. - R-837 TEEATTORNEYGENERAL PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL October 17, 1947 Hon. George R. Sheppard Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas opinion Ro. v-409 Re: The ep liceblllt~ of h-t. 7 k! 0, V.C.C.P., to payment of the court reporter bj the State In 8 habeas oor- pus action, tried on a pauper’s oath Dear Sir: Your opinion request of September 30, 1947, is es follows : “ThLa department has reoeived a clrlu from an official court reporter for fees under the pro- Vlslons of Article 760, Section 6, V.C .C.r., for servioes rendered by him in making 8 narr8tlve statement of facts on e pauper’s oath. The nor- retlve statement of facts was ordered by the din- trict judge In a writ of habeas corpus rctlon, said writ was made returnable to the Court of Crim- in01 Appeals. The relator in the writ w18 convict- ed of .sfelony end given 8 penitentiary sentenoe. Are these fees properly payable under the provisions of Article 760, V.C.C.P.?'! The question presented le: Is the official court reporter, who prepares under Article 119, V.C.C.P. 8 statement of fects in e habeas corpus proceeding upon the request of the District Judge, entitled to be paid for same by the State under the terms of Arttiole76~, Vi0.C .?+? To make clear our answer to your question, we quote below the pertinent portions of the statutes. They respectively provide: . Where ?*icle the defendant in e crimlnai 760. - . Hon. George H. Sheppard - Page 2, V-409 case appeals, he is entitled to a statement of facts certified by the trial judge and sent up with the record; provided that'said statement of facts shall be in narrative form. "2 . To accompany Transcript.--The Statement of Facts in felony or misdemeanor cases shall not be copied In The Transcript of the Clerk, but when agreed to by the parties and approved by the Judge, shall be filed in duplicate with the Clerk, and the original sent up as a part of the record of the cause on appeal; and like procedure shall be followed if the Statement of Facts is prepared by the parties or by the Judge, on the failure of the parties to agree. 1, . . . “6. When defendant cannot pay--When any felony case is appealed and the defendant is not able to pay for a transcript of the testimony or give security therefor, he may make affidavit of such fact, and upon the mak- ing of such affidavit, the court shall order the official court reporter to make a narra- tive statement of facts and deliver it to such defendant. In all cases where the court Is required to and does appoint an attirney to represent the defendant in a criminal action, such reporter shall be required to furnish the attorney for said defendant, if convicted and where an appeal is prosecuted,,with a transcript of hFs notes. For each said serv- ice he shall be paid by the State of Texas, upon the certificate of the trial judge, one- half of the rate provided by law in civil cases." The above article has no bearing on this question. It S8y.T: 'Where a defendant in a criminal case a is entitled to a statement of facts, etc.". In reY%Perr nghe to a statement of facts that may be incorporated in the transcript as provided in Section 2 of said Article when a- greed to by the parties and approved by the judge, we find the following language: "lnd the original cent up as a part of the record of the cause on appeal." . . Hon. George H. Sheppard - Page 3, V-409 Thus we see that Art. 760 has reference only to a case appealed to the Court of Criminal Appeals by the defendsnt from a conviction in the trial court, and has no reference to habeas corpus proceedings wh&ch does not in- valve an appeal and is not 8 cause on appeal. Neither is the 8DDlicant in a habeas corDu8 DrOCeedinR a defendant. Therefore, we lay aside Art. 760 es Fmmaterlal Fn answering the question. We now turn to Art. 119 which is material. It reads: "After indictment found In any felony ame, and before conviction, the'wrlt aust be msde returnable Fn the county where the offense has been committed, on account of which the appllornt stands indicted. "After fin81 conviction in 82-q felony case the writ must be made returnable to the Caurt of Criminsl Appeals of Tex8s et Austin, Texas. The writ may issue upon the order of any district judge, end said judge may upon presentation to him of a petition for said writ, set the same down for a heering 8s to whether the writ should issue, 8nd ascertain the f8ct8, which facts shall be transmitted to. the Court of Criminal Appe8lS with the return of the writ If same Is issued after such hear- ing. Provided further, that should au&h writ be returned to the Court of Criminal Apperls without the fects eccompenying acme, or with- out all of the fscts deemed necessary bt the Court of Criminal Appeals, eaid court may *es- ignate and direct any district judge or judges of this state to ascertain the facts necessero By this language above underscored, it Is made mandatory upon the court reporter to prepare a narration of the facts adduced In evidence upon such hearing and Hon. George R. Sheppard - Page 4, V-409 transmit the same to the Court of Criainal Appeals within ten days of the date of such hearing. Ro compensation is fixed by law for the services thus performed by the court reporter; hence none can be p,aldby the State. We do not mean to hold that the court reporter mey not, In any event, be paid for a statement of faots in habeas corpus prodeedings if the Court of Criminal Appeals hearing the application makes an order concerning the coats aa provided In Article 162. That Article provldesz "Art. 162. costs .--The judge trying the cause under habees corpus may moko such order as is deemed right concerning the cost of bringing the defendant before him, end all other costs of the proceeding, awarding the same either against the person to whom the writ was directed, the person seeking relief, or may award Qo costs et all." Under this Article, the costs may be adjudged a- gainst the person t.owhom the writ WEISdirected, or the person seeking relief, unless such person has filed 8 pau- per's oath. But it is observed that this Article makes no provision for the awerding of costs against the State, and fees cennot be collected against the Stete unless provided for by law. A court reporter la an officer of the court. In performing the functions and duties imposed upon him by Article 119, he is merely performing 8n added duty for which no provision is mede for extra compensati.onby the State. You are therefore respectfully advised that the official court reporter is not entitled to any fees to be paid by the Stete in preparing a stetement of fects in 8 habeas corpus proceeding returnable to the Court of Criminal Appeals. SU?dMARY No provision is made by lav for the State to pay an official court reporter for preparing a stetement of fects in a habeas oorpus proceeding under Article 119 V.C.C.P. He is required to perform this service a8 an Bon. Georga H. Sheppard - P8ga 5, V-409 added official duty without’extra oompenss- tlon insofsr no the St&e is concerned. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXA3 EV+-J- 5i. L Ilar Assistant LPL/lh A?PROVRD : PIR ATT