4477, Vernon's Annotated CiVll Statut'es) be and the same is hereby amended so as to hereafter read as follows: "SectIon 3. That Section 14 df Chapter 41 of the Acts of the Fortieth Legislature; passed at its~'First Called Session, be, and the same is here- by amended by Bdding'thereto SubdIvision 25, which subdivision shall read as follows: “I(25) And provided that the name of the father, or"any information by which he might be laentlfied, shall not be written into the birth OP death certi- ficate of any illegitimate child; and. proviaed;~ further, that any statement thst the father of an Lllegltimate child. wishes to make as to its parent- age, may, when placed fn the form of an affidavit, be attached to the original birth record. Neither the State Registrar nor any local Registrar shall issue a certified copy of any birth or death certificate, wherein a child or an adult Is stated to be illegi- tlmate, unless such certified copy Is ordered by the County Court in the county In which said child was born or died., or by a Court of competent juris- diction, or by s&M lllegI.tlmate person or the guardian or legal representative thereof.' "Sec. 2. The fact that there is confusion as to whether the County Court would have authority to enter an order authorizing the County Clerk or State Registrar to issue certified copies of birth or'aeath certificates of illegltlmate persons, and the fact that said Illegitimate person cannot get a certifi- cate of its birth upon request, nor can a certificate of death be obtained except upon order of the Court, create an emergency and an imperative public necessity that the Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read bn three several days in each House be suspended, and. said Rule is hereby .suspendecI, and this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, and it Is so enacted." For reasons hereinafter stated, the only effect of the above amendment is to authorize the County Court in the county in which the illegitimate child was born or died to order the issuance'of certified copies of birth or death certificates wherein a person is stated to be lllegltlmate, and to prohlblt the issuance of same by the State Registrar without such order. . Honorable W. A. Davis, page 4 O-6751 Under the old law (subaivislon 25 of Rule 47a of Art. 4477) wherein Mzthority to order the issuance of instruments of this nature w&3 given only to a "court of competent jurisdlctibn", this department held In Opinion No. O,-5103to the effect that the district courts had such jurisdiction under and by vii+ue of S@ction 8 of Art. 5 of the Constitution of Texas In that the action involved was one for which jurisdiction is nbt prbvlaed by law. Alsb, ln otir Opinion No. 5103-A it was held that a County Court was"not a court of competent jurisaictlon within the meaning of said statute. Now, since the enactment of the above amendment the County Court ln'the county fn whlcb the illegitimate 'person was born or died has exclusive orIgIna jurltiaiction of'an action to procure the birth or death cer- tificate of such illegitimate person and as jurlsd-ictron is now'provided by law, the district court no longer is a "court of competent jurisdiction" in respect to original jurisdlc- tion. See Opinion No. O-6783, a copy of which has been fur- nished you. Sald House Bill No.415, supra
, is defective insofar as same by Its title attempts to give the County Clerk author- ity, under circumstances thereln set out, to issue such birth or death certificates, for the reason that no mention Is mad@ ih the body of the bill of the County ClePk. However, the fact that the title of said bill Is broader than the body does not render the bill void as to the provislons contained therein which were also contained In the title. See 39 Tex. Jur. 99. But we deem it unnecessary that any such authority be given the County Clerk to Issue certifies copies of any record con- talned in his office as the County Clerk has had such author- Fty since the creation of his office, given by general law. We believe this view is amply sustained by our Opiniotis Nos. o-1386 ana O-3775. The title of said House Bill 415 also states among other things that such bill Is to give the' county court authority to order the State Registrar ?.o issue a certified copy of any birth or death certificate wherein a child or adult is stated to be illegitimate", but does not Include any authority for the State Registrar without acourt order to issue such certified copies at the request of the illegitimate person or his guardian or legal representative, It follows then that the provision in the body of said Bill purporting to give said State Registrar power to issue such certified copies wlthout a court order at the request of the illegitimate person or his guardian or legal representative Is Invalid and of no force end effect, It also follows that the provision in the body of such Bill purporting to give "any local Registrar" such authority Is also Invalid as same is not contained in the title of said Bill. 39 Tex. Jur. 100-101. Honorable W. A. Davis - page 5 o-6751 Therefore, each of the following paragraphs answer the correspondingly numbered questions submitted by you. (1) Said House Bill No. 415 confers no power on the County Clerk, neither does it restrict him in'any way from issuing certified copies of records contained in his office. (2) The filing of a petition Is the general way in which an action for judgment i.s commenced in the County Court. See Tex. Jur. 684. We believe this the proper method to pursue when seeking to obtain said order. The same fees should be collected as pro- vided by statute for other similar civil suits filed in such court. (3) It Is a general rule that, in the absence'of some law permitting court action at another time'; all judicial proceedings should be conducted during a term while the court'is in session, There is no law permitting this action to be held In vacation by the County Court, 11 Tex. Jur. 800. (4) No, this Is fully explained herelnbefore. (5) Th ere is no court of competent jurisdiction in these matters other than the county court of the county In which the Illegitimate person in question was born or died. Such county court may direct its order to the county clerk of the county in which such illegitimate person was born or died, or to the State Registrar in Travis County, Texas, (6) No, if It is assumed you mean securing a copy of the birth or death certificate of an illegitimate person from the State Registrar. (7) Not without an order of the County Court of the county in which the illegitimate person was born or died. n order to obtain such copy from the State ReglL!iar' , she must obtain a court order as explained in our answer to question No. 2 herein, Of the opinions referred to herein, No. O-3775 was ad- dressed to you; a copy of No, O-6783 has been sent you; and we herewith enclose copies of Nos. O-1386, O-5103 and 0-5103-A. Honorable W. A. Davis - page 6 o-6751 Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TIUCAS BY Robert~'L. Lattimore, Jr., Assistant RLL:zd/jd/wc Encl. APPROVED NOV. 8, 1945 s/Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVEDOpinion Committee by BWBChairman